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Code Block
// An example interface that provides pre-defined parameters.
public interface MyParams<T> extends WithParams<T> {
    Param<Boolean> BOOLEAN_PARAM = new BooleanParam("booleanParam", "Description", false);

    Param<Integer> INT_PARAM = new IntParam("intParam", "Description", 1,;

    Param<Long> LONG_PARAM = new LongParam("longParam", "Description", 2L,;

    Param<Integer[]> INT_ARRAY_PARAM =
            new IntArrayParam("intArrayParam", "Description", new Integer[] {3, 4});

    Param<String[]> STRING_ARRAY_PARAM =
            new StringArrayParam("stringArrayParam", "Description", new String[] {"5", "6"});

// An example stage class that defines its own parameters and also inherits parameters from MyParams.
public static class MyStage implements Stage<MyStage>, MyParams<MyStage> {
    private final Map<Param<?>, Object> paramMap = new HashMap<>();

    Param<Integer> extraIntParam = new IntParam("extraIntParam", "Description", 100, ParamValidator.ALWAYS_TRUE);

    public MyStage() {}

    public Map<Param<?>, Object> getUserDefinedParamMap() {
        return paramMap;

    // Skipped implementation of save() and load().

public static void main(String[] args) {
    MyStage stage = new MyStage();

    // Gets the value of a parameter defined in the MyParams interface without first setting its value.
    Long[] longArrayValue = stage.get(MyParams.LONG_ARRAY_PARAM);

    // Sets and gets value of a parameter defined in the MyParams interface.
    stage.set(MyParams.INT_PARAM, 1);
    Integer intValue = stage.get(MyParams.INT_PARAM);

    // Sets and gets value of a parameter defined in the MyStage class.
    stage.set(stage.extraIntParam, 2);
    Integer extraIntValue = stage.get(stage.extraIntParam);

    // Sets and gets value of a parameter identified by its name string.
    Param<?> longParam = stage.getParam("longParam");
    stage.set(longParam, 3L);
    Long longValue = (Long) stage.get(stage.getParam("longParam"));

