Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


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public interface BlacklistStrategy {
     * Generate blacklisted items according to the abnormal task's location and cause.
     * @param locations the abnormal tasks’ locations.
     * @param cause the cause of blacklisted items.
     * @param timestamp the create timestamp of blacklisted items.
     * @return the generated blacklisted items.
    Collection<BlacklistedItem<?>> generateBlacklistedItems(
            Collection<TaskManagerLocation> locations, Throwable cause, long timestamp);


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public interface BlacklistTracker {
     * Starts the blacklist tracker.
    void start(ComponentMainThreadExecutor mainThreadExecutor);

     * Add new blacklisted items or update existing items.
     * @param items The items to add or update
     * @return Newly added or updated items.
    Collection<BlacklistedItem<?>> addNewBlacklistedItems(Collection<BlacklistedItem<?>> items);

     * Returns whether the given task manager is blacklisted.
    boolean isBlacklistedTaskManager(ResourceID resourceID);

     * Get all blacklisted nodes.
    Set<String> getBlacklistedNodes();

    /** Close the blacklist tracker. */
    void close();


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public interface BlacklistContext {
     * Perform the newly added or updated blacklist items on resources.
    void blacklistResources(Collection<BlacklistedItem<?>> newlyAddedOrUpdatedItems);


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public interface BlacklistedTaskManagerChecker {
     * Returns whether the given task manager is blacklisted.
    boolean isBlacklistedTaskManager(ResourceID resourceID);

public interface SlotPoolService {

 Start the   * Start the encapsulated encapsulated slot pool implementation.
    void start(
            JobMasterId jobMasterId,
            String address,
            ComponentMainThreadExecutor mainThreadExecutor,
            BlacklistedTaskManagerChecker blacklistedTaskManagerChecker)
            throws Exception;

     * Releases all slots belonging to the owning TaskExecutor if it has been registered.
     * @param taskManagerId identifying the TaskExecutor
     * @param cause cause for failing the slots
    void releaseSlotsOnTaskManager(ResourceID taskManagerId, Exception cause);

     * Releases all free slots belonging to the owning TaskExecutor if it has been registered.
     * @param taskManagerId identifying the TaskExecutor
     * @param cause cause for failing the slots
    void releaseFreeSlotsOnTaskManager(ResourceID taskManagerId, Exception cause);



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public interface SlotManager {

     * Starts the slot manager with the given leader id and resource manager actions.
    void start(
            ResourceManagerId newResourceManagerId,
            Executor newMainThreadExecutor,
            ResourceActions newResourceActions,
            BlacklistedTaskManagerChecker newBlacklistedTaskManagerChecker);

    // ...



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public interface BlacklistedNodeRetriever {

     * Retrieve blacklisted nodes.
    Set<String> getBlacklistedNodes();

public interface ResourceManagerDriver {

     * Initialize the deployment specific components.
    void initialize(
            ResourceEventHandler<WorkerType> resourceEventHandler,
            ScheduledExecutor mainThreadExecutor,
            Executor ioExecutor,
            BlacklistedNodeRetriever blacklistedNodeRetriever)
            throws Exception;


Synchronize Blacklist between JM & RM


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public interface BlacklistListener {

     * Notify new blacklisted items.
    void notifyNewBlacklistedItems(Collection<BlacklistedItem<?>> newItems);

public interface JobManagerGateway extends BlacklistListener {
    // ...

public interface ResourceManagerGateway extends BlacklistListener {     
    // ...

Enrich TaskManagerLocation with node information


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public class TaskManagerLocation {

    public String getNodeId();
    // ...


We propose to introduce following Gauge metrics to ResourceManagerMetricGroup:
