Versions Compared


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  1. Apache way - define the structure of the commercial report 
  2. 2 reports (small dimension): one commercial and one data focus
  3. Complete survey: Marketing and the E&I -  suggestions of the updates for the questions will come from us.
  4. Improvements in new Project

initial proposal: 






Mentors in mentors ML (1 mentee per project):

  • Jarek: subscribed 
  • Nasser: subscribed 
  • Eladkal: to be subscribed 
  • Kevin: subscribed 
  • Clebert: to be subscribed 

New Proposal for Improvement: Dashboard - how to show currently invisible contributions

  • easier to promote in other PMCs
  • The project is for creating the intervention, which involves two steps:
    • collect data with pre-/post-survey (only Apache Beam) - to see if improvement worked
    • developing the dashboard and data collection for the dashboard
  • The project does not include other PMCs in this round - but we will write the documentation on how to establish it in other PMC


  • Georg: Send Survey instrument (front page and questions and everything) as a Google Doc for comments to Katia --or better: in Convluence
    • Katia: Get feedback and suggestions for improvements
  • Georg: Send all of the messages as a Google Doc --or better: in Convluence
    • Katia: share with marketing
  • Georg: Update the project plan - more time to revise survey questions, deadline March 31, 2023
  • Georg: Add Improvement description and plan – Coordinate between Anita and Bitergia
  • Anita: Talk with Bitergia about current Dashboard design
  • Georg: Figure out license for the Dashboard that is built
  • Anita: Think through the Dashboard and what is will be (think deeply)
  • Anita: Get Confluence set up

Georg's notes before we created the Confluence page:

- Google/ASF signed contract
- Needed 2nd review and amended contract
- New deadline: 31st of March 2023
- Bitergia/ASF contract needs to be reviewed with Marketing

## Apache Way modus operandi
- Add in the "deliverable" understanding what the Apache Way is
  - Everyone who participated in the past was changed out - new people took on role - the way things are seen is now different - previous board was happy with the report and what was done
  - Want to include in the report that the Apache Way is explained - show how things work
  - Jo had commented on the report on the report that the Apache Way needs to be explained better
  - The "new report" will need to focus on the Apache Way as the modus operandi. 

## Update the survey
- Anita: Help from ASF with survey questions - Jo or Katia - someone needs to approve "this is Apache Way
  - Katia: Need to revise questions
  - Georg: need to update contract to include revising survey questions -- 
- Katia: Write report first with placeholders for data - insert data after collecting the data
  - Katia? : is there a link with the questions without comments (TODO - new google doc to share)
    - Katia will share with board and get input on what should be changed
  - concern is to open it to the ASF too early - first get criticism from small group before opening to larger group
  - before marketing wasn't involved until afterward, this time, we involve marketing form beginning

## All messaging
- (TODO) compile full messaging that was shared and sent - emails, survey intro, reminders, invites
- Maybe use #edi-research again
  - Need to have Justin Mclean and Jo (and anyone else with a strong opinion)
- We try to use Confluent for shared documents and meeting notes

## Improvement in new project

  • Apache Beam has to be included 
  • Proposal was to improve mentorship, use experience from Outreachy, but Beam is not participating

## Contract

  • Need to mention Google
  • Need to confirm license of work
  • 2 reports
  • Apache Way as a main concept
  • revise survey


Dashboard capabilities

  • gender indication
  • retention rates
  • code contributions vs non-code contributions 
  • issue tracking 
  • bitergia tooling 
  • design of the dashboard done by Anita's team. ideal case Beam should contribute to the design.
  • the goal is to promote recognition of the contributions by the members of the PMC. 
  • Data schema of Bitergia Analytics dashboard (link)
  • Kevin, part of Beam PMC, offered to help with the project, but best to limit the time requirement
  • software to monitor is a reference. collecting software is opensource. 
  • Asks for Apache Beam PMC
    • Review the Dashboard, provide feedback, provide suggestions
    • Put the dashboard on the Beam website, if they want the dashboard to be external (Anita's hope) – encourage contributors by showing that their contributions are seen and valued. // Apache Marketing may want to make the dashboard internal only because the data is not under control and may show unfavorable numbers. // Do an internal dashboard only would not allow for a scientific investigation of whether the dashboard is helping improve the project through there transparency the dashboard provides. // The PMC has 50-ish people and the dashboard would be visible to all PMC members. // The improvement could be that the PMC has taken action based on the dashboard.
    • Help with identifying the gender of members



  •  Katia Rojas, share the survey with Joe for his review and modifications. Then share it with the D&I group.
  • Lime survey will be the tool again. 
  • Buy the license when the survey is known. 


  •  Identify liason in Apache Beam. Mariam will contact Aizamal. Katia will send a reminder to Ken. 



Launch Plan - The 2020 ASF Community Survey



  • Katia Rojas (ASF)
  • Anita Sarma (OSU)
  • Mariam Guizani (OSU)
  • Steve Feng (OSU)
  • Luis Cañas-Díaz (Bitergia) <>


  • status of the survey
  • status of the drafted dashboard
  • GDPR check list
  • communication channel
  • training on using the Bitergia Analytics Platform
  • ASF wiki: can OSU and Bitergia edit it?


  • Confluence page: access is granted by Katia
  • Survey: we agree to add rationale to the questions. Both for the ones that are modified/dropped and the ones we keep.

Action Item:

  • Survey Design: OSU: to write rationale for every question in the survey. 
    • Survey Design: OSU: Keep the survey as a user would see/ add front matter
    • Survey Design: Close all current comments
    • Ready for our next meeting (1 week - April 7): 
  • Katia, contact the working group and open the survey for discussion for 15 days. April 7th send the survey. 
  • Luis/Mariam+Steve: have a training Bitergia toolware session
  • Dashboard: OSU: Prelim (paper) dashboard and data to include 
    • Paper prototype: ready in 2 week (April 14th)
  • Katia, contact Kenn to get a contact point/feedback on what they want with the dashboard. 
  • Luis, review GDPR checks for the dashboard at Dashboard - Launch Plan. Review the checks and modify what is needed (April 7)

28 april 2022


  • Anita Sarma (OSU)
  • Mariam Guizani (OSU)
  • Steve Feng (OSU)
  • Luis Cañas-Díaz (Bitergia) <>


  • Location: OSU and Bitergia have been talking about how the location can be collected from Github to improve the gender identification. Two options:
    • explore whether this is possible with the current platform
    • use the information provided by the platform and extend it "manually" with scripts
  • Pilot (Intervention) project:
    • Due to Beam is not engaged with the project we wonder whether it is possible to pivot and choose another project. We are blocked by them so this is top priority.
    • Is there any other ASF project interested in DEI?
  • Survey: it is needed to talk to Katia to approves the changes to be done in the survey
  • Dashboard:
    • Bitergia has to review one of the charts to make sure they are doable with the platform
  • Next meeting: from now on we will use this zoom
May 12, 2022


  • Katia Rojas (ASF)
  • Steve Feng (OSU)
  • Luis Cañas-Díaz (Bitergia)


  • Survey:
    • Bitergia/OSU: Disability question must be added to the doc
    • Document will be finished after this new question is added and validated by Katia
  • Limesurvey:
    • Bitergia will sign the DPA (Data Processing Addendum). This must be included in the wiki we have with the GDPR checks.
    • Bitergia will double check that Christian & Katia validate the GDPR checks
    • Bitergia will double check that Limesurvey still works this way:
      • fits this description . In the GDPR checks we have this sentence "..We're doing this through the assignment of unique tokens that match an unsubscribe link. "
      • Reminders must be sent if a person did not opt-out or has already replied to the survey.
    • Bitergia will clarify whether sending a reminder to people who did not opt-out is allowed by GDPR
  • Milestones:
    • We will try to send the survey before the end of May so we have both June and July to get answers.
  • Dashboard
    • Bitergia/OSU will share a new mock-up of the dashboard with Katia
May 26, 2022


  • Luis will like to use a ticketing system or kan-ban board to keep track of the things to be done
  • Communication Plan:
    • who is reponsible of reviewing it?
    • some typos like the link to the wiki page of the survey (link number 2)
  • Survey status. Is it ready to be ported to Limesurvey?
  • Survey configuration. We need to confirm we want to set it up this way:
    • survey answers will be anonymized, we will know who replies but nothing else
    • unique links will be sent to a list of email addresses to be provided by ASF
    • according to the plan we want to offer public access only with the URL too, so we will allow people to register a get a unique URL, it is not just one click (sad)
  • Survey configuration(2):
    • SMTP server to send the message from an ASF account?
  • Survey GDPR checks to be confirm by Christian Grobmeier <>
  • Meeting notes: can we reorder this list and have the recent minutes on top?


  • Survey is closed (smile)
  • Limesurvey:
    • Bitergia will document the plan about how we will setup Limesurvey in this wiki Survey - Launch Plan
    • Bitergia will test the opt-out method before going live
  • PMC:
    • Kenneth Knowles (from Beam team) will be involved in the project as Brittany said

    • OSU will compose a list of the things we need from Ken:
      • E.g., feedback from the mock-up of the dashboard, deadlines
  • Dashboard:
    • OSU/Bitergia have collected data and are working on the mock-up
    • OSU will document the dashboard in the wiki page Survey - Launch Plan (both versions 1 and 2)
      • Not clear what format/data to include need clarification from Katia
  • "Prototype dashboard and improve it with feedback from PMC": shared in ASF Slack Channel

    • we expect answer by first week of June
  • We estimate to have the dashboard ready by the end of June
June 9, 2022


  • Brittany Hermann (Beam team)
  • Mariam Guizani (Bitergia/OSU)
  • Zixuan Feng (Bitergia/OSU)
  • Anita Sarma (Bitergia/OSU)
  • Luis Cañas-Díaz (Bitergia)


  • Beam team:
    • We are waiting for feedback from Ken. Blocked until we get it.
  • Dashboard:
  • Communication plan:
    • Bitergia will send a deadline to Ken so he can help us with the communication with the BEAM community
  • Mailing lists:
June 23, 2022


  • Brittany Hermann (Beam team)
  • Mariam Guizani (Bitergia/OSU)
  • Zixuan Feng (Bitergia/OSU)
  • Anita Sarma (Bitergia/OSU)
  • Luis Cañas-Díaz (Bitergia)


  • Survey. We have been reviewing the survey in Limesurvey, these are the actions items:
    • Action Items for Luis' team:
      • Is it possible to set only one "No answer" for all the subquestions in question like Q3
      • Bug in Q4 which seems to be mandatory while it should be optional
      • N/A will be replaced with "Not Applicable"
      • The style for Q12 should be improved to make it more readable
      • find out whether it is possible to have a go back button (or the go back from the web browser working)
    • Action Items for Anita's team:
      • Q6 and Q7. Should it be "check all that apply" question?
      • Q8 and Q9. Should they have a N/A column?
      • Review the subquestions of Q13
  • Launch plan:
    • Luis will try to talk to Katia to see when we can test the invitation sent from her email address
    • We should define dates so we can start with the communication process
June 29, 2022


July 7, 2022


  • Katia: do we have news from Kenneth? Anita/dashboard is blocked, we have no feedback.
  • Katia: Anita is waiting for confirmation from Katia about her suggestion to make some questions mandatory
    • Make mandatory the following ones: Q1, Q4, Q10, Q11
    • Make mandatory + include a "Not applicable" column: Q12, Q3, Q8, Q9
  • We already have the mail server connected but if the message is received in gmail an ugly message is shown with an alert.

  • Anita agrees in having a 4 week survey and send the reminder after the first 2 weeks.
  • Luis will modify Q12 to move the sub-questions starting with "Project related challenges" at the bottom
  • Luis will add information to the landing page about: (1) survey can be saved and continued later, and (2) not use browser back button, but "Previous" button at the end of the page
  • If we can not offer opt-in for the reminders, we can not send email reminders. So unless we discover how to do this with Limesurvey, they need to be discarded.
July 22, 2022


  • Mariam Guizani (Bitergia/OSU)
  • Zixuan Feng (Bitergia/OSU)
  • Anita Sarma (Bitergia/OSU)
  • Luis Cañas-Díaz (Bitergia)


  • Survey is waiting for the blog post to be published
  • We are still blocked by the Beam team
    • In order to be able to deliver on time we will resume the work of the dashboard
  • Next meeting: July 27th?
  • Luis will be OOO starting on July 30th until August 15th
Sept 15, 2022 (1)


  • Brittany Hermann (Beam)
  • Danielle ?? (Beam)
  • Mariam Guizani (Bitergia/OSU)
  • Zixuan Feng (Bitergia/OSU)
  • Anita Sarma (Bitergia/OSU)
  • Luis Cañas-Díaz (Bitergia)


  • In order to try to get more answers with the help of Danielle we will extend the survey until Sunday (end of the day)
  • We are still missing the feedback from Kenneth about the dashboard. We will have for his feedback until next Wed. If no feedback is provided we will try a plan b
    • Mariam contacted Aizhamal Nurmamat. She is very busy, so this is discarded as plan b
    • Pablo Estrada is also a PMC
  • Questions for Katia:
    • Different analysis are possible: should we compare with the previous dashboard to see the differences or should we focus on this one?
Sept 15, 2022 (2)