Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
export PAOUSER=kelvingoodson
export RELEASE=2.0-M5
export RC=RC3
export RATJAR=~/apache-rat-0.7-SNAPSHOT.jar

export SCPCOMMAND=scp

Create the branch

Code Block
svn copy$RELEASE  -m "Branch for $RELEASE"

Once the branch is created, if the current and next trunk version differ,  the version number in trunk can be updated. If the release is a milestone release the trunk version will not change.

Fix up the branch work

First checkout the branch so that you can work on it. These commands assume that a local directory called "branches" is present.


Code Block
cd tags
java \-jar c:\Dev\downloads\apache-rat-0.7-SNAPSHOT.jar $RELEASE-$RC > rat-$RELEASE-$RC.txt

Copy the report up onto the staging repo. You should of course check the report at this stage. E.g. with pageant running and your ssh key for registered with pageant

Code Block
pscp$SCPCOMMAND rat-2.0$RELEASE-M5$RC.txt kelvingoodson@people$$RELEASE/$RC/

If you need to regenerate the RAT report after you have started on the steps that follow run "mvn clean" first to avoid complains about the files under target folders

Build from top level

Code Block
cd tags/2.0-M5-RC2$RELEASE-$RC
mvn \-o clean install

Build distribution

Code Block
cd tags/2.0-M5-RC2$RELEASE-$RC/distribution/all
mvn \-Pdistribution

Copy the distribution to somewhere and try it

Code Block
cd tags/2.0-M5-RC2$RELEASE-$RC/distribution/all/target
cp apache-tuscany-sca-all-2.0$ <someplace>
cp apache-tuscany-sca-all-2.0$ <someotherplace>


Sign the artifacts


Code Block
cd tags/1.1$RELEASE-RC3a$RC/distribution/target
for i in \*.zip \*.gz; do gpg \--output $i.asc \--detach-sig \--armor $i; done
for i in *.zip \*.gz; do openssl md5 \-hex $i \| sed 's/MD5((**[\^)|]*))= ([0-9a-f|0-9a-f]\*)/\2 \*\1/' > $i.md5; done


Put the artifacts up in your home directory on

Code Block
cd tags/1.1$RELEASE-RC3a$RC/distribution/target
pscp \*.asc kelvingoodson@people$$RELEASE/$RC/
pscp \*.md5 kelvingoodson@people$
pscp \*.zip kelvingoodson@people$
pscp \*.gz kelvingoodson@people$
Code Block
cd tags/1.1-RC3a/distribution/src/main/release
pscp RELEASE_NOTES kelvingoodson@people$
pscp CHANGES kelvingoodson@people$
