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This section enumerates the various operational tests described in the Test Plan identified from the Functional Specification. This text should form the basis of the Technial Documenation Technical Documentation for the specified test class.


Description: On startup the broker reports the broker version number and svn build revision. This information is retrieved from the resouce resource '' which is located via the classloader.
Input: The '' file located on the classpath.


  1. The BRK ID is correct
  2. This occurs before any BRK-1002 listenting listening messages are reported.



The final messasge message the broker will print when it has performed all initialisation and listener startups will be to log the BRK-1004 Ready message
No input, all succesful successful broker startups will show BRK-1004 messages.


No Format
MNG-1001 : Startup
MNG-1002 : Starting : <service> : Listening on port <Port>
MNG-1003 : ShutingShutting down : <service> : port <Port>
MNG-1004 : Ready
MNG-1005 : Stopped
MNG-1006 : Using SSL Keystore : <path>


Using the startup configuration validate that the managment management startup messasge message is logged correctly.
Standard configuration with management enabled


No Format
<date> MESSAGE MNG-1002 : Starting : RMI RegistgryRegistry : Listening on port 8999

The RMI ConnectorServer and Registry log messages do not have a prescribed order
Validation Steps:


  1. The MNG ID is correct
  2. The specified port is as specified on the commandlinecommand line.


  1. The MNG ID is correct
  2. There has been a MNG-1001 message
  3. There has been at least one MNG-1002 Listenting Listening message
  4. No further MNG messages are produced as part of the startup process, i.e. before broker use.


No Format
<date> MNG-1003 : Shutting down : RMI RegistgryRegistry : Listening on port 8999

Validation Steps:


  1. The VHT ID is correct
  2. A VHT-1001 is printed for each virtualhost defined in the configration configuration file.
  3. This must be the first message for the specified virtualhost.


During shutdown the MessageStore will also cleanly close. When this has completed a MST-1003 closed message will be logged. No further messages from this MessageStore will be logged after this message
Default configuratinoconfiguration

No Format
<date> MST-1003 : Closed


A persistent queue must be persisted so that on recovery it can be restored independantly independently of any messages that may be stored on it. This test verifies that the MessageStore will log that it has recovered 0 messages for persistent queues that do not have any messages.


After the queue has been recovered the store will log that recovery has been completed. The MessageStore mustn ot must not report further status about the recovery of this queue after this message. In addition every MST-1004 queue recovery start message must be matched with a MST-1006 recovery complete.
Default persistent configuration


  1. The MST ID is correct
  2. This must occur after the queue recovery start MST-1004 has been logged.
  3. The is non-empty
  4. The corrolates correlates with a previous recovery start


Once all persistent queues have been recovered and the MessageStore has completed all recovery it must logged that the recovery process has completed.
Default persistent configuraionconfiguration

No Format
<date> MST-1006 : Recovery Complete


  1. Running Broker
  2. Connected Client
    No Format
    <date> CON-1002 : Close
    Validation Steps:
  3. The CON ID is correct
  4. This must be the last CON message for the Connection
  5. It must be preceeded preceded by a CON-1001 for this Connection


  1. Running Broker
  2. Connected Client
  3. Connection is closed via Management Console
    No Format
    <date> CON-1002 : Close
    Validation Steps:
  4. The CON ID is correct
  5. This must be the last CON message for the Connection
  6. It must be preceeded preceded by a CON-1001 for this Connection


When a new Channel (JMS Session) is created this will be logged as a CHN-1001 Create message. The messagse messages will contain the prefetch details about this new Channel.


The Java Broker implements consumer flow control for all ack modes except No-Ack. When the client fills the prefetch. As soon as the client starts to consume the messages (and ack them) the broker will resume the flow issuing a CHN-1002 Flow Started messasge message to the log

  1. Running broker
  2. Message Producer to put more data on the queue than the client's prefetch
  3. Client that ensures that its prefetch becomes full
  4. The client then consumes from the prefetch to remove the flow status.
    No Format
    <date> CHN-1002 : Flow Started
    Validation Steps:
  5. The MST ID is correct


  1. Running broker
  2. Persistent Queue is created from a client
    No Format
    <date> QUE-1001 : Create : Persistent Owner:<name>
    Validation Steps:
  3. The QUE ID is correct
  4. The Peristent Persistent tag is present in the message
  5. The Owner is as expected


  1. Running broker
  2. AutoDelete Persistent Queue is created from a client
    No Format
    <date> QUE-1001 : Create : AutoDelete Persistent Owner:<name>
    Validation Steps:
  3. The QUE ID is correct
  4. The Peristent Persistent tag is present in the message
  5. The Owner is as expected
  6. The AutoDelete tag is present in the message


  1. Running broker
  2. Persistent Queue is created from a client with a priority level
    No Format
    <date> QUE-1001 : Create : Persistent Priority:<levels> Owner:<name>
    Validation Steps:
  3. The QUE ID is correct
  4. The Peristent Persistent tag is present in the message
  5. The Owner is as expected
  6. The Priority level is correctly set


  1. Running broker
  2. An AutoDelete Persistent Queue is created from a client with priority
    No Format
    <date> QUE-1001 : Create : AutoDelete Persistent Priority:<levels> Owner:<name>
    Validation Steps:
  3. The QUE ID is correct
  4. The Peristent Persistent tag is present in the message
  5. The Owner is as expected
  6. The AutoDelete tag is present in the message
  7. The Priority level is correctly set


The binding of a Queue and an Exchange is done via a Binding. When this Binding is created a BND-1001 Create messasge message will be logged.

  1. Running Broker
  2. New Client requests that a Queue is bound to a new exchange.
    No Format
    <date> BND-1001 : Create 
    Validation Steps:
  3. The BND ID is correct
  4. This will be the first message for the given binding


The binding of a Queue and an Exchange is done via a Binding. When this Binding is created via the Management Console a BND-1001 Create messasge message will be logged.

  1. Running Broker
  2. Connected Management Console
  3. Use Management Console to perform binding
    No Format
    <date> BND-1001 : Create 
    Validation Steps:
  4. The BND ID is correct
  5. This will be the first message for the given binding



The final combiniation combination of SUB-1001 Create messages involves the creation of a Durable Subscription that also contains a set of Arguments, such as those provided via a JMS Selector.


When a Subscription is closed it will log this so that it can be corrolated correlated with the Create.

  1. Running Broker
  2. Client with a subscription.
  3. The subscription is then closed.
    No Format
    <date> SUB-1002 : Close
    Validation Steps:
  4. The SUB ID is correct
  5. There must be a SUB-1001 Create message prceeding preceding this message
  6. This must be the last message from the given Subscription
