Versions Compared


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Create the signature and hashes for the source release and convenience binary files:

Code Block
for artifact in $(find . -type f -name '*.tar.gz');
     echo $artifact;
    echo  Generating ASCII armored GPG signature ”;
     gpg -a -b

  echo $artifact;
  echo  " Generating ASCII armored GPG signature "
  gpg -a -b --digest-algo=SHA512 ${artifact};
     echo  Generating sha512 sum hash ”;
    gsha512sum  ${artifact} |  cut -d" " -f1 >

  echo  " Generating sha512 sum hash "
  gsha512sum  ${artifact} |  cut -d" " -f1 > ${artifact}.sha512
     echo  Generating sha256 sum hash ”;
     gsha256sum  ${artifact} |  cut -d" " -f1 >

  echo  " Generating sha256 sum hash "
  gsha256sum  ${artifact} |  cut -d" " -f1 > ${artifact}.sha256

    1. ASCII armored GPG signatures (--digest-algo=SHA512 select the SHA512 hash algorithm). Configure GPG to always prefer stronger hashes.
      $ gpg -a -b --digest-algo=SHA512 nifi-minifi-cpp-${MINIFI_VERSION}-source.tar.gz    # produces nifi-minifi-cpp${MINIFI_VERSION}-source.tar.gz.asc
      $ gpg -a -b --digest-algo=SHA512 nifi-minifi-cpp-${MINIFI_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz          # produces nifi-minifi-cpp-${MINIFI_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz.asc
      $ gpg -a -b --digest-algo=SHA512 nifi-minifi-cpp-${MINIFI_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz          # produces nifi-minifi-cpp-${MINIFI_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz.asc
    2. Generate SHA256 hash summaries.
      $ shasum -a 256 nifi-${MINIFI_VERSION} | cut -d" " -f1 >  nifi-${MINIFI_VERSION}
      $ shasum -a 256 nifi-${MINIFI_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz | cut -d" " -f1 >  nifi-${MINIFI_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz.sha256
      $ shasum -a 256 nifi-${MINIFI_VERSION} | cut -d" " -f1 >  nifi-${MINIFI_VERSION}
    3. Generate SHA512 hash summaries.
      $ sha512sum nifi-${MINIFI_VERSION} | cut -d" " -f1 >  nifi-${RELEASAE}
      $ sha512sum nifi-${MINIFI_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz | cut -d" " -f1 >  nifi-${RELEASAE}-bin.tar.gz.sha512
      $ sha512sum nifi-${MINIFI_VERSION} | cut -d" " -f1 >  nifi-${RELEASAE}
  1. For reviewing of the release candidate, commit the source release and convenience binaries files along with their hashes and signatures to${VERSION}
