Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The core of the release process is the build-vote-fix cycle. Each cycle produces one release candidate. The Release Manager repeats this cycle until the community approves one release candidate, which is then finalized.

Build and


stage artifacts

Set up a few environment variables to simplify Maven commands that follow. This identifies the release candidate being built. Start with RC_NUM equal to 1 and increment it for each candidate.


  • Create the source release archive
  • Create the Python artifacts
  • Deploy jar artifacts to the Apache Nexus Repository, which is the staging area for deploying the jars to Maven Central


Code Block


Finally, we stage the maven artifacts:


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From: Release Manager
Subject: [VOTE] Apache Flink Table Store Release 1.2.3, release candidate #3

Hi everyone,

Please review and vote on the release candidate #3 for the version 1.2.3 of Apache Flink Table Store,
as follows:
[ ] +1, Approve the release
[ ] -1, Do not approve the release (please provide specific comments)

**Release Overview**

As an overview, the release consists of the following:
a) Flink Table Store source release to be deployed to
b) Flink Table Store Python source distributions to be deployed to PyPI
c) Maven artifacts to be deployed to the Maven Central Repository

**Staging Areas to Review**

The staging areas containing the above mentioned artifacts are as follows, for your review:
* All artifacts for a) and b) can be found in the corresponding dev repository at [2], which are signed with the key with fingerprint FFFFFFFF [3]
* All artifacts for b) can be found at PyPI [4]
* All artifacts for c) can be found at the Apache Nexus Repository [5]

Other links for your review:
* JIRA release notes [6]
* Source code tag "release-1.2.3-rc3" [7]
* PR to update the website Downloads page to include Flink Table Store links [8]

**Vote Duration**

The voting time will run for at least 72 hours.
It is adopted by majority approval, with at least 3 PMC affirmative votes.

Release manager

[1] link
[2] link
[4] link
[5] link
[6] link
[7] link
[8] link


Once the release candidate has been reviewed and approved by the community, the release should be finalized. This involves the final deployment of the release candidate to the release repositories, merging of the website changes, etc.



artifacts to


Maven Central Repository

Use the Apache Nexus

Release manager should create a PyPI account and ask the PMC add this account to pyflink collaborator list with Maintainer role
(The PyPI admin account info can be found here. NOTE, only visible to PMC members) to deploy the Python artifacts to PyPI. The artifacts could be uploaded using twine( To install twine, just run:

Code Block
$ pip install --upgrade twine==1.12.0

Download the python artifacts from and upload it to

Code Block
$ svn checkout${RELEASE_VERSION}-rc${RC_NUM}
$ cd flink-table-store-${RELEASE_VERSION}-rc${RC_NUM}
$ python -m twine upload --repository-url \
    apache-flink-table-store-${RELEASE_VERSION}.tar.gz apache-flink-table-store-${RELEASE_VERSION}.tar.gz.asc

Deploy artifacts to Maven Central Repository

Use the Apache Nexus repository to release the staged binary artifacts to the Maven Central repository. In the Staging Repositories section, find the relevant release candidate orgapacheflink-XXX entry and click Release. Drop all other release candidates that are not being released.


Checklist to proceed to the next step


  • Maven artifacts released and indexed in the Maven Central Repository (usually takes about a day to show up)
  • Source & binary distributions available in the release repository of
  • Dev repository is empty
  • Release tagged in the source code repository
  • Release version finalized in JIRA. (Note: Not all committers have administrator access to JIRA. If you end up getting permissions errors ask on the mailing list for assistance)
  • Website contains links to new release binaries and sources in download page
  • For major releases, the front page references the correct new major release version and directs to the correct link
