Versions Compared


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In the discussion, we summarize some drawbacks of the current cluster module , and propose some ideas.

We welcome all contributors to supply the design (add comments to reply if you have no permission).


  • raft’s linearization serialization should keep consistent with the single module's linearization.
  • Data partitioning (how to partition data, and how to assign the data blocks to different nodes)
  • Data partitioning granularity: SG + time range.
  • Metrics in cluster
  • Scale-out can be only executed one by one
  • There are many synchronized key wordskeywords
  • How to partitioning partition the schema -> keep the current status
  • Current Raft and business codes are coupled -> decouple
  • There are too many thread pools -> SEDA
  • meta group covers all the nodes, which makes it impossible to scale to hundreds of nodes -> reduce to several nodes
  • Query framework -> MPP

New Design



  • The number of involved Replica Rule:
    • Write operation: quorum
    • Delete (metadata) operation: All nodes
      • WhichThismeans the Deletionoperationhasloweravailability.
    • Query operation: one or half-replicas node
  • For all operations, once a node forwards incorrect, the receiver reply incorrect.
    • But as current we can not guarantee all raft groups having have the same leader in a data partition, we have to add a forward stage if the receiver is a follower. But if the receiver does not belong to the group, reply incorrectincorrection.



There are three types of managers in the cluster. Each node could exist three types of managers.

  • Partition Table Raft Groupmanagers
    • several Several nodes in the cluster. All other nodes must know them (from the configuration file).
    • Knows how the schema is partitioned, and how the data is partitioned.
  • Partitioned Schema managers
    • several Several nodes in the cluster.
    • Each Partitioned Schema has a raft group.
  • Partitioned Data managers
    • Each partitioned data has several raft groups (= the SG * virtual nodes in the partitioned table).



3.1 CreateSG

  • 1. The coordinator checks whether the PT(Partition Table) cache has the SG(Storage Group)
  • 2. if already have, then reject.
  • 3. if not, then sends send it to the PT raft group
  • 4. after success, update local PT cache
  • ThismeansallothernodesdonothavetheinfointheirPTcache.

3.2 DeleteSG

  • The coordinator  sends sends to the PT raft group
  • PT group call raft protocol (to start operation and get approval).
  • PT group sends to ALL NODES
  • for each node, delete data, mtreeschema,  update local PT cache
  • Once all nodes successsucceed, PT call raft protocol to finish deleting SG
  • Once some nodes fail, PT call raft protocol to stop deleting SG (meanssomenodesstillhavetheSG,schema,anddata)

When restarting, if the raft group has start started operation but have has no stop/finish operation, call stop.
