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Comment: Added example Data->HTML->Data


  • To avoid code duplication, you can extend WicketTester to start in the application path you want through the WicketTester(String path) constructor. It might also be useful to add common initialization for all tests (like basic services and such) and provide an accessible method to add your standard authorization strategy for tests that need it (not all my tests do, in fact most don't). For instance:
    Code Block
     public class AppTester extends WicketTester { 
        public AppTester() {
        public void initialize() { // not always called
            getSecuritySettings().setAuthorizationStrategy(new AdminAuthStrategy());
        protected ISessionFactory getSessionFactory() {
            return new AdminSessionFactory(this);
  • Similarly, you may extend JUnit's testcase (when it makes sense) to instantiate your tester.
  • There are 2 things I usually test on a page: proper navigation and proper data binding. Data binding also includes correct data validation and error messaging. The following is an easy way to test the result of attribute modifiers (see also the mailing for few pointers to the source code of AjaxResponseTarget.respondComponent() as an example):
    Code Block
      // e.g., Your TestCase -class
      private final static Method getReplaceModelMethod;
      static {
        try {
          getReplaceModelMethod = AttributeModifier.class.getDeclaredMethod("getReplaceModel");
        } catch (Exception e) {
          throw new RuntimeException(e);
      public void assertAttribute(String message, String expected, Component component, String attribute) {
        AttributeModifier behavior = getAttributeModifier(component, attribute);
        if (behavior != null) {
          try {
            IModel<?> model = (IModel<?>) getReplaceModelMethod.invoke(behavior);
            assertEquals(message, expected, model.getObject().toString());
          } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        fail("Attribute not found.");
  • For data binding tests, I usually separate them in 2 parts:
    • Data->HTML (rendering): for this test, set your data on the database (through your services if you can) or pass it in the constructor of your class, then check if the correct components were generated and the data was correctly bound to the models of those components (when applicable. For instance:
      Code Block
          public void testRender() {
              // add some values directly to the database, to check the rendering (services are not flexible enough for me)
              // template here is a Spring JDBCTemplate, which is quite useful for running direct SQL queries without much red-tape
                       "update config set value='sampleuser' where name='userName';" +
                       "update config set value='samplepass' where name='password';" +
                       "update config set value='true' where name='allowOffsiteAccess';" +
                       "update config set value='sampleiprange,anotherip' where name='trustedIPRange';" +
              // start the page - my page is package protected for better encapsulation, so I need an ITestPageSource
              // if the page takes parameters, just pass them to the constructor instead of setting them 
              // through the database (that allows for better reuse)
              // [tester] here is an instance of my AppTester described above
              tester.startPage(new ITestPageSource() {
                  public Page getTestPage() { return new ChangeOffSiteAccessPage(); }
              // check that the right page was rendered (no unexpected redirect or intercept)
              // assert that there's no error message
              // check that the right components are in the page
              tester.assertComponent("feedback", FeedbackPanel.class);
              tester.assertComponent("form", Form.class);
              // ok, now check not only that the component is present, but also that the model object 
              // contains the correct value (was correctly bound)
              tester.assertComponent("form:username", TextField.class);
              final TextField usernameField = (TextField) tester.getComponentFromLastRenderedPage("form:username");
              assertEquals("sampleuser", usernameField.getModelObject());
              ... other components
    • HTML->Data (form submitting): this test verifies that the data you set on the form components gets sent to the correct data objects, and that the correct data validation and type conversion gets done. The code for those tests is typically centered around the FormTester. Below is an example of it:
      Code Block
          public void testInvalidLogin() {
              // create the form tester object, mapping to its wicket:id
              FormTester form = tester.newFormTester("form");
              // set the parameters for each component in the form
              // notice that the name is relative to the form - so it's 'username', not 'form:username' as in assertComponent
              form.setValue("username", "test");
              // unset value is empty string (wicket binds this to null, so careful if your setter does not expect nulls)
              form.setValue("password", "");
              // slight pain in the butt, for RadioGroups the value string is a bit complicated
              // I believe it's the pageversion followed by the complete component name (not the relative, now) then the id for the choice itself
              // the easiest way is to render the page once and then copy & paste 
              // pageversion didn't seem to have an effect, so I always replace it by 0
              form.setValue("offSiteAccessEnabled", "0:form:offSiteAccessEnabled:Yes");
              // another one to pay attention: listviews
              // here I have a 3 column iteration through a listview with 10 rows iterating through another listview
              // so it's the listview followed by the row id followed by the inner component in the listview
              form.setValue("addressRow:0:addressColumn:0:mask", "");
              // all set, submit
              // check if the page is correct: in this case, I'm expecting an error to take me back to the same page
              // check if the error message is the one expected (you should use wicket's internationalization for this)
              // if you're not expecting an error (testing for submit successful) use assertNoErrorMessage() instead
              tester.assertErrorMessages(new String[] { "A Login and Password are required to enable offsite access." });
    • Data->HTML->Data (form submitting): this test is useful in case of integration tests executed on a WebPage. This example comes from the two examples above.
      Code Block
              tester.startPage(new ITestPageSource() {
                  public Page getTestPage() { return new ChangeOffSiteAccessPage(); }
      		// check that the right page was rendered (no unexpected redirect or intercept)
              // assert that there's no error message
              // check that the right components are in the page
              tester.assertComponent("feedback", FeedbackPanel.class);
              tester.assertComponent("form", Form.class);
              // ok, now check not only that the component is present, but also that the model object 
              // contains the correct value (was correctly bound)
              tester.assertComponent("form:username", TextField.class);
              final TextField usernameField = (TextField) tester.getComponentFromLastRenderedPage("form:username");
              assertEquals("sampleuser", usernameField.getModelObject());
              ... other components
      	// Here instead of instantiating a new Form we get the just rendered one
      	Form f = (Form)tester.getComponentFromLastRenderedPage("form");
              // assert that there's no error message
              ... other components
  • For navigation tests, in most cases you can use the assertRenderedPage(Class) method. You can follow links by submitting the forms or clicking the link. Below are a couple of examples:
    Code Block
        public void testCancelLink() {
            ... clicked on cancel, verify that the data was not changed in any way
        public void testGenerateQueryReport() throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
            // this one is a bit more interesting, as this page does a download-on-submit
            ... prepare the data for the test
            // prepare the form, fill the data, and submit
            final FormTester form = prepareFormTester();
            form.setValue("dataType", "0:form:dataType:query");
            // check that the submit created a download link
            final MockHttpServletResponse servletResponse = tester.getServletResponse();
            // in this case it's a CSV report, so just convert the whole thing to a string
            final String report = new String(servletResponse.getBinaryContent(), servletResponse.getCharacterEncoding());
            // compare it
            assertEquals("QUERY COUNT\n\n", report);
