Versions Compared


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Changes from  J2EE 1.4


Available Packages

Web Services Technologies






Implementing Web Services

WSEE 1.2

JSR 109

Maintenance update.  Upgraded from WSEE 1.1   


Geronimo/Axis joint implementation Geronimo implementation required.

Java API for XML-Based Web Services

JAX-WS 2.0  

JSR 224

New for JEE 5.0 


An Axis 2.0 subproject has an implementation of JAX-WS.  
CeltiXfire has an implementation of JAX-WS. 

Java API for XML-Based RPC


JSR 101

Same as J2EE 1.4 

Already available in Geronimo.

Neither Axis 2 nor CeltiXfire has current plans for this.  Axis 1 contains JAX-RPC 1.1

Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) 

JAXB 2.0

JSR 222

New for JEE 5.0


Neither Axis 2 nor CeltiXfire have plans for JAXB 2.0.  It appears they will use the CDDL licensed version from Sun.  The Castor project is discussing a JAXB 2.0 implementation.

SOAP with Attachments API for Java

SAAJ 1.3

JSR 67

Maintenance update. Upgraded from SAAJ 1.2  


Axis 2.0 has no plans to implement SAAJ 1.3.  There is a CDDL licensed version from Sun.   Also, CeltiXfire may implement this in the near future.  

Streaming API for XML

STAX 1.0

JSR 173

New for JEE 5.0


Axis 2.0 and CeltiXfire are both using Woodstox. 

Web Service Metadata for the Java Platform 

WS Metadata 2.0  (Annotations)

JSR 181

New for JEE 5.0


Axis 2 is using WS Metadata 2.0 originally from the Beehive project.  CeltiXFire contains an implementation of WS Metadata 2.0.

Java API for XML registries

JAXR 1.0

JSR 93

Same as J2EE 1.4

Already available in Geronimo

Available via Apache Scout project.




Web Application Technologies






Java Servlet  

Servlet 2.5

JSR 154

Maintenance Update. 
Upgraded from Servlet 2.4 


Jetty 6.0 for Geronimo 1.2.  Tomcat 6.0 for Geronimo 1.2 

Java Server Faces

JSF 1.2

JSR 252

New for JEE 5.0


Apache MyFaces

JavaServer Pages 

JSP 2.1

JSR 245

Upgraded from JSP 2.0


Apache Tomcat Jasper

JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library

JSTL 1.2

JSR 52

New for JEE 5.0


Jakarta Taglibs 

JSP debugging


JSR 45

New for JEE 5.0


Available in Tomcat 5.x.  Assume it is still available in Tomcat 6.0 
Available for Jetty 6?







Enterprise Application Technologies






Enterprise Java Beans 

EJB 3.0

JSR 220

Upgraded from EJB 2.1


OpenEJB 3.0

J2EE Connector Architecture

JCA 1.5

JSR 112

Same as J2EE 1.4

Already available in Geronimo.

Geronimo Connector

Common Annotations for the Java Platform

Annotations 1.0

JSR 250

New for JEE 5.0


Geronimo implementation required???
Geronimo Eclipse Tools will add annotations.

Java Message Service 

JMS 1.1

JSR 914

Same as J2EE 1.4

Already available in Geronimo.

ActiveMQ 4.x - Is this really required for spec compliance?

Java Persistence API

JPA 1.0

JSR 220

New for JEE 5.0


1) OpenJPA (Kodo)
2) Cayenne
3) TopLink

Java Transaction API

JTA 1.1

JSR 907

Maintenance update. 
Upgraded from JTA 1.0


Geronimo implementation required.

JavaBeans Activation Framework

JAF 1.1

JSR 925

Maintenance update. 
Upgraded from JAF 1.0


Geronimo implementation required.


JavaMail 1.4

JSR 919

Maintenance update. 
Upgraded from JavaMail 1.3

Already available in G1.2

Geronimo 1.2 has already upgraded to JavaMail 1.4.







Management and Security Technologies



J2EE Application Deployment

Deployment 1.2

JSR 88

Maintenance update. 
Upgraded from Deployment 1.1


Geronimo implementation required.

J2EE Management

Management 1.1

JSR 77

Maintenance update. 
Upgraded from Management 1.0   


Geronimo implementation required.

Java Authorization Contract for Containers

JACC 1.1

JSR 115

Maintenance update. 
Upgraded from JACC 1.0


Geronimo implementation required.