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Code Block
/** Default implementation of {@link LookupCache}. */
public class DefaultLookupCache implements LookupCache {
    private final Duration expireAfterAccessDuration;
    private final Duration expireAfterWriteDuration;
    private final Long maximumSize;
    private final boolean cacheMissingKey;
    private DefaultLookupCache(
            Duration expireAfterAccessDuration,
            Duration expireAfterWriteDuration,
            Long maximumSize,
			boolean CacheMissingKey) {
        this.expireAfterAccessDuration = expireAfterAccessDuration;
        this.expireAfterWriteDuration = expireAfterWriteDuration;
        this.initialCapacity = initialCapacity;
        this.maximumSize = maximumSize;
		this.cacheMissingKey = cacheMissingKeyl
    public static Builder newBuilder() {
        return new Builder();

   public static class Builder {         
        private Duration expireAfterAccessDuration;
        private Duration expireAfterWriteDuration;
        private Long maximumSize;
        private Boolean cacheMissingKey;

        public DefaultLookupCache.Builder expireAfterAccess(Duration duration) {
            expireAfterAccessDuration = duration;
            return this;

        public DefaultLookupCache.Builder expireAfterWrite(Duration duration) {
            expireAfterWriteDuration = duration;
            return this;

        public DefaultLookupCache.Builder maximumSize(long maximumSize) {
            this.maximumSize = maximumSize;
            return this;

        public DefaultLookupCacheBuilder buildcacheMissingKey(boolean cacheMissingKey) {
            returnthis.cacheMissingKey new= DefaultLookupCache(cacheMissingKey;
            return this;

        public DefaultLookupCache build() {
            return new DefaultLookupCache(



An interface defining all cache related metric:


Code Block
 * Provider for creating {@link LookupFunction} and {@link LookupCache} if caching should be enabled
 * for the lookup table.
public interface PartialCachingLookupProvider extends LookupTableSource.LookupRuntimeProvider {

    /** Creates a builder of {@link PartialCachingLookupProvider}. */
    static Builder newBuilder() {
        return new Builder();

    /** Creates an {@link LookupFunction} instance. */
    LookupFunction createLookupFunction();

     * Gets the instance of {@link LookupCache}.
     * <p>This cache will be initialized by {@link LookupCache#open} during runtime execution and
     * used for optimizing the access to external lookup table.
     * @return an {@link Optional} of {@link LookupCache}, or an empty {@link Optional} if caching
     *     shouldn't be applies to the lookup table.
    Optional<LookupCache> getCache();

 Builder class for {@link PartialCachingLookupProvider}. */
 Whether the missing keyclass (key fields without any matching value rows) should be stored in theBuilder {

        private LookupFunction lookupFunction;
     * cache.
  private LookupCache  *cache;
     * <p>Please note thatprivate this option is required if {@link #getCache} returns a non-empty
     * instance. If the cache factory is empty, the return value of this function will be ignored.
Boolean cacheMissingKey;

        /** Sets lookup function. */
        public Builder withLookupFunction(LookupFunction lookupFunction) {
   this.lookupFunction = *lookupFunction;
   @return true if a null or empty value should bereturn storedthis;
 in the cache.

    Optional<Boolean> cacheMissingKey();

    /** Enables Buildercaching and classsets forthe {@linkcache PartialCachingLookupProvider}factory. */
    class Builder {

  public Builder withCache(LookupCache cache, boolean  private LookupFunction lookupFunction;
cacheMissingKey) {
            privatethis.cache LookupCache= cache;
         private Boolean   this.cacheMissingKey = cacheMissingKey;

         /** Sets lookup function. */return this;
        public Builder withLookupFunction(LookupFunction lookupFunction) {}

        public PartialCachingLookupProvider   this.lookupFunction = lookupFunction;build() {
            return this;...

        /** Enables caching and sets the cache factory. */
        public Builder withCache(LookupCache cache, boolean cacheMissingKey) {
            this.cache = cache;
            this.cacheMissingKey = cacheMissingKey;
            return this;

        public PartialCachingLookupProvider build() {




Code Block
 * Provider for creating {@link AsyncLookupFunction} and {@link LookupCache} if caching should be
 * enabled for the lookup table.
public interface AsyncPartialCachingLookupProvider extends LookupTableSource.LookupRuntimeProvider {

    /** Creates a builder of {@link AsyncPartialCachingLookupProvider}. */
    static AsyncPartialCachingLookupProvider.Builder newBuilder() {
        return new AsyncPartialCachingLookupProvider.Builder();

    /** Creates an {@link AsyncLookupFunction} instance. 
Code Block
 * Provider for creating {@link AsyncLookupFunction} and {@link LookupCache} if caching should be
 * enabled for the lookup table.
public interface AsyncPartialCachingLookupProvider extends LookupTableSource.LookupRuntimeProvider {

    /** Creates a builder of {@link AsyncPartialCachingLookupProvider}. */
    static AsyncPartialCachingLookupProvider.Builder newBuilder() {
        return new AsyncPartialCachingLookupProvider.Builder();

    /** Creates an {@link AsyncLookupFunction} instance. */
    AsyncLookupFunction createAsyncLookupFunction();

     * Gets the {@link LookupCache} for creating lookup cache.
     * <p>This factory will be used for creating an instance of cache during runtime execution for
     * optimizing the access to external lookup table.
     * @return an {@link Optional} of {@link LookupCache}, or an empty {@link Optional} if caching
     *     shouldn't be applies to the lookup table.
    Optional<LookupCache>AsyncLookupFunction getCachecreateAsyncLookupFunction();

     * WhetherGets the missing{@link keyLookupCache} (keyfor fieldscreating withoutlookup anycache.
 matching value rows) should be*
 stored in the
  * <p>This factory *will cache.
be used for creating an *
instance of cache during runtime *execution <p>Pleasefor
 note that this option is* requiredoptimizing ifthe {@linkaccess #getCache}to returnsexternal a non-emptylookup table.
 instance. If the cache factory* is@return empty,an the return value{@link Optional} of this function will be ignored.
     *{@link LookupCache}, or an empty {@link Optional} if caching
     * @return true if a null or empty value should be stored in the cache shouldn't be applies to the lookup table.
    Optional<Boolean>Optional<LookupCache> cacheMissingKeygetCache();

    /** Builder class for {@link AsyncPartialCachingLookupProvider}. */
    class Builder {

        private AsyncLookupFunction asyncLookupFunction;
        private LookupCache cache;
        private Boolean cacheMissingKey;

        /** Sets lookup function. */
        public AsyncPartialCachingLookupProvider.Builder withLookupFunction(
                AsyncLookupFunction asyncLookupFunction) {
            this.asyncLookupFunction = asyncLookupFunction;
            return this;

        /** Enables caching and sets the cache factory. */
        public AsyncPartialCachingLookupProvider.Builder withCache(
                LookupCache cache, boolean cacheMissingKey) {
            this.cache = cache;
            this.cacheMissingKey = cacheMissingKey;
            return this;

        public AsyncPartialCachingLookupProvider build() {
