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Discussion thread: here

JIRA: here


MirrorMaker 2 uses AdminClient directly to create topics and sync configurations like topic configs and ACLs by enabling sync.topic.configs.enabled  and sync.topic.acls.enabled , while this approach simplifies the resource management for MM2, it does create the following problems for users who have their systems or tooling to manage Kafka resources:

  1. External Kafka resource management tool/system may override the same configurations that MM2 synced previously. 
  2. Create/Modify resources using AdminClient directly lead to a lack of auditing and tracing resources.

In use-cases where users have their own centralized system to manage Kafka topics and ACLs, they should easily integrate MirrorMaker2 with their internal ecosystem. 

Currently, there are a couple of options to deal with these problems, 

  1. Drop mirrored topics from a centralized system and accept the risk of not tracing these topics. This direction will avoid conflict between topics monitored by MM2 and the centralized system for resource
  2. managment
  3. management.
  4. Creating topics up-front and disabling features like sync.topic.configs.enabled , sync.topic.acls.enabled.

The current approach also


assumes that the user


running MM2 has the Admin right to create topics, which is only


valid if the user who


runs MM2




manages both source and destination clusters. 

This KIP


proposes a way for users to run MM2 with custom implementation for the Kafka resource manager. 

Public Interfaces

The KIP is proposing proposes adding a new interface called KafkaResourceManager that define defines how MM2 will create, modify, and list any Kafka topics and ACLs. MirrorMaker2’s original behaviour will be kept in DefaultResourceManager.

The implemented class can be overridden using the following configurations.

  • resource.manager.class default value will be set to DefaultResourceManager
  • or can be configured based on cluster aliases using <cluster_alias>.resource.manager.class


KafkaResourceManager interface will define how to list, create, update topictopics, topic configs, and ACLs.


  • When users upgrade an existing MM2 cluster they don’t need to change any of their current configuration as this proposal maintains the default behaviour for MM2.

Rejected Alternatives

  • Manage creating and modifying
  • kafka
  • Kafka topics and ACLs outside MM2 by building a separate tool that
  • monitor
  • monitors the same set of topics as MirrorMaker2 and create/modify topics and ACLs once it detects configuration changes. The problem is this will be a duplicate effort as MM2 already has all this logic implemented; it only needs to use a different client than AdminClient.
  • Provide a way for
  • Allow MM2 users to provide a custom implementation of the Admin interface instead of adding a new interface. The problem with this one is that the Admin interface has 86 methods, and
  • MM2 
  • MM2 depends on 13 of them; this means any custom implementation of the Admin interface will be humongous
  • as
  • . The user will need
  • to return
  • to return dummy data for 73
  • method
  • methods that MM2
  • doesn't
  • does not use.