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Discussion thread: <TODO>


This method is easier to use, but it also limit some possible optimizations

Released: <Flink Version>


  1. Lack of the support for multiple inputs, arbitrary outputs and nested iteration for both iteration APIs, which is required by algorithms like LDA or boost. In the new iteration we would also support these functionalities.
  2. Lack of asynchronous iteration support for the DataSet iteration, which is required by algorithms like asynchronous linear regression, in the new iterations we would support both synchronous and asynchronous modes for the bounded iteration. 
  3. The current DataSet iteration by default provides a "for each round" semantics, namely users only need to specify the computation logic in each iteration, and the framework would executes the subgraph multiple times until convergence. To cooperate with the semantics, the DataSet iteration framework would merge the initial input and the feedback (bulk style and delta style), and replay the datasets comes from outside of the iteration. This method is easier to use, but it also limit some possible optimizations.


Similar to FLIP-15, we would more tend to provide a structural iteration API to make it easier to be understand and avoid illegal graph. With this method, users are required to specify an IterationBody that generates the part of JobGraph inside the iteration. The iteration body should specify the DAG inside the iteration, and also the list of feedback streams and the output streams. The feedback streams would be union with the corresponding inputs and the output streams would be provided to the caller routine. 


  1. All the inputs are terminated.
  2. There And there is no records inside the iteration subgraph. 

Then the iteration terminates.


Code Block
titleBounded Iteration API
/** Builder for the bounded iteration. */
public class BoundedIteration {

    BoundedIteration withBody(IterationBody body) {...}

	BoundedIteration bindInput(String name, DataStream<?> input) {...}

	ResultStreams apply() {...}

/** The expected return type of the iteration function, which specifies the feedbacks, outputs and termination conditions. */
public class BoundedIterationDeclaration {
	public static class Builder {

		public Builder withFeedback(String name, DataStream<?> feedback) {...}

		public Builder withOutput(String name, DataStream<?> output) {...}

		<U> Builder until(TerminationCondition terminationCondition) { ... }
		BoundedIterationDeclaration build() {...}

/** The termination condition judges if iteration should stop based on the round or the records of a data stream in one round. */
public class TerminationCondition {
	@Nullable DataStream<?> refStream;

	Function<Context, Boolean> isConverged;

	TerminationCondition(DataStream<?> refStream

	interface Context {

     	int[] getRound();

     	<T> List<T> getStreamRecords();

/** The progress tracking interface for UDF / Operator */
public interface BoundedIterationProgressListener<T> {

	default void setCurrentRecordRoundsQuerier(Supplier<int[]> querier); {}

	void onRoundEnd(int[] round, Context context, Collector<T> collector);
	default void onIterationEnd(int[] rounds, Context context); {}

    public interface Context {
		<X> void output(OutputTag<X> outputTag, X value);
		Long timestamp();

		TimerService timerService();

/** The builder that creates the subgraph that executed with the per-round semantics **/
public interface EachRound {
	Map<String, DataStream<?>> executeInEachRound();


/** The utility methods to support per-round semantics. */
public class BoundedIterationPerRoundUtils {

	static ResultStreams forEachRound(EachRound eachRoundBuilder);
	static <T> ProcessFunction bulkCache(DataStream<T> inputStream);

	static <K, T> ProcessFunction deltaCache(KeyedStream<K, T> inputStream);

// Example
public class BoundedIterationExample {

	public static void MyReducer implements FlatMapFunction<Integer, Integer>, BoundedIterationProgressListener<Integer> {
		private int value = 0;

		void flatMap(Integer v1, Collector<Integer> v2) {value += v1}

		void onRoundEnd(int[] round, Context context, Collector<T> collector) {
			value = 0;

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();

		DataStream<Integer> source1 = env.fromElements(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
		DataStream<String> source2 = env.fromElements("2", "3", "4");

		ResultStreams resultStreams = new BoundedIteration()
			.withBody(new IterationBody() {

				BoundedIterationDeclaration iterate(
					@IterationInput("first") DataStream<Integer> first,
					@IterationInput("second") DataStream<String> second
				) {
					DataStream<Integer> feedBack1 = ...;

					ResultStreams results = BoundedIterationUtils.forEachRound(() -> {
						return Collections.singletonMap("result",;
					DataStream<String> feedBack2 = results.getStream("result");

					DataStream<String> output1 = feedback1.flatMap(new MyReducer());

					return new BoundedIterationDeclarationBuilder()
						.withFeedback("first", feedBack1)
						.withOutput("output1", output1)
						.until(new TerminationCondition(feedback2, context -> context.getStreamRecords().size() == 0))
			.bindInput("first", source1)
			.bindInput("second", source2)

		DataStream<String> output = resultStreams.getStream("output1");


The operator wrapper needs to simulates the context that an operator executes. Specially, for operators with single-round lifecycle in bounded iteration, we would need to isolate the states used for each round and cleanup the corresponding state after the round end.

Public Interfaces


This sections shows how general used ML algorithms are could be implemented with the iteration API


Offline Training with Bounded Iteration

We would like to first show the usage of the bounded iteration with the linear regression case: the model is Y = XA, and we would like to acquire the best estimation of A with the SGD algorithm. To simplify we assume the parameters could be held in the memory of one task.

The job graph of the algorithm could be shown in the Figure 3: in each round, we use the latest parameters to calculate the update to the parameters: ΔA = ∑(Y - XA)X. To achieve this, the Parameters vertex would broadcast the latest parameters to the Train vertex. Each subtask of the Train vertex holds a part of dataset. Follow the sprite of SGD, it would sample a small batch of training records, and calculate the update with the above equation. Then the Train vertex emit ΔA to the Parameters node to update the parameters. Diagram

Figure 3. The JobGraph for the offline training of the linear regression case.

We will start with the synchronous training. The synchronous training requires the updates from all the Train vertex subtask is merged before the next round of training. It could be done by only emit the next round of parameters on the end of round. The code is shown as follows:

Code Block

Implementation Plan

Logically all the iteration types would support both BATCH and STREAM execution mode. However, according to the algorithms' requirements, we would implement 
