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Title: SCA Reaches the Cloud
Speaker: Luciano Resende, Jean-Sebastien Delfino, Luciano Resende

Today's Cloud environments poses new challenges for application developers: Hiding Cloud infrastructure from business logic, assembling components on heterogeneous and distributed Cloud environment, optimizing the provisioning of the required Cloud resources and moving application components around to recompose the application.
This presentation will demonstrate how to use Apache Tuscany and the Service Component Architecture (SCA) to assemble an application composed of several service components (written in Java, Python and C++) and deploy it to a distributed Cloud (EC2, Eucalyptus, Google AppEngine).
We will show how to take the SCA assembly and automate the provisioning and configuration of the cloud platform services required by the application components on each platform, using Apache Libcloud and Apache Deltacloud.
We will also illustrate how to encapsulate Cloud infrastructure services (Data store, queueing etc) as SCA components to simplify the construction and assembly of the application, and how to move components around, rewire the application to adjust to new business and Cloud deployment conditions.

Bio: Jean-Sebastien Delfino
Jean-Sebastien is an Apache Tuscany committer. He has been involved in the Apache Tuscany community since the beginning of the project in 2005 and has worked on both the Java and C++ Tuscany runtime implementations. Jean-Sebastien has over 20 years experience in software development and system integration. He is currently working on SOA and Business Process Management runtimes at the IBM Foster City lab. Prior to joining IBM he worked for Atos-Origin on many integration projects for European top companies in the bank, insurance and telecom sectors and various government agencies including the European Commission.

Title: Photark/Tuscany Integration
Speaker: Avdhesh Yadav, Luciano Resende


Bio: Simon Laws
Simon Laws is a member of the IBM Open Source SOA project team based IBM's Hursley development laboratory in the UK. He is an Apache Tuscany committer and spends most of this time working with the open source Apache Tuscany community to build Java and C++ implementations of the Service Component Architecture (SCA) specifications. Prior to this role he was working in the distributed computing space building service-oriented solutions for customers with a particular interest in grid computing and virtualization.Bio: Jean-Sebastien Delfino
Jean-Sebastien is an Apache Tuscany committer. He has been involved in the Apache Tuscany community since the beginning of the project in 2005 and has worked on both the Java and C++ Tuscany runtime implementations. Jean-Sebastien has over 20 years experience in software development and system integration. He is currently working on SOA and Business Process Management runtimes at the IBM Foster City lab. Prior to joining IBM he worked for Atos-Origin on many integration projects for European top companies in the bank, insurance and telecom sectors and various government agencies including the European Commission.

Title: Building RESTful services using SCA and JAX-RS
Speaker: Raymond Feng, Luciano Resende

REST is an important aspect of the Web 2.0 world. Building RESTful services can be a challenge as REST is just an architectural style. JAX-RS emerges as the programming model that guides Java developers to develop services in REST. On the other hand, we often need to assemble services, including RESTful and traditional ones, into an enterprise composite application. SCA gives us the power to define and composite services in a technology neutral fashion. This talk is to share the interesting ideas to combine the power of both SCA and JAX-RS that we explore in Apache Tuscany project with the JAX-RS runtime from Apache Wink project.  


This session will teach you how to model, implement, invoke and expose RESTful services using SCA and JAX-RS. We'll walk you through a sample application developed using Apache Tuscany and Wink.Speaker: Raymond Feng, Luciano Resende

Bio: Raymond Feng

Raymond Feng is a PMC member and committer of Apache Tuscany open source project. For the recent 4 years, Raymond has been a key driver of Tuscany project working on the Service Component Architecture (SCA) runtime. His expertise spans most of the areas in the project, including core architecture, JEE, OSGi, Web Services, XML and databindings. Prior to this role he was a developer and team lead for WebSphere Process Server products where SCA was originally invented and implemented. Raymond has been a pioneer and veteran in SCA runtime development since 2002. He also contributes to the SCA and Enterprise OSGi specifications as a member of OASIS OpenCSA committees and OSGi Alliance. Raymond spoke in many conferences to evangelize SCA, including JavaOne (two sessions in 2009 and one in 2008), ApacheCon, SIGMOD and SOAWorld. He is also a co-author of the Tuscany SCA in Action book from Manning.