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titleJIRA Accounts

New contributors should register an account at and send out an email to the project's dev list !!ссылка!! with dev mailing list (subscribe) with a request for contributors permissions. Committers should handle this request and grant contributor access to a new community member.

Getting Started


!!JIRA issues are grouped by fixVersion field. Tickets should be assigned to an unreleased version if they are blockers or regressions for that version.  Contributor The contributor should make sure that fixVersion is set to a proper version that actually releases the changes made in the scope of the ticket. Open and in-progress tickets may have this field blank.!!


  • Every JIRA ticket should be sufficiently described. Avoid filing tickets with title only and without description. 
  • !!If possible, please provide a reproducer or runnable test for Bug tickets.!!
  • If there is a discussion pertaining to the ticket, the ticket should have a link to the dev the dev mailing list.

Working on a ticket

  • Anyone in the community may start working on any Unassigned ticket. 
  • (OPTIONAL) It is recommended to clarify the relevance and correctness of the ticket with the community before doing actual implementation. To do this, you can write an email to the !!dev .mailing list!! and  and wait for an answer (please do not forget to subscribe to the list first).
  • Before beginning working on a ticket, you should assign the ticket to yourself.
  • Move the ticket to IN PROGRESS state.
  • If necessary, add comments describing the design decisions or approach you plan to take.


  • Ignite employs both Review-Then-Commit processprocesses.
  • Please consult to Review Checklist to understand how tickets are reviewed and what rules to follow.


  • Attach Pull Request URL to ticket (see instructions at Workflow)
  • Add comment describing what has been implemented.
  • Run tests using Run All... TeamCity suite. Validate that all tests has have passed using TeamCity bot. It allows checking that no new non-flaky tests has have failed, and posting the confirmation ("TC green visa") to the ticket.
  • Move ticket to PATCH AVAILABLE state.
  • If you know a contributor who should review this ticket, you should mention them directly:
titleOptional: Tips to pass review quickly

Check affected files' git history to find a person most likely able to review changes.

In case it's hard to determine who's able to review by git history use maintainers list presented below.

Add "review request" comment to the Jira Issue starting with a contributor username.

for example: "[~avinogradov], Please review my changes."

This user will be notified and will review your changes and/or help to find another contributor to do a review, then will help you finding a committer to merge the change if needed.

  • Otherwise, please open a thread on Dev list describing the dev mailing list describing the change and asking for review.
  • If there is no review activity after a week has passed, try picking another reviewer or bumping Dev the dev mailing list thread.

Reviewing a Ticket

  • Make sure that your patch satisfies Review Checklist rules.
  • Each comment should be started with [~username] to guarantee proper notification.
  • The reviewer may suggest improvements. It is recommended to leave a comment on the ticket in addition to PR comments. This helps other contributors to identify that patch may need improvement.
  • Patch author may implement those improvements or discuss the best course of action with the reviewer.
  • Reviewer The reviewer should add comment like "looks good to me" (LGTM) once the review successfully finished.
  • When the ticket is reviewed, any committer may merge it.

Closing a Ticket

  • Once the ticket has passed all the reviews and has no additional comments, the committer should apply the latest patch and push it to the master branch.
  • Committer The committer should comment on the ticket stating that the patch has been applied to the master.
  • File release notes for this ticket, and unset Release Notes Required flag.
  • Set fixVersion field to target release, usually the next unreleased version.
  • Move ticket to RESOLVED state. 


  • Fix / implement JIRA ticket in your fork. Provide Java docs whenever required. If you add a new package make sure that file in it is in place with a description. Commit branch to origin (origin = your fork). It's recommended to develop IGNITE-nnn ticket at ignite-nnn branch.
  • !!If your contribution is significant (new functionality, deeply reworked existed functionality API) then add an example of the usage to 'ignite-example' and add an article to Apache Ignite Documentation.!! IEP
  • Create a pull request from the new remote branch in the fork to master of Apache Ignite mirror. Please, start a title of the pull request from 'IGNITE-nnn'. An email about the pull request will be send sent to the dev -list and mailing list and the same JIRA comment will be added to the IGNITE-nnn ticket.
  • Trigger validation of those test suites that have been affected by your changes on TeamCity:
    • Open "Run All..." test suite, press button named "..." that is located on the left of "Run" button. "Run custom build" dialog will appear;
    • Go to "Changes" tab and choose "pull/<pull-request-number>/head" in "Build branch" dropdown list;
    • Press "Run build" button and monitor tests results. 
  • Inspect contribution using TeamCity Bot:
    • Paste PR or JIRA ticket number to search box;
    • Press More → Show "pull/<pull-request-number>/head" report when test results are ready. You can also trigger build from the bot;
    • Press "Comment JIRA" button to leave TC bot visa in JIRA ticket.
  • Once tests are passed, the pull request can be reviewed and merged by a committer. Move a corresponding JIRA ticket to "Patch Available" state by clicking on "Submit Patch" button and let the community know that you're ready for review.


 Note: Existing pull request requests should be updated instead of the creation of new oneones, when possible.

Information for committers

In additional addition to contributors configuration, committers need to have one more remote repo - for working with Apache Git repo. It can be added like this:


  1. Checks that you don't have any uncommitted changes.
  2. Checks you are one master branch and the master branch is up-to-date.
  3. Updates local master from Apache git repo.
  4. Fetches pull request to a local branch:
    • git fetch upstream pull/<id>/head:pull-<id>-head

  5. Saves an author and a comment of the last commit at pull-<id>-head.
  6. Merges from the new branch to master:
    • git merge --squash pull-<id>-head
  7. Ask you about a custom comment or using the saved comment.
  8. Commit to local master. The script automatically sign-off a commit and add "Fixes #<id>." suffix to comment (It will close the pull request, see
    • git commit --author=“<saved_author>" -s -m “<comment> - Fixes #<id>.”

Now, you will have one commit at master with all changes from the pull-request. Changes can be reviewed again. If you accept all changes and want to push it, do next:

  •  git push apache master


TeamCity should be forced to run all tests on created branch before review. Once tests are passed, the branch has be been reviewed by the module's maintainer.

Created branch name should be attached to a JIRA ticket and the ticket status should be changed on Patch Available.

Branch The branch can be merged to master on successful review by at least one another committer.

Branch The branch should be deleted on branch merged to master or issue cancelledcanceled. Committers are in charge of deleting their branches.  


Appendix A. Components and their maintainers

Ignite Core (the rest of internals not covered below)






MVCC (obsolete)

Marshalling (Binary, Optimized, JDK)
Discovery & Communication SPIs
Ignite Compute API
Ignite Services API
Ignite SQL & Text Queries & JDBC
Ignite Continuous Queries
Machine Learning/Deep Learning (ml, TensorFlow, sub-modules in ml)
Build System / Releases
TeamCity Bot
Spark Integration
Other thin clients (Python, Node.js, PHP, etc)
Streamers (JMS, Flume, Kafka, etc.)
Docker, Mesos, YARN integration
AWS, Google Compute Engine, JClouds integration
Visor Console
WebSession & WebSession Filter