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Current state: ImplementingUnder Discussion

Discussion threadDev List


To make these work with the new system we would extend the cqlshrc file to have a configuration as the following:


classname=<class name>
module=<path to module>

extendedparam1 = <property to be fed into a dict during initialization>

Cqlsh, when invoked with this configuration, would create an instance of the given class name from the given module.


An individual wanting to use a SaslAuthProvider in CQLSH, initialized in client code like this:

        sasl_kwargs = {'service': 'something',
                      'mechanism': 'GSSAPI',
                      'qops': 'auth'}
        auth_provider = SaslAuthProvider(**sasl_kwargs)

would merely need to provide the following cqlshrc, to use a similar Auth Provider instance in cqlsh.



service = something
mechanism = GSSAPI
qops = auth

Adding additional cqlshrc properties to allow instantiation of plugin authenticator


The new heading for the cqlshrc would appear to be the following:


classname = <class name>
module = <path to module>
path = <path to python lib>

param1 = <custom property sent to AuthProvider's constructor>

module and path would correspond to the arguments that are part of the built-in importlib functionality of Python. classname would correspond to the class name loaded.


These are accessible with standard period/context notation using <section Name>.<Property>.  For example to override the authprovider class name...

$ cqlsh --AuthProvider.classname=SaslAuthProvider

Dynamic loading of Custom AuthProvider class in cqlsh utility


To configure cqlsh to work I would add the following section to my cqlshrc file...




After doing so, when connecting via cqlsh it would immediately use SAML to authenticate me against the cluster.
