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The framework launcher starts the framework and installs a and starts all bundles contained in the bundle directory of the current directory. By default, the bundle directory contains a simple text-based shell shell-related bundles providing a textual user interface to interact with the framework. Bundles installed into the framework are copied into a bundle cache directory for subsequent executions. By default, the framework creates a cache directory, called felix-cache, in your current working directory; this behavior is configurable, see the Apache Felix Framework Bundle Cache document for more details. If you want to start the framework using a different bundle cache directory, you can do so like this:


The main way to interact with the framework is via its the supplied Apache Felix Gogo shell. Felix' shell is implemented as an OSGi service that, be default, uses a simple text-based user interfaceGogo is divided into two bundles, the Gogo runtime (provides core functionality) and the Gogo shell (provides a textual user interface). After starting the framework, type help into the shell to see the list of the available commands and help <command-name> to get help for a specific command.

titleUseful Information

In Gogo, command names are made up of two parts: <scope>:<name>. This is similar to a fully qualified class name in Java and is used to avoid naming collisions. If the <name> portion of the command is unique, then you only need to type it. If not, then you must either type the full <scope>:<name> or arrange the scope search path accordingly.

To install bundles, use the install command, which is described in more detail in the next sub-section. To view all currently installed bundles, use the ps command. To stop the framework type stop 0 to stop the System Bundle; any installed bundles will automatically be reloaded (and potentially restarted) the next time you launch with the associated cache.
