More than 4 years, around 2000 commits after Syncope 2.1 Fusion, here it comes the first release from the new major series Syncope 3.0 Maggiore.
What's new
At a general level, all components were (re)written to be based on Spring Boot 2.7 and JDK 11 LTS. JDK 17 LTS is fully supported.
This fact provides the greatest deployment flexibility: each component can be run:
- as web application inside one of supported JavaEE containers
- as standalone application
- as Docker image
New component: Keymaster
The Keymaster allows for dynamic service discovery so that other components are able to find each other.
On startup, all other component instances will register themselves into Keymaster so that their references can be found later, for intra-component communication.
In addition, the Keymaster is also used as key / value store for configuration parameters and as a directory for defined domains.
Two different implementations are provided, following the actual needs:
- as an additional set of RESTful services exposed by the Core, for traditional deployments (also known as Self Keymaster);
- as a separate container / pod based on Apache Zookeeper, for microservice-oriented deployments.
New component: Web Access (WA)
The Web Access component is based on Apereo CAS.
In addition to all the configuration options and features from Apereo CAS, the Web Access is integrated with Keymaster, Core and Admin UI to offer centralized configuration and management.
New component: Secure Remote Access (WA)
The Secure Remote Access component is built on Spring Cloud Gateway.
In addition to all the configuration options and features from Spring Cloud Gateway, the Secure Remote Access is integrated with Keymaster, Core and Admin UI to offer centralized configuration and management.
The Secure Remote Access allows to protect legacy applications by integrating with the Web Access or other third-party Access Managers implementing standard protocols as OpenID Connect or SAML.
Migrating from older releases
The distance between earlier releases and Syncope 3.0 Maggiore is relevant under different aspects: architecture, technology, project organization and naturally internal data representation.