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Code Block
 * Interface for classes that take parameters. It provides APIs to set and get parameters.
 * @param <T> The class type of WithParams implementation itself.
public interface WithParams<T> {
    /** Gets a param by name. */
    default <V> Param<V> getParam(String name) {...}

     * Sets the value of the given parameter in the user-defined map.
     * @param param the parameter
     * @param value the value
     * @return the WithParams instance itself
    default <V> T set(Param<V> param, V value) {...}

     * Gets the value of the given parameter. Returns the value from the user-defined map if set(...) has been
     * explicitly called to set value for this parameter. Otherwise, returns the default value from the definition of
     * this parameter.
     * @param param the parameter
     * @param <V> the type of the parameter
     * @return the value of the parameter
    default <V> V get(Param<V> param) {...}      /**
     * Returns a map which should contain value for every parameter that meets one of the following
     * conditions.
     * <p>1) set(...) has been called to set value for this parameter.
     * <p>2) The parameter is a public final field of this WithParams instance. This includes fields
     * inherited from its interfaces and super-classes.
     * <p>The subclass which implements this interface could meet this requirement by returning a
     * member field of the given map type, after having initialized this member field using the
     * {@link ParamUtils#initializeMapWithDefaultValues(Map, WithParams)} method.
     * @return A map which maps parameter definition to parameter value.
    Map<Param<?>, Object> getParamMap();


Code Block
/** Utility methods for reading and writing stages. */
public class ParamUtils {
     * Updates the paramMap with default values of all public final Param-typed fields of the given
     * instance. A parameter's value will not be updated if this parameter is already found in the
     * map.
     * <p>Note: This method should be called after all public final Param-typed fields of the given
     * instance have been defined. A good choice is to call this method in the constructor of the
     * given instance.
    public static void initializeMapWithDefaultValues(Map<Param<?>, Object> paramMap, WithParams<?> instance) {...}

4) We propose to add the following subclasses of ParamValidator<?> to simplify the creation of parameter validators with numerical values.


2) The initializeMapWithDefaultValues(paramMap, withParamsInstance) method will use Java reflection to enumerate all public final fields of withParamInstance, find those fields assignable from the Param class, and update the given paramMap with default value for those Param fields that are not already found in the paramMap.

In order for this to work correctly, initializeMapWithDefaultValues(...) should be called after all public final Param-typed fields of the given WithParams instance have been defined. A good choice is to call this method in the constructor of the WithParams instance.


Code Block
// An example interface that provides pre-defined parameters.
public interface MyParams<T> extends WithParams<T> {
    Param<Boolean> BOOLEAN_PARAM = new BooleanParam("booleanParam", "Description", false);

    Param<Integer> INT_PARAM = new IntParam("intParam", "Description", 1,;

    Param<Long> LONG_PARAM = new LongParam("longParam", "Description", 2L,;

    Param<Integer[]> INT_ARRAY_PARAM = new IntArrayParam("intArrayParam", "Description", new Integer[] {3, 4});

    Param<String[]> STRING_ARRAY_PARAM = new StringArrayParam("stringArrayParam", "Description", new String[] {"5", "6"});

// An example stage class that defines its own parameters and also inherits parameters from MyParams.
public static class MyStage implements Stage<MyStage>, MyParams<MyStage> {
    private final Map<Param<?>, Object> paramMap = new HashMap<>();

    public final Param<Integer> extraIntParam = new IntParam("extraIntParam", "Description", 100, ParamValidator.ALWAYS_TRUE);

    public MyStage() {
        ParamUtils.initializeMapWithDefaultValues(paramMap, this);

    // Skipped implementation of save() and load().

public static void main(String[] args) {
    MyStage stage = new MyStage();

    // Gets the value of a parameter defined in the MyParams interface without first setting its value.
    Long[] longArrayValue = stage.get(MyParams.LONG_ARRAY_PARAM);

    // Sets and gets value of a parameter defined in the MyParams interface.
    stage.set(MyParams.INT_PARAM, 1);
    Integer intValue = stage.get(MyParams.INT_PARAM);

    // Sets and gets value of a parameter defined in the MyStage class.
    stage.set(stage.extraIntParam, 2);
    Integer extraIntValue = stage.get(stage.extraIntParam);

    // Sets and gets value of a parameter identified by its name string.
    Param<?> longParam = stage.getParam("longParam");
    stage.set(longParam, 3L);
    Long longValue = (Long) stage.get(stage.getParam("longParam"));
