Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


At this time you have one option to get the software. The fastest and easiest way is to get the binary directly from the Apache site. Since this article is intended to help you to have Apache Felix Karaf up and running in the fastest way only the binary download will be covered at this time.


Code Block

admin:change-port         admin:connect             admin:create              admin:destroy
admin:list                admin:liststart               admin:start
admin:stop                config:cancel            
config:edit               config:list               config:propappend         config:propdel
config:proplist           config:propset            config:update            features:addUrl dev:dynamic-import
dev:framework             dev:print-stack-traces    features:installdev:show-tree             features:listaddUrl
features:listUrlinfo             features:refreshUrlinstall          features:removeUrllist             features:listUrl
features:uninstallrefreshUrl       logfeatures:displayremoveUrl        features:uninstall        log:display
     log:get                   log:set                   osgi:bundle-level        
osgi:headers              osgi:install              osgi:list
osgi:ls                  osgi:ls
osgi:refresh              osgi:resolve              osgi:restart              osgi:shutdown
osgi:start                osgi:start
osgi:start-level          osgi:stop                 osgi:uninstall
osgi:update           osgi:update    packages:exports          packages:exportsimports          packagesshell:importscat
shell:catclear               shell:each                shell:echo                shell:exec
shell:grep                shell:grephistory             shell:if                  shell:info
shell:java                shell:java
shell:printflogout              shell:new                 shell:printf
shell:sleep               shell:sort                shell:tac                 ssh:ssh
ssh:sshd                  cat     ssh:sshd                  clear                     each
echo                      exec                      grep                      history
if                        info                      java                      logout
new                       printf                    sleep                     sort
tac                       bundle-level              headers                   install
list                      ls                        refresh                   resolve
restart                   shutdown                  start                     start-level
stop                      uninstall                 update

You can then grab more specific help for a given command using the --help option for this command:

Code Block
karaf@root> admin:create --help

	Create a new instance.

	admin:create [options] [VAL]name

	VAL	Name        name
                The name of the new Karafcontainer instance

                Display this help message
        -f, --feature
                Initial features. This option can be specified multiple times to enable multiple initial 
        -p, --port
		                Port number for remote shell connection
		Display this help message
	        -l, --location
		                Location of the new container instance onin the file system
        -furl, --featureURL
                Additional feature descriptor URLs. This option can be specified multiple times to add 
                multiple URLs


Note that the console supports tab completion, so you just need to enter ad <tab> cr <tab> instead of admin:create.
