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Use the encrypt command to encrypt a generate an encrypted string. The encrypt command This command takes use of org.apache.geronimo.util.EncryptionManager and has the following syntax:


<geronimo_home>/bin/deploy <general_options>





Where <String> specifies the <general_options> are common options that apply to all commands, <string> specifies a string to get encrypted.


No Format

deploy -h localhost -p 1099 encrypt passw0rd

That command will encrypt the passw0rd string when the server is running.

No Format

deploy -o encrypt passw0rd

That command will encrypt the passw0rd string when the server is not running.

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Use the install-library command to install a library into server's repository. The install-library command has the following syntax:

No Format

deploy <general_options> install-library --groupId groupName <libraryFile>

Use the --groupId option to specify a non-default group id for the library. Otherwise, the library file will be installed with the group id named default.


No Format

deploy -u system -p manager install-library mylib-1.0.jar

That command will install the mylib-1.0.jar at <geronimo_home>/repository/default/mylib/1.0/mylib-1.0.jar

No Format

deploy -u system -p manager install-library --groupId mygroup mylib-1.0.jar

That command will install the mylib-1.0.jar at <geronimo_home>/repository/mygroup/mylib/1.0/mylib-1.0.jar

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Use the list-modules command to list all available modules on the server, note that for running this command the server must be running. The list-modules command has the following syntax:

No Format

deploy <general_options> list-modules [--all|--started|--stopped]
  • --all : is used by default when no other option is specified. It will list all the available modules.
  • --started : this option will list only the modules that are running.
  • --stopped : this option will list only the modules that are not running.

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Use the list-targets command to lists the targets known to the server you have connected to. The list-targets command has the following syntax:

No Format

deploy <general_options> list-targets


Currently password strings are plain text in deployment plans, such as datasource or JMS deployment plans within an EAR. It might pose a security problem to store password strings as plain text even though the deployment plans are only used during the deployment process, and not at runtime. Starting from Geronimo 2.1.5, users can encrypt passwords using the encrypt command and paste the encrypted strings into deployment plans as password.


Use this syntax to encrypt string passw0rd on an active server so that the encryption settings of that server will be used

Code Block

deploy --user myadmin --password mypassword encrypt passw0rd

Online encryption result:

Code Block

String to encrypt: passw0rd
Online encryption result:

Use this syntax to encrypt string passw0rd offline

Code Block

deploy --offline encrypt passw0rd

Offline encryption result:

Code Block

String to encrypt: passw0rd
Offline encryption result:

Note: Online encryption needs a running server to connect to and will use the encryption settings of that server, such as an encryption key, to do the encryption. As a result, the encrypted password usually can only be used for that particular server. Offline encryption uses the default encryption settings, and the encrypted password can be used by all servers. Offline encryption is thus less secure than online encryption.

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Use the install-library command to install a library into server's repository. The install-library command has the following syntax:

No Format

deploy <general_options> install-library --groupId groupName <libraryFile>

Use the --groupId option to specify a non-default group id for the library. Otherwise, the library file will be installed with the group id named default.


No Format

deploy -u system -p manager install-library mylib-1.0.jar

That command will install the mylib-1.0.jar at <geronimo_home>/repository/default/mylib/1.0/mylib-1.0.jar

No Format

deploy -u system -p manager install-library --groupId mygroup mylib-1.0.jar

That command will install the mylib-1.0.jar at <geronimo_home>/repository/mygroup/mylib/1.0/mylib-1.0.jar

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Use the list-modules command to list all available modules on the server, note that for running this command the server must be running. The list-modules command has the following syntax:

No Format

deploy <general_options> list-modules [--all|--started|--stopped]
  • --all : is used by default when no other option is specified. It will list all the available modules.
  • --started : this option will list only the modules that are running.
  • --stopped : this option will list only the modules that are not running.

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Use the list-targets command to lists the targets known to the server you have connected to. The list-targets command has the following syntax:

No Format

deploy <general_options> list-targets

In the case of Geronimo, each configuration store is a separate target. Geronimo does not yet support clusters as targets.

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Use the unlockKeystore command to unlock a keystore and private keys. The unlockKeystore command has the following syntax:

<geronimo_home>/bin/deploy <general_options> unlockKeystore <keyStoreName> <keyAlias1> <keyAlias2>

Where <keyStoreName> specifies a locked keystore to get unlocked, <keyAlias1> and <keyAlias2> are optionally used to specify one or more locked private keys in the keystore to get unlocked.

Note that before you can use the unlockKeystore command, you need to ensure that the following lines are added to <geronimo_home>/var/config/

Code Block



  • <keyStoreName> is the name of the keystore.
  • <keyStoreEncryptedPassword> is the encrypted password for the keystore, which can be generated by using the encrypt command. When you copy and paste the generated encrypted password to <geronimo_home>/var/config/, there should be no space in the encrypted password string.
  • <keyAlias1>, <keyAlias2> are the names of the private keys in the keystore.
  • <keyAlias1EncryptedPassword>, <keyAlias2EncryptedPassword> are the encrypted passwords for the private keys, which can also be generated by using the encrypt command.


Use this syntax to unlock the keystore whose name is mykeystore

Code Block

deploy --user myadmin --password mypassword unlockKeystore mykeystore

Use this syntax to unlock the keystore whose name is mykeystore and the private key whose alias is key1

Code Block

deploy --user myadmin --password mypassword unlockKeystore mykeystore key1

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