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Table of Contents


Current stateUnder discussion - WIP; not yet announced

Discussion thread: here TBD


Please keep the discussion on the mailing list rather than commenting on the wiki (wiki discussions get unwieldy fast).


Being able to centrally monitor and troubleshoot problems with Kafka clients is becoming increasingly important as the use of Kafka is expanding within organizations as well as for hosted Kafka services. The typical Kafka client user is now an application owner with little experience in operating Kafka clients, while the cluster operator has profound Kafka knowledge but little insight in the client application.


User privacy is an important concern and extra care is taken in this proposal to not expose any information that may compromise the privacy of the client user.

Public Interfaces

This KIP introduces the following new public interfaces:

  • New PushTelemetryRequest protocol request type.
  • Updated metrics receiver interface in the broker to accustom for the new semantics and format.
  • A new CLIENT_METRICS ConfigEntry resource type for configuring metrics subscriptions.
  • CLI script to configure and list client metrics subscriptions.


Code Block
PushTelemetryRequest {
	ClientInstanceId string 			// + “-” + UUID4 unique for this client instance.
										// Must be set to Null on the first request, and to the
										// returned ClientInstanceId from the first response
										// for all subsequent requests to any broker.
	Terminating bool					// Client is terminating.
	ContentType string					// “application/x-protobuf;type=otlp+metrics09” or “application/x-protobuf+zstd;type=otlp+metrics09”
	Metrics binary						// Format specified by ContentType, possibly compressed.

PushTelemetryResponse {
	ThrottleTime int32					// Standard and metric-specific throttling
	ErrorCode int16						// Error code
	ClientInstanceId string				// Will be set to a generated unique id if the
										// request ClientInstanceId was Null, else
										// this field will be set to Null.
	AcceptedContentTypes Array[string]	// Accepted metric formats.
                                       	// Only returned if Request.ContentType is null
								      	// or empty, or ErrorCode is set to
								      	// UnsupportedFormat(?).
										// Also includes the supported compression types.
	NextPushMs int32					// Delay until next PushTelemetry
	RequestedMetrics Array[string]		// Requested Metrics prefix string match.
										// Empty array: No metrics subscribed.
										// Array[0] empty string: All metrics subscribed.
										// Array[..]: prefix string match


The ContentType in the client's PushTelemetryRequest must include a type parameter describing the data format, in this case otlp+metrics09 for OpenTelemetry Protobuf version 0.9. This is needed since OTLP is not yet at v1 and may thus have backwards-incompatible changes.

Broker metrics receiver

The broker will expose a plugin interface for client telemetry to be forwarded to or collected by external systems. In particular, since we already collect data in OpenTelemetry format, one goal is to make it possible for a plugin to forward metrics directly to an OpenTelemetry collector.


Code Block
 * A {@link MetricsReporter} may implement this interface to indicate support for collecting client telemetry on the server side
public interface ClientTelemetry {

     * Called by the broker to create a ClientTelemetryReceiver instance.
     * This instance may be cached by the broker.
     * This method will always be called after the initial call to
     * {@link MetricsReporter#contextChange(MetricsContext)}
     * on the MetricsReporter implementing this interface.
     * @return
    ClientTelemetryReceiver clientReceiver();

public interface ClientTelemetryReceiver {
     * Called by the broker when a client reports telemetry. The associated request context can be used
     * by the plugin to retrieve additional client information such as client ids or endpoints.
     * This method may be called from the request handling thread, and as such should avoid blocking.
     * @param context the client request context for the corresponding PushTelemetryRequest api call
     * @param payload the encoded telemetry payload as sent by the client
    void exportMetrics(AuthorizableRequestContext context, ClientTelemetryPayload payload);

     * Returns the list of accepted content types for client metric payloads supported by this receiver
     * This method may be used by the broker to inform connecting clients of supported payload formats.
     * <p>e.g.
     * <code>application/x-protobuf+zstd;type=otlp+metrics09</code>,
     * </p>
     * @return collection of supported mime types
    Collection<String> acceptedContentTypes();

public interface ClientTelemetryPayload {

    String clientInstanceId();

    String contentType();

    ByteBuffer data();

Client API

Retrieve broker-generated client instance id, may be used by application to assist in mapping the client instance id to the application instance through log messages or other means.


If the client has not yet requested a client instance id from the broker this call will block up to the timeout, and trigger an immediate request which is otherwise delayed at client startup (see Client behaviour chapter). If no client instance id can be retrieved within the timeout an error is returned/raised (timeout, feature not supported by broker, auth failure, etc).

Client configuration

enable.metrics.push=true|false (default: true) -Allows disabling the functionality outlined in this proposal which should be enabled by default.  (Or enable.telemetry?)

New error codes


Proposed Changes


This feature is made up of the following components:

  • PushTelemetryRequest|Response - protocol request used by the client to send metrics to any broker it is connected to. The response is used to control push frequency, what metrics the client should push, etc.
  • Standardised metrics - a set of standardised metrics that all supporting clients should provide.
  • AdminAPI config - the AdminAPI configuration interface with a new CLIENT_METRICS resource type is used to manage metrics subscriptions.
  • Client metrics plugin / extending the MetricsReporter interface - a broker plugin interface that performs something meaningful with the metrics. This plugin will typically forward the metrics to a time series database. It is recommended that any broker-side processing is kept to a minimum for scalability and performance reasons.

Client identification (CLIENT_INSTANCE_ID)

The added value of metrics collection is limited if the metrics can’t be tied to an entity, in this case a client instance. While aggregate metrics do provide value in trends and superficial monitoring, for metrics to be truly useful there needs to be a way to identify a particular client instance, where it runs, by who, etc.


Kafka Streams applications have an configured and this identity should be included as the application_id  metrics label.


Mapping the client instance id to an actual application instance running on a (virtual) machine can be done by inspecting the metrics resource labels, such as the client source address and source port, or security principal, all of which are added by the receiving broker. This will allow the operator together with the user to identify the actual application instance.

Metrics naming and format

The OpenTelemetry specification will be used as the metrics serialization format as well as to define how metrics are constructed when it comes to naming, metric type, etc.

See the OpenTelemetry metrics specification for more information.


While the protocol-level request will allow for other metrics formats, Kafka will only ship with OpenTelemetry and it is required for a client that claims support of this KIP to use OpenTelemetry by default as well.

Metric payloads are encoded as OpenTelemetry ExportMetricsServiceRequest protobuf objects.


Metrics will be named in a hierarchical format:



Sparse metrics

To keep metrics volume down it is recommended that a client only sends metrics with a recorded value.

Metrics are to be sent as CUMULATIVE values, rather than DELTA, which allows for missed/dropped transmits without data loss.


As metric names and labels are highly repeated it is recommended that the serialized metrics are compressed prior to sending them to the broker if the serialized uncompressed size exceeds 1000 bytes.


Decompression of the payloads will be handled by the broker prior to forwarding the data to the plugins.

Client behaviour

A client that supports this metric interface and identifies a supportive broker (through detecting at least PushTelemetryRequestV0 in the ApiVersionResponse) will start off (after a short delay) by sending an empty PushTelemetryRequest, with the ClientInstanceId field set to Null, to one randomly selected connected broker to gather its client instance id, the desired push interval, subscribed push metrics, and what metrics formats the broker supports, this is effectively a metrics handshake that is performed each time a client selects a new broker to send metrics to.


If PushTelemetryResponse.RequestedMetrics indicates that no metrics are desired the client must still send an empty PushTelemetryRequest by the next NextPushMs interval to get an updated set of desired or immediate metrics as well as a new NextPushMs time.

Client termination

When a client is being shut down it should send its final metrics regardless of the NextPushMs time, and only if the last PushTelemetryResponse.RequestedMetrics array length was greater than zero.


The metrics should contain the reason for the client termination by including the client.terminating metric with the label “reason” set to a human readable explanation why the client is being shut down, such as “Fatal error: Static consumer fenced by newer instance”, or “Consumer closed by application”.

Error handling

Actions to be taken by the client if the PushTelemetryResponse.ErrorCode is set to a non-zero value.


How non-fatal errors are propagated to the application is client and language specific, simply logging the error is sufficient.

Opting out

Client metrics should be enabled by default in the client but a user may disable the metrics functionality by setting the enable.metrics.push property to false.


Also see the Privacy chapter below.

Receiving broker behaviour

We allow the client to send PushTelemetryRequest to any connected broker that reports PushTelemetryRequests in its ApiVersionResponse.


If there is no client metrics receiver plugin configured on the broker it must not include the PushTelemetryRequest in ApiVersionResponse and any unsolicited PushTelemetryRequest should be returned immediately with PushTelemetryResponse.ErrorCode set to FunctionalityNotEnabled.

PushTelemetryRequest handling


Validation of the encoded metrics is the task of the ClientMetricsReceiver, if the encoding type is unsupported the response will be returned with ErrorCode set to UnsupportedEncoding. Should decoding or validation of the binary metrics blob fail the ErrorCode will be set to InvalidRecord.

Rate-limiting and NextPushMs

The receiving broker’s standard quota-based throttling should operate as usual for PushTelemetryRequest, but in addition to that the PushTelemetryRequest is also subject to rate-limiting based on the calculated next desired NextPushMs interval derived from the configured metrics subscriptions. Should the client send a push request prior to expiry of the previously calculated NextPushMs the broker will discard the metrics and return a PushTelemetryResponse with ErrorCode set to RateLimited and NextPushMs set to the remaining time, all other fields should be left blank.


If the receiving broker has no prior metrics state but at least one matching metrics subscription for a client instance id the first returned NextPushMs is a randomised value between 0 and the lowest metrics interval of the subscription. This attempts to distribute the client metrics pushes in case a large number of clients are started simultaneously.

Metrics subscription

Metrics subscriptions are configured through the standard Kafka Admin API configuration interface with the new resource-type CLIENT_METRICS, the resource-name is a prefix-match of the client instance id (which as stated previously is a concatenation of the and a unique uuid string). The configuration entry name is a prefix-matched metrics name (e.g., “client.producer.partition.”) while the configuration value is the desired collection/push interval in milliseconds.


This client instance specific state is maintained in memory up to MAX(60*1000, NextPushMs * 3) milliseconds and is used to enforce the push interval rate-limiting. There is no persistence of client instance metrics state across broker restarts or between brokers.

Client metrics and metric labels

Clients that support this KIP must provide the following metrics, as long as they’re relevant for the client implementation. These metrics do not need to be comparable between client implementations, e.g., io.wait.time may have somewhat different semantics between Java client and librdkafka.


A client implementation must not add additional metrics or labels under the “org.apache.kafka.” prefix without a corresponding accepted KIP.

Private metrics

The default metrics collection on the client must take extra care not to expose any information about the application and system it runs on as they may identify internal projects, infrastructure, etc, that the user may not want to expose to the Kafka infrastructure owner. This includes information such as hostname, operating system, credentials, runtime environment, etc. None of the metrics defined in this proposal expose any such information.


Private or host metrics are outside the scope of this specification.

Metric types

The metric types in the following tables correspond to the OpenTelemetry v1 metrics protobuf message types. A short summary:

  • Sum  - Monotonic total count meter (Counter). Suitable for total number of X counters, e.g., total number of bytes sent.
  • Gauge  - Non-monotonic current value meter (UpDownCounter). Suitable for current value of Y, e.g., current queue count.
  • Histogram  - Value distribution meter (ValueRecorder). Suitable for latency values, etc.
    For simplicy a client implementation may choose to provide an average value as Gauge instead of a Histogram. These averages should be using the original Histogram metric name + ".avg60s" (or whatever the averaging period is), e.g., "client.request.rtt.avg10s".

Client instance-level metrics

Metric name






FIXME: with broker_id label?

Total number of broker connections made.



Current number of broker connections.




Total number of broker connection failures. Label ‘reason’ indicates the reason: 

disconnect - remote peer closed the connection.

auth - authentication failure.

TLS - TLS failure.

timeout - client request timeout.

close - client closed the connection.




Average request latency / round-trip-time to broker and back




Average request queue latency waiting for request to be sent to broker.




Number of requests in queue waiting to be sent to broker.




Number of successful requests to broker, that is where a response is received without no request-level error (but there may be per-sub-resource errors, e.g., errors for certain partitions within an OffsetCommitResponse).





Number of failed requests.

Label ‘reason’ indicates the reason:

timeout - client timed out the request,

disconnect - broker connection was closed before response could be received,

error - request-level protocol error.


Amount of time waiting for socket I/O writability (POLLOUT). A high number indicates socket send buffer congestion.

As the client will not know the broker id of its bootstrap servers the broker_id label should be set to “bootstrap”. FIXME: Should we have a broker_address (“host:port”) for this purpose?

Client instance-level Producer metrics

Metric name






Total number of record memory currently in use by producer. This includes the record fields (key, value, etc) as well as any implementation specific overhead (objects, etc).



Total number of records currently handled by producer.



Total amount of queue/buffer memory allowed on the producer queue(s).



Current amount of memory used in producer queues.



Maximum amount of messages allowed on the producer queue(s).



Current number of messages on the producer queue(s).

Client instance-level Consumer metrics

Metric name






The interval at which the application calls poll(), in seconds.



The number of seconds since the last poll() invocation.



The time it takes poll() to return a new message to the application



Number of commit requests sent.
Current group assignment strategy in use.


Number of currently assigned partitions to this consumer by the group leader.



Number of currently assigned partitions to this consumer, either through the group protocol or through assign().


Number of group rebalances. group error counts. The error label depicts the actual error, e.g., "MaxPollExceeded", "HeartbeatTimeout", etc.



Number of records in consumer pre-fetch queue.



Amount of record memory in consumer pre-fetch queue. This may also include per-record overhead.



Number of records consumed by application.



Memory of records consumed by application.



FetchRequest latency.



Total number of FetchRequests sent.



Total number of FetchRequest failures.

Client topic-level Producer metrics

Metric name









Number of bytes queued on partition queue.






Number of records queued on partition queue.






Total produce record latency, from application calling send()/produce() to ack received from broker.






Time between send()/produce() and record being sent to broker.






Number of ProduceRequest retries.







Number of records that permanently failed delivery. Reason is a short string representation of the reason, which is typically the name of a Kafka protocol error code, e.g., “RequestTimedOut”.






Number of records that have been successfully produced.

The “partition” label should be “unassigned” for not yet partitioned messages, as they are not yet assigned to a partition queue.

Host process metrics (optional)

These metrics provide runtime information about the operating system process the client runs in.

Metric name






Current process/runtime memory usage (RSS, not virtual).



User CPU time used (seconds).



System CPU time used (seconds).
IO wait time (seconds).


The process id. Can be used, in conjunction with the client host name to map multiple client instances to the same process.

Standard client resource labels

Label name



The client’s implementation name.


The client’s version



client_id  (Kafka Streams only)


client.rack (if configured)

group_id (consumer)

group_instance_id (consumer)


Group member id (if any, consumer)

transactional_id (producer)

Broker-added labels

The following labels are added by the broker as metrics are received

Label name



The client connection’s source address.


The client connection’s source port.


Client’s security principal. Content depends on authentication method.


Receiving broker’s node-id.


Since client metric subscriptions are primarily aimed at the infrastructure operator that is managing the Kafka cluster it should be sufficient to limit the config control operations to the CLUSTER resource. 


See the Private metrics chapter above for privacy/integrity.


A wrapper tool around that makes it easier to set up metric subscriptions.


Code Block
bin/ [arguments] --bootstrap-server <brokers>

List configured metrics:
	[--id <client-instance-id|prefix-match>]

Add metrics:
	 --id <client-instance-id|prefix-match>
	 --metric <metric-prefix>..
	 --interval-ms <interval>

Delete metrics:
	 --id <client-instance-id|prefix-match>
	[--metric <metric-prefix>]..


# Subscribe to producer partition queue and memory usage
# metrics every 60s from all librdkafka clients.

$ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
	--add \
	--id rdkafka \
	--metric org.apache.kafka.client.producer.partition. \
	--metric librdkafka.client.memory. \
	--interval 60000

# The metrics themselves are not viewable with this CLI tool
# since the storage of metrics is plugin-dependent.

Example workflows

Example workflows showcasing how this feature may be used for proactive and reactive purposes.

Proactive monitoring

The Kafka cluster is configured to collect all standard metrics pushed by the client at an interval of 60 seconds, the metrics plugin forwards the collected metrics to an imaginary system that monitors a set of well known metrics and triggers alarms when trends go out of profile.


This collection of information, along with the triggered metric, is sent to the incident management system for further investigation or aggregation, and provides enough information to identify who and where the client is run. Further action might be to contact the organization or team that matches the principal,, source address, etc, for further investigation.

Reactive monitoring

The Kafka cluster configuration for metrics collection is irrelevant to this use-case, given that the proper metrics plugin is enabled. The metrics plugin is configured to write metrics to a topic. A support system with an interactive interface is reading from this metrics topic, and has an Admin client to configure the cluster with desired metrics subscriptions.


The operator removes the metrics subscription for the, which causes the next PushTelemetryResponse to return an empty subscription causing the client to stop pushing the previously subscribed metrics.

Future work

Tracing and logging are outside the scope of this proposal but the use of OpenTelemetry allows for those additional two methods within the same semantics and nomenclature outlined by this proposal.

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

What impact (if any) will there be on existing users?


Short of the configuration property to disable telemetry (enable.telemetry=false - enabled by default) there are no user-facing changes to client users.

Depending on metrics subscription intervals there might be increased CPU and network load, but for modestly set subscription intervals this should be negligible.


The Kafka admin needs to explicitly configure a Metrics reporter plugin that supports the new push-based telemtry interface. If no such plugin is configured the telemetry collection is disabled and there will be no user-facing changes.

Depending on the metrics subscription patterns and intervals there is likely to be increased CPU and network load as brokers will receive, decompress and forward pushed client telemetry to the metrics plugin.

If we are changing behavior how will we phase out the older behavior?

No behavioural changes.

If we need special migration tools, describe them here.


When will we remove the existing behavior?

Not relevant.

Rejected Alternatives

Send metrics out-of-band directly to collector

There are plenty of existing solutions that allows a client implementation to send metrics directly to a collector, but it falls short to meet the enabled-by-default requirements of this KIP:

  • will require additional client-side configuration: endpoints, authentication, etc.
  • may require additional network filtering and our routing configuration to allow the client host to reach the collector endpoints. By using the Kafka protocol we already have a usable connection.
  • adds another network protocol the client needs to handle and its runtime dependencies (libraries..).

Dedicated Metrics coordinator based on client instance id

An earlier version of this proposal had the notion of metrics coordinator which was selected based on the client instance id. This metrics coordinator would be responsible for rate-limiting pushed metrics per client instance. To avoid each client to have a connection to its metric coordinator the proposal suggested using the impersonation/request-forwarding functionality suggested in a contemporary design by Jason G.

Since this made the broker-side implementation more complex and did not provide fool-proof control of misbehaving clients (a rogue client could simply generate new instance ids on each request) it was decided that the value of this functionality was not in par with the implementation cost and thus removed from the proposal.


Scales poorly, Java-specific, commonly mistaken for a trick bike.

Combine with Dynamic client configuration

The Push interface is well suited for propagating client configuration to clients, but to keep scope down we leave that out of this proposal. It should be straightforward to extend and repurpose the interface described in this proposal to also support dynamic client configuration, log/event retrieval, etc, at a later time.

Use native Kafka protocol framing for metrics

The Kafka protocol has flexible fields that would allow us to construct the metrics serialization with pure Kafka protocol fields, but this would duplicate the efforts of the OpenTelemetry specification where Kafka would have to maintain its own specification. On the broker side the native Kafka protocol metrics would need to be converted to OpenTelemetry (or other) format anyway.
