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  1. Long restore times: State restore from Kafka backed changelog topic can be slow because the restore happens at "one message at a time" cadence. With Blob Store as state restore backend, it is possible to restore state store in bulk, thereby reducing the restore times from hours to the order of minutes.
  2. Automate Job and Cluster maintenance: Slow restore times can also hinders the ability to automate job and cluster maintenance. Since restoring state from the changelog topic can take a long time, automated tasks like auto-scaling job, OS upgrades, hardware upgrades etc. need to be planned more carefully and cannot be completely automated. With a fast restore from Blob Store based restore, it is possible to reduce the duration and impact of such maintenance tasks. 
  3. Message and store size limits: Moving to a Blob Store backed storage would allow us to write messages of arbitrary size and expand the store to any size.


  • Step 1: A synchronous checkpoint call is made to RocksDB that creates an immutable checkpoint directory in the container filesystem (shown in step 1a). We also generate a checkpoint ID (last 6 digits of epoch timestamp in nanoseconds) and build an in-memory data structure called checkpoint to hold checkpoint ID and relevant metadata.
  • Step 2:  We write the checkpoint ID to the checkpoint directory. The checkpoint ID in checkpoint directory helps us in verifying if the local checkpoint directory is the latest checkpoint when the container restarts with host-affinity by verifying if the checkpoint ID in the checkpoint directory and in the checkpoint kafka topic are the same or not. This allows us to skip remote restoration and use the local checkpoint instead. 
  • Step 3 to step 6: We calculate the delta of this checkpoint directory from the previous checkpoint and upload this delta to the blob store in parallel to processing. Blob store returns a blob ID for each upload. We create a special index blob in the blob store with these blob IDs (and other metadata) called Index blob. Schema of Index Blob ID is shown explained in the code block belowsection Organization of snapshot in Blob Store. Notice the filesRemoved and subDirectories removed sections. They are maintained for Garbage collection and error recovery. This is explained in detail in the next section: Post-commit cleanup and Garbage Collection.
  • Step 6 and 7: We write the blob ID of the index blob to the checkpoint data structure, serialize this data structure and write the serialized checkpoint to the checkpoint topic. 


  1. All the files corresponding to a checkpoint are uploaded in parallel to the Blob Store. Blob Store returns a blob ID associated with every file. Note that large files (multiple GBs) can be chunked and uploaded, and can have one blob ID per chunk. Thus, a file has one or more blob IDs associated with it. 
  2. We organize and index the blobs associated with a checkpoint by creating an Index blob in the Blob Store that holds file name, blob IDs and metadata of all the files associated with a checkpoint. Schema defined below shows the fields in index blob. Note: The filesRemoved section in the schema helps in garbage collection. Please see the next section on Garbage collection for Post-commit cleanup and Garbage Collection for details.
  3. Retrieving an Index blob is necessary and sufficient to rebuild a snapshot since the Index blob contains blob ID and metadata of every file associated with a checkpoint directory.   


Incremental restore is just the reverse of the incremental backup outlined above. We consider the Checkpoint topic as our source of truth, and restore the checkpoint directory target by retrieving the Index blob ID from Checkpoint obtained from Checkpoint topic. We then retrieve the Index blob from the Blob Store. Index blob contains lists called filesAdded and filesRemoved. We retrieve the filesAdded blob list from the Blob Store and add them to the checkpoint directory. Similarly, we delete the filesRemoved list from the local checkpoint directory. We also compare the same files in remote and local checkpoint directory and match their checksum, size and permission attributes to see if they are the same file. If a file’s content has changed since the remote checkpoint was created, we restore the file from the remote checkpoint and delete the local file.

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Post-Commit cleanup and Garbage Collection


Blob Stores like Azure and AWS S3 allow every blob to have a TTL associated with it. Blobs are garbage collected at the end of the TTL. Additionally, we implement a method expose an API in BlobStoreManager interface called REMOVE_TTL to allow a blob’s TTL to be updated to never expire. A second call to REMOVE_TTL  on the same blob has no effect and will be a no-op. We use these facts to ensure garbage or untracked blobs are cleaned up in the Blob Store. 
