Versions Compared


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Comment: Fix wget command


  1. Edit pom.xml and change the Log4jReleaseVersion property to the version you are releasing. 

  2. Make a fresh Git clone of the master branch of 

  3. Update src/changes/announcement.vm 

  4. Run mvn -P release-notes generate-resources to create the release notes. 

  5. Update src/changes/changes.xml with the release date. 

  6. Run git addgit commit, and git push to commit the file that was just generated along with the other files that were modified. 

  7. Verify whether the bug with the Maven DOAP plugin still exists. If it does configure the build computer to use Oracle Java 1.8.0_202-b08.
  8. Build the site: 

    Code Block
    mvn site
    mvn site:stage -DstagingDirectory=$HOME/log4j

     where $HOME is your home directory and verify that the site looks good. 

  9. Run

    Code Block
    mvn -P apache-release -DskipTests -Darguments="-DskipTests" release:prepare release:perform -DreleaseVersion=n.n.n -DdevelopmentVersion=n.n.n-SNAPSHOT -Dtag=log4j-n.n.n-rcn 

    to start the release. Enter the password to your signing key when prompted.

  10. Login to using your ASF credentials. Select "Staging Repositories" then check the org.apache.logging repository and close it. 

  11. Check out the release tag that was created via the Maven release plugin using git checkout tags/tagname. 

  12. Run mvn site in the tag directory. When that completes run mvn site:stage -DstagingDirectory=$HOME/log4j where $HOME is your home directory. 

  13. Zip the contents of $HOME/log4j with zip -r log4j

  14. Create the preview web site:
    1. Clone the Log4j web site from Checkout the asf-staging branch.
    2. Create a directory matching the target release version. Unzip the site zip file into that directory. Unlink the 2.x symlink and link it to the newly created directory.
    3. Commit and push the web site preview.

  15. Copy the distribution archive files from log4j-distribution/target to where is checked out on your machine. 

    1. Generate the sha512 checksum of the bin and source archive files using

      Code Block
      sha512sum >


      Code Block
      gpg --print-md SHA512 >

  16. Generate the release vote email: 
    1. Create the email addressed to Sending the email to the PMC is not necessary. 

    2. Copy the changes in the release from RELEASE-NOTES.txt into the email. 

    3. Provide a link to the tag, web site on, and the artifacts in the Nexus repository. 

    4. Provide the command to download all the artifacts: 

      Code Block
      wget -e robots=off --cut-dirs=7 -nH -r -p -np --no-check-certificate $LINK

      where $LINK is the URL to the repository you just closed (plus the org/apache/logging/log4j/ path appended). 

  17. If the release vote fails proceed as described in the section below, otherwise if it passes: 
    1. Create a new (immutable) tag named rel/n.n from the log4j-n.n.n-rcn tag by changing to the changing to the directory containing the source for the release and performing 

      Code Block
      git tag [--local-user userId] -s rel/n.n.n -m "Release n.n.n of Log4j"

      where --local-user is optional, followed by

      Code Block
      git push --tags

  18. The following steps must be performed by a PMC member: 
    1. Checkout 

    2. Create the release directory under the log4j directory. 

    3. Move all the distribution artifacts from the distribution dev location to that directory. 
    4. Perform an svn add of the release directory. 

    5. Commit the release to Subversion. 
    6. Login to and add the release version and date. 
  19. The following steps can then be taken by whomever started the release: 
    1. Delete the core-its project from the Nexus repository. 
    2. Release the remaining artifacts in the Nexus Repository. 
  20. Wait 12-24 hours (or after the distribution artifacts have been propagated to the mirrors and the Maven artifacts have been propagated to the Central Repository), and then the following steps must be performed by a PMC member: 
    1. Perform svn delete on the previous release directory for the same version under the log4j directory ( 

    2. Commit the delete to Subversion. 
    3. See ManagingTheWebSite regarding sub-projects. 

    4. In your log4j web site repo checkout the asf-site branch. Perform git checkout asf-site then git rebase asf-staging and finally git push. Wait 5 to 10 minutes and verify the web site is live.

  21. After the website is updated, send the release announcement email. This should be sent out to, and 

  22. Send the release announcement to using your email address.  This can be combined with the previous step as a Cc field as long as the To field is the dev@ list.
