Versions Compared


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  1. Push your changes to some Flink's clone github repository branch.
  2. Trigger a new build on Jenkins benchmark request project. You can specify the branch and which github repository should be used for this benchmark request both for the benchmarked Flink code and the benchmark code itself.
    1. Please select as small set of benchmarks to execute as possible. If you select single benchmark to execute (for example org.apache.flink.benchmark.SortingBoundedInputBenchmarks  ), the benchmark-request build will take ~11 minutes. Executing all benchmarks can take ~2 hours to complete.
    2. Please make sure that nobody else is doing some benchmarking at the same time. Benchmark runs are being queued one after another, but comparison view in the benchmarks WebUI compares only the single latest result against the latest master, so make sure you do not overwrite someone else results as he is analysing them with that someone's else knowledge. You can check who and when was doing the last comparison by looking when was the last benchmark request run on the Jenkins and who has started it. If last activity was more than a day ago, you are probably good to go. If not, please contact the person that triggered the latest build and coordinate the efforts.
  3. If your benchmark-request build is blocked by other builds that were started by the timer, feel free to cancel those timer builds.
    1. NEVER cancel builds started by other users, at least without asking for their permission first.
    2. You can check who has started the build in Jenkins. You will see one of "Started by timer" or "Started by USER_XYZ".
  4. Once benchmark request build finishes, the results will be:
      1. Archived as the build artefact on the Jenkins as CSV file
        pushed to comparison UI
      1. . This is easier if you are looking for results of one or a couple of particular benchmarks.
      2. Pushed to comparison UI. This might be a bit clogged, but could be useful if you are checking results of all of the benchmarks.


    The general structure of projects on Jenkins is as follows.
