Metric name | Type | Labels | Description |
client.producer.partition.record.queue.bytes | Gauge | topic partition acks=all|none|leader | Number of bytes queued on partition queue. |
client.producer.partition.record.queue.count | Gauge | topic partition acks=all|none|leader | Number of records queued on partition queue. |
client.producer.partition.record.latency | Histogram | topic partition acks=all|none|leader | Total produce record latency, from application calling send()/produce() to ack received from broker. |
client.producer.partition.record.queue.latency | Histogram | topic partition acks=all|none|leader | Time between send()/produce() and record being sent to broker. |
client.producer.partition.record.retries | Sum | topic partition acks=all|none|leader | Number of ProduceRequest retries. |
client.producer.partition.record.failures | Sum | topic partition acks=all|none|leader reason | Number of records that permanently failed delivery. Reason is a short string representation of the reason, which is typically the name of a Kafka protocol error code, e.g., “RequestTimedOut”. |
client.producer.partition.record.success | Sum | topic partition acks=all|none|leader | Number of records that have been successfully produced. |