Versions Compared


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Code Block
mvn archetype:create \
  -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.servicemix.tooling \
  -DarchetypeArtifactId=servicemix-bean-service-unit \
  -DarchetypeVersion=2010.01 \ \ \

Endpoint Configuration

Code Block

<beans xmlns:bean="">

  <bean:endpoint service="test:service" endpoint="endpoint" bean="#listenerBean"/>

  <bean id="listenerBean" class="org.apache.servicemix.bean.beans.ListenerBean"/>


Attention: The Bean Endpoint schema allows to set a Bean or a Bean Name. The Bean will create a single instance of the POJO per endpoint whereas the Bean Name will create an instance per request (message exchange).


There are several kind of POJOs you can deploy to servicemix-bean.


In versions 3.1 to 3.1.2 the ServiceMix Bean component will not handle asynchronous messages correctly because the final send of the message marked as DONE back to the NMR will be handled as a consumer message and that fails because there is no corresponding provider message. The only workaround is to send the messages synchronously.

Note: This was resolved in 3.1.3, 3.2.x and later via SM-1110.


Currently (v 3.1), servicemix-bean supports two different deployment models. The first one uses an xbean.xml configuration file where one can configure the different endpoints / beans that will be used. The other one only works with a static configuration file (servicemix.xml) and can not be used with standard JBI packaging but allows automatic detection of the beans to expose.



<beans xmlns:bean="">

  <bean:endpoint service="test:service" endpoint="endpoint" bean="#listenerBean"/>

  <bean id="listenerBean" class="org.apache.servicemix.bean.beans.ListenerBean"/>


Attention: The Bean Endpoint schema allows to set a Bean or a Bean Name. The Bean will create a single instance of the POJO per endpoint whereas the Bean Name will create an instance per request (message exchange).

Static configuration

When used in a static configuration, beans can be automatically discovered amongst spring configured beans:

Code Block

<beans xmlns:sm=""

  <sm:container id="jbi" embedded="true" createMBeanServer="false">

  <bean id="consumerBean" class="org.apache.servicemix.bean.beans.ConsumerBean"/>
  <bean id="listenerBean" class="org.apache.servicemix.bean.beans.ListenerBean"/>
  <bean id="annotatedBean" class="org.apache.servicemix.bean.beans.AnnotatedBean"/>
  <bean id="plainBean" class="org.apache.servicemix.bean.beans.PlainBean"/>


Such beans can be accessed by resolving a URI:

Code Block

DocumentFragment epr = URIResolver.createWSAEPR("bean:annotatedBean");
ServiceEndpoint se = client.getContext().resolveEndpointReference(epr);

Beans can also be discovered by searching within defined packages:

Code Block

<beans xmlns:sm=""

  <sm:container id="jbi" embedded="true" createMBeanServer="false">
          <bean:component searchPackages="org.apache.servicemix.bean.beans"/>


In such a case, beans must have the @Endpoint annotation.

Of course, you can use the endpoint xml element to configure your POJOs:

Code Block

<beans xmlns:sm=""

  <sm:container id="jbi" embedded="true" createMBeanServer="false">
              <bean:endpoint service="test:service" endpoint="endpoint" bean="#listenerBean"/>

  <bean id="listenerBean" class="org.apache.servicemix.bean.beans.ListenerBean"/>


Note: Please make sure that the namespace specified at the top xmlns:test does match to the namespace used in the endpoint's service test:service. When calling the service by the service name then you need to add the namespace in order to find the service like {urn:test}service.

MessageExchange dispatching
