Versions Compared


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This file provides information on how to upgrade from VCL 2.1 to VCL 2.2. Please note it only applies for the upgrade from 2.1 to 2.2, this may or may not work for other versions.

The basic steps that will be preformed


  • Shutdown httpd and vcld services
  • Create backup of vcl database
  • Create backup of web directory
  • Create backup of vcl directory
  • Update mysql schema
  • Copy in 2.2 web directory make any changes
  • Copy in 2.2 vcl directory make any changes/customizations
  • Restart httpd and vcld services

Shutdown services

Shutdown the httpd and vcld services

Code Block

service httpd stop or /etc/init.d/httpd stop
service vcld stop or /etc/init.d/vcld stop

Create a backup of vcl database

We will create a backup of the vcl database. This will provide a restore point if necessary.

Code Block

mysql dump command

Move web directory

This step will move the web directory out of the way, so we can copy in the new web code base. In a later step we will migrate the changes from your 2.1 code base.

Code Block

cd <your vcl web root>
i.e. cd /

Move vcl directory