Versions Compared


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Click here for the full List of available type conversions.

The Message interface defines a helper method to allow conversions to be done via the getBody(Class) method.

So in an endpoint you can convert a body to another type via


The type conversion strategy is defined by the TypeConverter interface which can be customized on a CamelContext.

The default implementation, DefaultTypeConverter uses pluggable strategies to load type converters via TypeConverterLoader. The default strategy, AnnotationTypeConverterLoader uses a discovery mechanism to find converters.


The default implementation, DefaultTypeConverter now throws a NoTypeConversionAvailableException if a suitable conversion cannot be found (CAMEL-84). The semantical ambiguity of null (both valid result and indication of no conversion found) is now resolved, but this may impact existing code in that it should now catch the exception instead of checking for null.


New in Camel 2.0

Exposed the TypeConverterRegistry from CamelContext so end users more easily will be able to add type converters at runtime. This is also usable in situations where the default discovering of type converters fails, on platforms with classloading issues.


Discovering Type Converters

The AnnotationTypeConverterLoader will search the classpath for a file called META-INF/services/org/apache/camel/TypeConverter. The contents are expected to be comma separated package names. These packages are then recursively searched for any objects with the @Converter annotation. Then any method marked with @Converter is assumed to be a conversion method; where the parameter is the from value and the return is the to value.


We have most of the common converters for common Java types in the org.apache.camel.converter package and its children.


Available in Camel 2.0
The AnnotationTypeConverterLoader has been enhanced to also look for methods defined with a @FallbackConverter annotation, and register it as a fallback type converter.
