Versions Compared


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  1. Lack of the support for multiple inputs, arbitrary outputs and nested iteration for both iteration APIs, which is required by algorithms like LDA or boost.  In the new iteration we would also support these functionalities.
  2. Lack of asynchronous iteration support for the DataSet iteration, which is required by algorithms like asynchronous linear regression, in this 
  3. The current DataSet iteration by default provides a "for each round" semantics, namely users only need to specify the computation logic in each iteration, and the framework would executes the subgraph multiple times until convergence. To cooperate with the semantics, the DataSet iteration framework would merge the initial input and the feedback (bulk style and delta style), and replay the datasets comes from outside of the iteration. This method is easier to use, but it also limit some possible optimizations.


Based on the above requirements, we propose to provide different API for different kinds of iteration, and translate them into the same framework. The framework would implements the basic functionality like iteration StreamGraph building, runtime structure and checkpoint, and it allows specify different types of wrapper operators. 

Proposed Changes


Iteration API

Similar to FLIP-15, we would more tend to provide a structural iteration API to make it easier to be understand and avoid illegal graph. With this method, users are required to specify an IterationBody that generates the part of JobGraph inside the iteration. The iteration body should specify the DAG inside the iteration, and also the list of feedback streams and the output streams. The feedback streams would be union with the corresponding inputs and the output streams would be provided to the caller routine. 


The existing dataset iteration API views the iteration as a repeat execution of the same DAG, thus underlying it would automatically cache the iteration variables and iteration constants. This would cause bad performance for some algorithms since they could be able to cache these data in the memory according to the computation. To avoid this issue, we would support both operators that live across rounds and only in one round.  By default, an operator would live until the whole iteration ends and its state is kept. If users specify specially with forEachRound call, the operator would be re-created for each iteration.To make the original DataSet iteration users be able to migrate to the new API easily, the new iteration would provide 

Besides, the current dataset iteration only support synchronous iteration. However, synchronous iteration could be viewed as a special case of asynchronous iteration with additional synchronization. Therefore the bounded iteration does not provide embedded synchronous mechanism. Users could implement the synchronization via only emit the records for the next round in onRoundEnd(). This avoids explicit cache of the variable dataset and provides additional optimization opportunity for the algorithms.


Code Block
titleBounded Iteration API
* The factory for the bounded iteration.
public class BoundedIteration {

    BoundedIteration withBody(BoundedIterationBody body) {...}

	BoundedIteration bindInput(String name, DataStream<?> input) {...}

	ResultStreams apply() {...}

public class BoundedIterationDeclaration {
	public static class Builder {

		public Builder withFeedback(String name, DataStream<?> feedback) {...}

		public Builder withOutput(String name, DataStream<?> output) {...}

		<U> Builder until(TerminationCondition terminationCondition) { ... }
		BoundedIterationDeclaration build() {...}

public class TerminationCondition {
	@Nullable DataStream<?> refStream;

	ConvergenceCriterion convergenceCriterion;	


public interface ConvergenceCriterion {
  boolean isConverged(Context context);

  interface Context {

     int[] getRound();

     <T> List<T> getStreamRecords();

public interface EachRound {
	Map<String, DataStream<?>> executeInEachRound();


public class BoundedIterationContext {

	ResultStreams forEachRound(EachRound eachRound);

// The Progress Tracking interface for UDF / Operator
public interface BoundedIterationProgressListener<T> {

	void onRoundEnd(int[] round, Context context, Collector<T> collector);

    public interface Context {
		<X> void output(OutputTag<X> outputTag, X value);
		Long timestamp();

		TimerService timerService();


// Example
public class BoundedIterationExample {

	public static void MyReducer implements FlatMapFunction<Integer, Integer>, BoundedIterationProgressListener<Integer> {
		private int value = 0;

		void flatMap(Integer v1, Collector<Integer> v2) {value += v1}

		void onRoundEnd(int[] round, Context context, Collector<T> collector) {
			value = 0;

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();

		DataStream<Integer> source1 = env.fromElements(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
		DataStream<String> source2 = env.fromElements("2", "3", "4");

		ResultStreams resultStreams = new BoundedIteration()
			.withBody(new IterationBody() {

				BoundedIterationDeclaration iterate(
					@IterationInput("first") DataStream<Integer> first,
					@IterationInput("second") DataStream<String> second,
					BoundedIterationContext context
				) {
					DataStream<Integer> feedBack1 = ...;

					ResultStreams results = forEachRound(() -> {
						return Collections.singletonMap("result",;
					DataStream<String> feedBack2 = results.getStream("result");

					DataStream<String> output1 = feedback1.flatMap(new MyReducer());

					return new BoundedIterationDeclarationBuilder()
						.withFeedback("first", feedBack1)
						.withOutput("output1", output1)
						.until(new TerminationCondition(feedback2, context -> context.getStreamRecords().size() == 0))
			.bindInput("first", source1)
			.bindInput("second", source2)

		DataStream<String> output = resultStreams.getStream("output1");


The API is added as a library inside flink-ml repository, thus it does not have compatibility problem. However, it has some difference with the existing iteration API and the algorithms would need some re-implementation.

For the long run, the new iteration implementation might provide an alternative for the iteration functionality, and we may consider deprecating and removing the existing API to reduce the complexity of core flink code. 

Rejected Alternatives

Naiad has proposed a unified model for watermark mechanism (namely progress tracking outside of the iteration) and the progress tracking inside the iteration. It extends the event time and watermark to be a vector (long timestamp, int[] rounds) and implements a vectorized alignment algorithm. Although Naiad provides an elegant model, the direct implementation on Flink would requires a large amount of modification to the flink runtime, which would cause a lot of complexity and maintenance overhead.  Thus we would choose to implement a simplified version on top of FLINK, as a part of the flink-ml library.
