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The following code block shows the abstract class of AlgoOperator.

Code Block
public abstract class AlgoOperator<T extends AlgoOperator> implements WithParams <T> {
    // the first output table
    protected Table output = null;
    // the side output tables
    private Table[] sideOutputs = null;
    // the params
    private Params params = null;

     * get the output table
     * @return
    public final Table getOutputTable() {
        if (null == this.output) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                "There is no output. Please call current AlgoOperator's 'link' or related method firstly, or this "
                    + "AlgoOperator has no output.");
        } else {
            return this.output;

     * get Params for this algorithm.
     * @return
    public final Params getParams() {
        return params;

     * get side outputs of this operator
     * @return
    public final AlgoOperator<?>[] getSideOutputs() {
        if (null == sideOutputs) {
            return null;

        TableSourceOp[] sideOutputOps = new TableSourceOp[sideOutputs.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < sideOutputs.length; i++) {
            sideOutputOps[i] = new TableSourceOp(sideOutputs[i]);
        return sideOutputOps;

     * Link from other AlgoOperators. This function encapsulates the computation logic of this AlgoOperator.
     * Note that: Only the first output table of each input will be used in the computation logic.
     * @param inputs the input AlgoOperators
     * @return return this AlgoOperator
    public final T linkFrom(AlgoOperator <?>... inputs) {
        Table[] inputTables = new Table[inputs.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
            inputTables[i] = inputs[i].getOutputTable();
        Table[] outputTables = compute(inputTables);
        if (null != outputTables && outputTables.length > 0) {
            this.output = outputTables[0];
        if (null != outputTables && outputTables.length > 1) {
            this.sideOutputs = Arrays.copyOfRange(outputTables, 1, outputTables.length);
        return (T) this;

     * Link to another operator.
     * @param next the AlgoOperator to link to.
     * @return return the “next operator”
    public final <S extends AlgoOperator<?>> AlgoOperator<?> link(S next) {
        return next;

     * Applies the computation logic on the input tables.
     * tables.
     * @param inputs the input tables
     * @return the output tables
    public abstract Table[] compute(Table... inputs);



Code Block
// User code

TableSourceOp edges, nodeLabels; // used for training, can be constructed from Table
TableSourceOp nodeIds; // used for prediction, can be constructed from Table
AlgoOperator modelOp = new MetaPath2vecTrainOp()
      .linkFrom(edges, nodeLabels);
AlgoOperator result = new MetaPath2vecPredictOp()
      .linkFrom(modelOp, nodeIds);

// Developer code

public class MetaPath2vecTrainOp extends AlgoOperator<MetaPath2vecTrainOp> {

       public abstract Table[] compute(Table… inputs) {
               // do the computation logic


public class MetaPath2VecPredictOp extends AlgoOperator<MetaPath2VecPredictOp> {
       public abstract Table[] compute(Table… inputs) {
              // do the computation logic



Code Block
// User code:

TableSourceOp input;
AlgoOperator auc = new EvaluationAUCOp().linkFrom(input);

// Developer Code:

public class EvaluationAUCOp extends AlgoOperator<EvaluationAUCOp> {
       public abstract Table[] compute(Table… inputs) {
              // do the computation logic     
