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lookup.cacheEnum of NONE, PARTIAL and FULL

The caching strategy for this lookup table.

NONE: Do not use cache

Partial: Use partial caching mode

FULL: Use full caching mode

lookup.max-retriesIntegerThe maximum allowed retries if a lookup operation fails
lookup.partial-cache.expire-after-accessDurationDuration to expire an entry in the cache after accessing
lookup.partial-cache.expire-after-writeDurationDuration to expire an entry in the cache after writing
lookup.partial-cache.cache-missing-keyBooleanWhether to store an empty value into the cache if the lookup key doesn't match any rows in the table
lookup.partial-cache.max-rowsLongThe maximum number of rows to store in the cache
lookup.full-cache.reload-strategyEnum of PERIODIC and TIMED

The reload strategy for the full cache scenario.

PERIODIC: Use PeriodicCacheReloadTrigger

TIMED: Use TimedCacheReloadTrigger

lookup.full-cache.periodic-reload.intervalDurationDuration to trigger reload in the PeriodicCacheReloadTrigger
lookup.full-cache.periodic-reload.schedule-modeEnum of FIXED_DELAY and FIXED_RATEThe periodically schedule mode of reloading in the PeriodicCacheReloadTrigger

Time in ISO-8601 format when cache needs to be reloaded. Time can be specified either with timezone or without timezone (target JVM local timezone will be used). See formatter ISO_TIME.

The local time on the target JVM to trigger a reload 


The interval in days to trigger the reload at the specified time
