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update instructions to reflect recent changes to pom.xml

Because WebWork is under active development, these instructions are likely to be out-of-date in specifics.  Hopefully the basic strategies will still apply.

First, if xwork is not available from a Maven repo (for example, if it has moved to a SNAPSHOT dependency), then check it out from the CVS repository First, checkout xwork also, and run "mvn install" - this gives you the snapshot of XWork as well as the POM for resolving transitive dependencies like oscore..  This may apply to other dependencies which are not on ibiblio, but when I first tried this, xwork was the one with enough transitive dependencies to be hard to manage any other way.

For other dependencies which are not on ibiblio, from Second, in the webwork CVS checkout (sandbox), run "ant common.jar". This will cause Ivy to fetch the other dependencies you need.

Then, for each of the missing dependencies, install using "mvn install:install-file" Below are examples, but of course the path to your ".ivy-cache" directory will differ, and it's possible that you would end up with a different SNAPSHOTted version of plexus-container-defaultthe versions are likely to change for lots of reason, but especially if the dependency is a SNAPSHOT with a timestamp in the filename.

Code Block
mvn install:install-file -DartifactId=dwr -DgroupId=dwr -Dpackaging=jar -Dversion=1.1.3-beta \

mvn install:install-file -DartifactId=plexus-container-default -DgroupId=org.codehaus.plexus \
    -Dpackaging=jar -Dversion=1.0-alpha-10-SNAPSHOT \

Finally, I had to modify pom.xml to define a location for the dom3 dependencies, since I don't have Java 5 on this machine. There's a comment in pom.xml acknowledging that this needs to happen. I'm assuming at least one part of the sticking point is that no public Maven2 repo has a dom3 jar (as far as I could find.)

Ah, yes – one other thing; the webwork pom.xml should include spring-mock as a test-scoped dependency.

After all those, mvn eclipse:eclipse seems to do just what it should.

If you, like me, are not running Java 5.0, then you will also need to install the dom3 APIs.  As far as I can tell, the compiled JAR is not on any Maven repository. the source for dom3 can be found here: Added; You can build a jar from it and then put it in your own repository.  After that, I had to edit webwork's pom.xml to point to the dependency -- webwork has a comment in the <profiles> section acknowledging the need for this, but presumably it will not be changed until dom3 gets officially loaded as a compiled JAR to some maven repository.  I believe there should be a way to use Maven2's settings.xml file to do this locally without editing pom.xml, but I have not had a chance to investigate this yet.

These steps worked for me a week or so ago; the pom has changed since then and I haven't yet had time to rebuild, but this kind of approach should work.  Thanks Joe Germuska for reporting this to the user forum.