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Code Block
 * Interface for classes that take parameters. It provides APIs to set and get parameters.
 * @param <T> The class type of WithParams implementation itself.
public interface WithParams<T> {
    /** Gets a param by name. */
    default <V> Param<V> getParam(String name) {...}

     * Sets the value of the given parameter in the user-defined map.
     * @param param the parameter
     * @param value the value
     * @return the WithParams instance itself
    default <V> T set(Param<V> param, V value) {...}

     * Gets the value of the given parameter. Returns the value from the user-defined map if set(...) has been
     * explicitly called to set value for this parameter. Otherwise, returns the default value from the definition of
     * this parameter.
     * @param param the parameter
     * @param <V> the type of the parameter
     * @return the value of the parameter
    default <V> V get(Param<V> param) {...}

     * Returns ana immutablemap mapwhich thatshould containscontain value for every parameter that meets one of the following
     conditions:* conditions.
     * 1<p>1) set(...) has been called to set value for this parameter.
     * 2<p>2) The parameter is a public field of this WithParams instance. This includes fields
     * inherited from its interfaces and super-classes.     
     * @return<p>The ansubclass immutablewhich mapimplements ofthis parametersinterface andcould values.
meet this requirement by returning */a
     * member default Map<Param<?>, Object> getParamMap() {...}

     * A subclass of this interface should override this method to provide a mutable map that can be used to store 
     * parameter values.
     field of the given map type, after having initialized this member field using the
     * {@link ParamUtils#initializeMapWithDefaultValues(Map, WithParams)} method.
     * @return aA map mutablewhich mapmaps fromparameter paramdefinition to paramparameter value.
    Map<Param<?>, Object> getUserDefinedParamMapgetParamMap();

2) We propose to add the following subclasses of Param<?> to simplify the creation of parameters with primitive-typed values (e.g. long, int, boolean). 


3) We propose to add the following subclasses of ParamValidator<?> to simplify the creation of parameter validators with numerical util method to facilitate the initialization of parameter map with default parameter values.

Code Block
 *Utility Factory methods for reading and writing stages. */
public class ParamUtils {
     * Updates the paramMap with default values of all public Param-typed fields of the given
     * instance. A parameter's value will not be updated if this parameter is already found in the
     * map.
     * <p>Note: This method should be called after all public Param-typed fields of the given
     * instance have been defined. A good choice is to call this method in the constructor of the
     * given instance.
    public static void initializeMapWithDefaultValues(Map<Param<?>, Object> paramMap, WithParams<?> instance) {...}

4) We propose to add the following subclasses of ParamValidator<?> to simplify the creation of parameter validators with numerical values.

Code Block
 * Factory methods for common validation functions. The numerical methods only support Int, Long,
 * Float, and Double.
public class ParamValidators {
    // Always return true.
    public static <T> ParamValidator<T> alwaysTrue() {...}

    // Check if the parameter value is greater than lowerBound.
    public static <T> ParamValidator<T> gt(double lowerBound) {...}

    // Check if the parameter value is greater than or equal to lowerBoundcommon validation functions. The numerical methods only support Int, Long,
 * Float, and Double.
public class ParamValidators {
    // Always return true.
    public static <T> ParamValidator<T> alwaysTruegtEq(double lowerBound) {...}

    // Check if the parameter value is greaterless than lowerBoundupperBound.
    public static <T> ParamValidator<T> gtlt(double lowerBoundupperBound) {...}

    // Check if the parameter value is greaterless than or equal to lowerBoundupperBound.
    public static <T> ParamValidator<T> gtEqltEq(double lowerBoundupperBound) {...}

     * Check if the parameter value is less than in the range from lowerBound to upperBound.
     * @param lowerInclusive publicif statictrue, <T>range ParamValidator<T>includes lt(double upperBound) {...}

value = lowerBound
     * //@param CheckupperInclusive if the parametertrue, range includes value is= lessupperBound
 than or equal to upperBound.*/
    public static <T> ParamValidator<T> ltEqinRange(double lowerBound, double upperBound, boolean lowerInclusive, boolean upperInclusive) {...}

     * Check if the parameter value is in the range from [lowerBound, to upperBound].
     * @param lowerInclusive if true,public rangestatic includes<T> valueParamValidator<T> =inRange(double lowerBound
, double upperBound) {...}

   * @param// upperInclusiveCheck if true,the rangeparameter includes value =is upperBound
in the array of allowed */values.
    public static <T> ParamValidator<T> inRange(double lowerBound, double upperBound, boolean lowerInclusive, boolean upperInclusive inArray(T... allowed) {...}

    // Check if the parameter value is in the range [lowerBound, upperBound]not null.
    public static <T> ParamValidator<T> inRange(double lowerBound, double upperBoundnotNull() {...}

Proposed Changes


Code Block
// An example interface that provides pre-defined parameters.
public interface MyParams<T> extends WithParams<T> {
    Param<Boolean> BOOLEAN_PARAM = new BooleanParam("booleanParam", "Description", false);

    Param<Integer> INT_PARAM = new IntParam("intParam", "Description", 1,;

    Param<Long> LONG_PARAM = new LongParam("longParam", "Description", 2L,;

    Param<Integer[]> INT_ARRAY_PARAM = new IntArrayParam("intArrayParam", "Description", new Integer[] {3, 4});

    Param<String[]> STRING_ARRAY_PARAM = new StringArrayParam("stringArrayParam", "Description", new String[] {"5", "6"});

// An example stage class that defines its own parameters and also inherits parameters from MyParams.
public static class MyStage implements Stage<MyStage>, MyParams<MyStage> {
    private final Map<Param<?>, Object> paramMap = new HashMap<>();

    Param<Integer> extraIntParam = new IntParam("extraIntParam", "Description", 100, ParamValidator.ALWAYS_TRUE);

    public MyStage() {}

    public Map<Param<?>, Object> getUserDefinedParamMap() {
        return paramMap   ParamUtils.initializeMapWithDefaultValues(paramMap, this);

    // Skipped implementation of save() and load().

public static void main(String[] args) {
    MyStage stage = new MyStage();

    // Gets the value of a parameter defined in the MyParams interface without first setting its value.
    Long[] longArrayValue = stage.get(MyParams.LONG_ARRAY_PARAM);

    // Sets and gets value of a parameter defined in the MyParams interface.
    stage.set(MyParams.INT_PARAM, 1);
    Integer intValue = stage.get(MyParams.INT_PARAM);

    // Sets and gets value of a parameter defined in the MyStage class.
    stage.set(stage.extraIntParam, 2);
    Integer extraIntValue = stage.get(stage.extraIntParam);

    // Sets and gets value of a parameter identified by its name string.
    Param<?> longParam = stage.getParam("longParam");
    stage.set(longParam, 3L);
    Long longValue = (Long) stage.get(stage.getParam("longParam"));
