Versions Compared


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tags: thread-id, application-id
description: the total time the Kafka Streams thread spent blocked on Kafka.

tags: threadproducer-id, application-id
description: the total time the Kafka Streams thread Producer spent in `Producer.flush`

tags: producer-id
description: the total time the Producer spent sending offsets to transactions (for EOS).

tags: producer thread-id, application-id
description: the total time the Kafka Streams thread Producer spent committing transactions (for EOS).

tags: producer-id
description: the total time the Producer spent aborting transactions (for EOS).

tags: consumer thread-id, application-id
description: the total time the Kafka Streams thread Consumer spent committing offsets (for AOS).

tags: thread-id, application-id
deciptiondescription: the epoch time the Kafka Streams thread was started. This is useful for computing utilization during intervals close to the stream thread start time.the processing ratio during the first interval after the thread starts. 

Proposed Changes

flush-time-total: this will be a Producer metric computed as the cumulative sum of time elapsed during calls to Producer.flush.

txn-send-offsets-time-total: this will be a Producer metric computed as the cumulative sum of time elapsed during calls to Producer.sendOffsetsToTransaction.

txn-commit-time-total: this will be a Producer metric computed as the cumulative sum of time elapsed during calls to StreamsProducerProducer.commitTransaction from TaskManager.

txn-abort-time-total: this will be a Producer metric computed as the cumulative sum of time elapsed during calls to Producer.abortTransaction.

commit-syncoffset-commit-time-total: this will be a Consumer metric computed as the cumulative sum of time elapsed during calls to Consumer.commitSync from TaskManager.

blocked-time-total: this will be a Value that returns the sum of the following metrics:

  • consumer’s io-waittime-total
  • consumer’s iotime-total
  • consumer’s commit-sync-time-total
  • restore consumer’s io-waittime-total
  • restore consumer’s iotime-total
  • admin client’s io-waittime-total
  • admin client’s iotime-total
  • producer’s bufferpool-wait-time-total
  • producer's flush-time-total
  • producer's txn-send-offsets-time-total
  • producer's txn-commit-time-time-total
  • producer's txn-


  • abort-time-total

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan
