Versions Compared


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  • Launch the New Project wizard by closing your project File | Close Project.
  • Then click Open from the splash page to open a new project (Depending on what version of IntelliJ you may need to find an option to "Import project" instead)
  • Select the settings.gradle.kts in the root of your beam git repo

This will create the initial project and bring up the Project Structure settings.You shouldn't need to modify the project settings. But you should double check on the Java SDK version. File → Project Structure Project → Settings

  1. In the Project pane, set the Project SDK to "1.8", and select Apply.

  2. In the Modules pane, click the + and select Import Module. Select your beam repository ("~/beam") and select OK.

  3. In the Import Module wizard, select Import module from external model, then select Gradle. Then select Next.

  4. On the next screen, click Finish

Note: If the 1.8 SDK is not displayed, Download Java 8 and extract it (to any location) from the tar.gz option on the Oracle website.

Then add it under Platform Settings → SDKs-> + icon. (Removing other SDKs if you don't need them will help eliminate potential issues, but isn't required).

Image Added

(Also set it up so that java -version uses this SDK on the command line. By setting up your PATH and JAVA_HOME properly to refer to the same location (And remove other java installation files, if necessary))

Double check these settings (but they shouldn't need to change) This will close the wizard and cause IntelliJ to begin syncing project structure in the background. Continue configuring the IDE while the project syncs:

  1. Open File | Settings... In left pane, navigate to Build, Execution, Deployment | Build Tools | Gradle | Runner. Select Delegate IDE build/run actions to gradle, and Run tests using: Gradle Test Runner. Then select Apply and OK.

  2. Open View | Tool Windows | Gradle to open the Gradle pane.
