Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



Support or Not

Support filter or Not

show tables



show columns



show catalogs



show databases



show functions



show views



show modules



show jars



show jobs



show connectors



We can see current flink many sql statements only support showing with full datas, without 'FROM/IN' or 'LIKE' filter clause.


In TableEnvironmentImpl we do filter for returned full results.

Some SqlNodes and Operations could be added or changed.

Code Block
// Add SqlDescribeCatalog & DescribeCatalogOperation
// Add SqlDescribeDatabase & DescribeDatabaseOperation
// Add SqlDescribeFunction & DescribeFunctionOperation

// Changed Operations(offerSqlNodes filtering& support)Operations

// ShowCatalogsOperationSqlShowCatalogs
public class ShowCatalogsOperationSqlShowCatalogs implementsextends ShowOperationSqlCall {

public static //final hasSqlSpecialOperator likeOPERATOR sub-clause=
    private  final boolean withLike     new SqlSpecialOperator("SHOW CATALOGS", SqlKind.OTHER);
    // trueAdd for not like, false is likeLIKE support
    privateprotected final boolean notLike;
    // like or not like pattern (sql-like-pattern, consistent with current flink behavior)protected final SqlCharStringLiteral likeLiteral;

    public SqlShowCatalogs(SqlParserPos pos) {
    private final String likePattern;

    public ShowCatalogsOperation(boolean withLike, boolean notLike, String likePattern) { super(pos);
        this.withLikenotLike = withLikefalse;
        this.notLikelikeLiteral = notLikenull;

    this.likePattern = likePattern;

// ShowDatabasesOperation
public class ShowDatabasesOperation implements ShowOperation {

    private final String catalogName;
    private final boolean withLikepublic SqlShowCatalogs(SqlParserPos pos, boolean notLike, SqlCharStringLiteral likeLiteral) {
        this.notLike = notLike;
    private final boolean notLike;
 this.likeLiteral = likeLiteral;
 private final String likePattern;}

    //public inboolean or from to indicate specific catalog or database
    private final String preposition;isNotLike() {
        return notLike;

    public String ShowDatabasesOperationgetLikeSqlPattern() {
            String catalogName,
  return Objects.isNull(this.likeLiteral) ? null : likeLiteral.getValueAs(String.class);

    public boolean boolean withLike,isWithLike() {
        return Objects.nonNull(likeLiteral);
   boolean notLike,}

    public SqlOperator getOperator() {
  String likePattern,
     return OPERATOR;

  String preposition) {@Override
    public List<SqlNode> getOperandList() {
 this.catalogName = catalogName;
     return   this.withLike = withLikeCollections.emptyList();

    this.notLike = notLike;@Override
    public void unparse(SqlWriter  this.likePattern = likePattern;writer, int leftPrec, int rightPrec) {
        this.preposition = prepositionwriter.keyword("SHOW CATALOGS");

// ShowFunctionsOperation
public class ShowFunctionsOperation implements ShowOperationif (isWithLike()) {

    private final String catalogName;
    private final String databaseName;if (isNotLike()) {
    private final boolean withLike;
    private final boolean notLike;
  writer.keyword(String.format("NOT LIKE private final String likePattern'%s'", getLikeSqlPattern()));
    private final String preposition;
    private final} FunctionScopeelse functionScope;
     * Represent scope of function.
   writer.keyword(String.format("LIKE  *'%s'", getLikeSqlPattern()));
     * <ul>
     * }
  <li><b>USER</b> return only user-defined functions
  *   <li><b>ALL</b> return all user-defined and built-in functions}

// ShowCatalogsOperation 
public class ShowCatalogsOperation implements ShowOperation {
    private * </ul>final boolean withLike;
     */private final boolean notLike;
    publicprivate enumfinal FunctionScopeString {likePattern;

        USER,public ShowCatalogsOperation(boolean notLike, String likePattern) {
this.withLike = likePattern != }
    public ShowFunctionsOperation(
   this.notLike = notLike;
       String catalogName,
   this.likePattern = likePattern;

    public boolean String databaseName,isWithLike() {
        return withLike;
   boolean withLike,}

    public boolean isNotLike() {
     boolean notLike,
  return notLike;

    public String likePattern,getLikePattern() {
        return likePattern;
   String preposition,}

    public    FunctionScope functionScopeString asSummaryString() {
        this.catalogNameStringBuilder builder = catalogName new StringBuilder().append("SHOW CATALOGS");
        this.databaseName = databaseName;if (withLike) {
        this.withLike = withLike;
        this.notLike = notLike;if (notLike) {
        this.likePattern = likePattern;
        this.preposition = prepositionbuilder.append(String.format(" %s LIKE %s", "NOT", likePattern));
        this.functionScope = functionScope;
  } else }{

    public FunctionScope getFunctionScope() {
        return functionScope;

// ShowViewsOperation
public class ShowViewsOperation implements ShowOperation {

 builder.append(String.format(" LIKE %s", likePattern));
          private final String}
    private final String databaseName;}
      private final boolean withLikereturn builder.toString();
    private final boolean notLike;
    private final String likePattern;
    private final String preposition;

// SqlShowDatabases
public class SqlShowDatabases extends SqlCall {

    public static final SqlSpecialOperator OPERATOR =
    public ShowViewsOperation(
       new SqlSpecialOperator("SHOW    String catalogName,DATABASES", SqlKind.OTHER);
    // Add IN/FROM and LIKE support
    protected String databaseName,final SqlIdentifier catalogName;
    protected final String preposition;
    protected final boolean withLike,notLike;
    protected final SqlCharStringLiteral likeLiteral;

     boolean notLike,public SqlShowDatabases(SqlParserPos pos) {
    String likePattern,
   this.catalogName = null;
       String this.preposition) = {null;
        this.catalogNamenotLike = catalogNamefalse;
        this.databaseNamelikeLiteral = databaseNamenull;

    this.withLike = withLike;public SqlShowDatabases(
        this.notLike = notLike;
  SqlParserPos pos,
     this.likePattern = likePattern;
     SqlIdentifier catalogName,
  this.preposition = preposition;

// ShowModulesOperation
public class ShowModulesOperation implements ShowOperationString {preposition,

    private final boolean requireFull;
    private final boolean withLike;notLike,
    private final boolean notLike;
    private finalSqlCharStringLiteral StringlikeLiteral) likePattern;{

    public ShowModulesOperation(   super(pos);
        this.preposition = preposition;
  boolean requireFull, boolean withLike, boolean notLike, String likePattern) {this.catalogName =
        this.requireFull = requireFull;
      preposition  this.withLike != withLike;null
        this.notLike  = notLike;
        this.likePattern = likePattern;

    public boolean requireFull() {? requireNonNull(catalogName, "Catalog name must not be null.")
        return requireFull;

// ShowJarsOperation
public class ShowJarsOperation implements ShowOperation {

    private final: boolean withLikenull;
    private final boolean   this.notLike = notLike;
    private final String likePattern;
    this.likeLiteral = likeLiteral;
    public ShowJarsOperation(boolean withLike, boolean notLike, String likePattern}

    public SqlIdentifier getCatalogName() {
        this.withLike = withLikereturn catalogName;

    this.notLikepublic = notLike;
String catalogName() {
        return  this.likePattern = likePatterncatalogName != null ? catalogName.getSimple() : null;

// ShowJobsOperation
public class ShowJobsOperation implements ShowOperation    public String getPreposition() {

      private final booleanreturn withLikepreposition;

 private final boolean notLike;
 public boolean isWithLike() {
     private  final String likePatternreturn Objects.nonNull(likeLiteral);

    public ShowJobsOperation(boolean withLike, boolean notLike, String likePattern}

    public boolean isNotLike() {
        this.withLike = withLikereturn notLike;

    this.notLikepublic = notLike;SqlCharStringLiteral getLikeLiteral() {
        this.likePattern = likePatternreturn likeLiteral;

    public String getLikeSqlPattern() {
        return Objects.isNull(this.likeLiteral) ? null : likeLiteral.getValueAs(String.class);

    public SqlOperator getOperator() {
        return OPERATOR;

    public List<SqlNode> getOperandList() {
        return Objects.isNull(this.catalogName)
                ? Collections.emptyList()
                : Collections.singletonList(catalogName);

    public void unparse(SqlWriter writer, int leftPrec, int rightPrec) {
        if (this.preposition == null) {
            writer.keyword("SHOW DATABASES");
        } else if (catalogName != null) {
            writer.keyword("SHOW DATABASES " + this.preposition);
            catalogName.unparse(writer, leftPrec, rightPrec);
        if (isWithLike()) {
            if (isNotLike()) {
                writer.keyword(String.format("NOT LIKE '%s'", getLikeSqlPattern()));
            } else {
                writer.keyword(String.format("LIKE '%s'", getLikeSqlPattern()));

// ShowDatabasesOperation
public class ShowDatabasesOperation implements ShowOperation {

    private final String preposition;
    private final String catalogName;
    private final boolean withLike;
    private final boolean notLike;
    private final String likePattern;

    public ShowDatabasesOperation() {
        this.preposition = null;
        this.catalogName = null;
        this.withLike = false;
        this.notLike = false;
        this.likePattern = null;

    public ShowDatabasesOperation(boolean notLike, String likePattern) {
        this.preposition = null;
        this.catalogName = null;
        this.withLike = likePattern != null;
        this.notLike = notLike;
        this.likePattern = likePattern;

    public ShowDatabasesOperation(
            String preposition, String catalogName, boolean notLike, String likePattern) {
        this.preposition = checkNotNull(preposition, "Preposition must not be null");
        this.catalogName = checkNotNull(catalogName, "Catalog name must not be null");
        this.withLike = likePattern != null;
        this.notLike = notLike;
        this.likePattern = likePattern;

    public String getPreposition() {
        return preposition;

    public String getCatalogName() {
        return catalogName;

    public boolean isWithLike() {
        return withLike;

    public boolean isNotLike() {
        return notLike;

    public String getLikePattern() {
        return likePattern;

    public String asSummaryString() {
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder().append("SHOW DATABASES");
        if (preposition != null) {
            builder.append(String.format(" %s %s", preposition, catalogName));
        if (withLike) {
            if (notLike) {
                builder.append(String.format(" %s LIKE %s", "NOT", likePattern));
            } else {
                builder.append(String.format(" LIKE %s", likePattern));
        return builder.toString();

// omit here. basically same as ShowCatalogs/ShowDatabases above.
// SqlShowFunctions & ShowFunctionsOperation
// SqlShowViews & ShowViewsOperation
// SqlShowModules & ShowModulesOperation
// SqlShowJars & ShowJarsOperation
// SqlShowJobs & ShowJobsOperation
// SqlShowConnectors & ShowConnectorsOperation

Future Work

to be added

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan
