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The ApacheCon US 2009 presentation What's new in Roller 5.0 tells the story of Roller and Roller 5.0 in some detail and includes details on the new features, which are summarized here:

  • Media blogging features
  • OpenID for user logins
  • OAuth for AtomPub authentication
  • Simple multi-domain support
  • Code base improvements

Now, let's talk about each area.

Media Blogging features

The main new feature in Roller 5.0 is "media blogging" which is what we call a set of features that are designed to make it easier for you to upload, manage and blog images, video files and audio files – media files. These new features were added by Tanuja Varkanthe and Ganesh Mathrubootham for a 2008/2009 computer science project project class at San Jose State Univ.


Open ID for user logins

With Roller 5 it is possible to allow uses to authenticate with OpenID credentials. You can setup your Roller system to allow only OpenID logins or to allow your users to login by username and password or via OpenID. Below is a screenshot that shows what the login page looks like when both username/password and OpenID logins are allowed:

Image Added

This new feature was added by Tatyana Tokareva for a 2008 Google Summer of Gode project and was implemnented using Spring security's built in support for OpenID.

For more information:

Editing of comments

This is a small feature that makes it possible for a blog owner to edit the comments left by others on his or her blog for the purposes of cleaning up HTML, spelling errors or profanity in comments. Here's a quick screencast that illustrates how comment editing works:

<object id="scPlayer" width="760" height="607"> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="quality" value="high"></param> <param name="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF"></param> <param name="flashVars" value="thumb= Added"></param> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param> <param name="scale" value="showall"></param> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param> <param name="base" value=""></param> <embed src="" quality="high" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="760" height="607" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="always" flashVars="thumb= Added" allowFullScreen="true" base="" scale="showall"></embed> </object>

Simple multi-domain support


Open ID support

With Roller 5 it is possible to allow uses to authenticate with OpenID credentials. You can setup your Roller system to allow only OpenID logins or to allow your users to login by username and password or via OpenID. Below is a screenshot that shows what the login page looks like when both username/password and OpenID logins are allowed:

Image Removed

This new feature was added by Tatyana Tokareva for a 2008 Google Summer of Gode project and was implemnented using Spring security's built in support for OpenID.

For more information:

OAuth for AtomPub

As part of the SocialSite project, an OAuth provider implementation was added to Roller. This OAuth provider is used to authenticate Roller's AtomPub web services interface. In Roller, there are now three options for AtomPub authentication:
