Versions Compared


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January 31st, 2021, Sunday.

Time: 2021-01-31 9:00 PM Beijing Time
Host: Zesong Sun

Status Updates


Apache IoTDB 0.11.2 released (01-23)


Besides, even 0.12.0 will be released, we may need 1~2 versions (or more) to guarantee the version stable.


change release tags from release/{full-version} to v{full-version}


Currently, we use release/{major}.{minor}.{patch} as our tag stale, which may bring some troubles for some languages like GoLang.

New Features

#2405 [IOTDB-1079] Virtual storage group first mile stone


split the main-ci into 3 parts: server, cluster, and others
add two parameters to just test the server or the cluster, e.g.,
-DskipTests -Diotdb.test.only=true
-DskipTests -Dcluster.test.only=true
Split the main-ci into two github action groups to save resource when re-run some actions.
disable enforcer by default, to enable it, use -P enforce
disable generating jar-with-dependencies, to enable it, use -P get-jar-with-dependencies

Open Floor
new ideas, feedback, suggestions.

1. [Discussion] Monthly Contributor Award

Goal: Keep community more vibrant and attract new contributors
Attention: Not really an award, just a title that we can recognize with an announcement on the official wechat account
Preliminary measure:
Amount of PR and reviews on GitHub (codes amount)
Activity on mailing lists
Contributions(publicity, tutorial, etc.) on social media (e.g. WeChat official account, CSDN, Stack Overflow)
Being a conference host or event organizer will also count.

2. [Discussion] Community Mentors

Call for mentors and plans
Q & A docs
start up docs
Wechat group

Sign up : 45 people
To be as commiter : 17
Users needing professional help : 5
Both : 23

3. [Experiment] Compares to influxDB in terms of performance

Need to update to the website:

4. [Proposal] Hackthon (April)

1 committer + 3 non-committer