Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Background: In early 1.x, we had basic metadata keys that were created somewhat ad hoc.  We then added normalized metadata keys based on standards such as Dublin Core, or we at least tried to add namespaces to the metadata keys for specific file formats.  To maintain backwards compatibility, we kept the old keys and added new keys.  This led to quite a bit of metadata bloat, where we'd have the same information two or three times.  In Tika 2.x, we slimmed down the metadata keys and relied only on , say Dublin Core if it existsthe standards-based or name-spaced keys.  In the table below, we document the mappings.  If you notice any missing, please let us know or update the wiki.

Tika 1.xTika 2.x
Author, meta:author, dc:creatordc:creator
Last-Author, meta:last-authormeta:last-author
Creation-Date, date, dcterms:createddcterms:created
Last-Modified, modified, dcterms:modifieddcterms:modified
Last-Save-Date, meta:save-datemeta:save-date
Application-Name, extended-properties:Applicationextended-properties:Application
Character Count, meta:character-countmeta:character-count
Company, extended-properties:Companyextended-properties:Company
Edit-Time, extended-properties:TotalTimeextended-properties:TotalTime
Keywords, meta:keyword, dc:subjectmeta:keyword, dc:subject
Page-Count, meta:page-countmeta:page-count
Revision-Number, cp:revisioncp:revision
subject, cp:subject, dc:subjectdc:subject
Template, extended-properties:Templateextended-properties:Tempate
Word-Count, meta:word-countmeta:word-count
