Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

more webwork2 changes


  • Struts 2 is dependant on XWork 2 (nightly build).
  • Java 1.5 is required to build the Struts 2 distribution from source, but Java 1.4 is targeted for the binary JARs.
  • Rich text editor tag has been removed (a possible replacement would be to use the textarea tag with theme="ajax", this will used dojo's rich text editor)
    Code Block
      <s:textarea theme="ajax" />
  • Datepicker tag is now using dojo's (limited in terms functionality and internationalization)
  • foo!bar functionality is off by default (could be truned on by having struts.compatibilityMode=true in
    Code Block
      struts.compatibilityMode = true
  • prepare interceptor now uses reflection to call prepareXXX where XXX is the action method configured for the particular action in struts.xml
    Code Block
       <action name="myAction" method="execute" ....>
       // with the above configuration, and preparator interceptor in place, call
       // sequence will be 
       1] prepareExecute()
       2] prepare() (could be left out depending on interceptor's alwaysInvokePreapre parameter)
       3] execute()
  • Default workflow interceptor (named workflow in struts-default.xml) now uses reflection to call validateXXX on the action class that implements Validateable interface where XXX is the action method configured for the particular action in struts.xml
    Code Block
        <action name="myAction" method="execute" ...>
        // with the above configuration, and workflow interceptor in place, call
        // sequence for action that imlpements Validateable interface will be 
        1] validateExecute()
        2] validate() (could be left out depending on interceptor's alwaysInvokeValidate parameter)
        3] execute()
  • doXXX fallback method call is being removed. DispatcherUtil is being renamed to Dispatcher
    Code Block
      <action name="myAction" method="execute" ...>
      // with the above, if execute() method is not found in the action, no doExecute() will be fallbacked. It is considered as an error
  • ConfigurationManager is no longer a static factory. It is now an instance created through Dispatcher. Custom configuration could be done through DispatcherListener.
  • Configuration is no longer statically accesible, it is created by ConfigurationManager. Custom configuration could be done through DispatcherListener.
  • Custom configuration to ConfigurationManager and Configuration cannot be done statically anymore, instead use Dispatcher's DispatcherListener to achieve such effect.
    Code Block
          new DispatcherListener() {
               public void dispatcherInitialized(Dispatcher dispatcher) {
                  // do custom stuff here eg.
               public void dispatcherDestroyed(Dispatcher dispatcher) {
                  // do clean up of custom stuff here

Members to rename

WebWork 2

Struts 2







New property settings


Enable support for the action!alias syntax

This setting will be removed in a future release!
