Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
// Add SqlDescribeCatalog & DescribeCatalogOperation
// Add SqlDescribeDatabase & DescribeDatabaseOperation
// Add SqlDescribeFunction & DescribeFunctionOperation

// Changed SqlNodes & Operations

// SqlShowCatalogs
 public class SqlShowCatalogs extends SqlCall {

    public static final SqlSpecialOperator OPERATOR =
            new SqlSpecialOperator("SHOW CATALOGS", SqlKind.OTHER);

    //protected Addfinal LIKESqlLikeType supportlikeType;
    protected final boolean notLike;
    protected final SqlCharStringLiteral likeLiteral;

    public SqlShowCatalogs(SqlParserPos pos) {
        this.likeType = null;
        this.notLike = false;
        this.likeLiteral = null;

    public SqlShowCatalogs(
            SqlParserPos pos, String likeType, boolean notLike, SqlCharStringLiteral likeLiteral) {
        this.notLike = notLike;
if (likeType != null) {
            this.likeLiterallikeType = likeLiteralSqlLikeType.of(likeType);

    public boolean isNotLike() {
 this.likeLiteral = requireNonNull(likeLiteral, "Like pattern must not returnbe notLikenull");

    public} Stringelse getLikeSqlPattern() {
           return Objects.isNull(this.likeLiteral)likeType ?= null : likeLiteral.getValueAs(String.class);

    public boolean isWithLike() {
  this.likeLiteral = null;
       return Objects.nonNull(likeLiteral);

        this.notLike = notLike;

    public SqlOperatorSqlLikeType getOperatorgetLikeType() {
        return OPERATORlikeType;

    public List<SqlNode>boolean getOperandListisLike() {
        return Collections.emptyList()likeType == SqlLikeType.LIKE;

    public boolean isILike() @Override{
    public  void unparse(SqlWriter writer,return intlikeType leftPrec, int rightPrec) {
  == SqlLikeType.ILIKE;

    public boolean writer.keyword("SHOW CATALOGS");isWithLike() {
        ifreturn (isWithLikeisLike() || isILike()) {;

    public boolean   if (isNotLike()) {
        return notLike;

     writer.keyword(String.format("NOT LIKE '%s'", getLikeSqlPattern()))public String getLikeSqlPattern() {
        return Objects.isNull(likeLiteral) ? null : likeLiteral.getValueAs(String.class);

    } elsepublic SqlOperator getOperator() {
        return OPERATOR;

   writer.keyword(String.format("LIKE '%s'", getLikeSqlPattern())); @Override
    public List<SqlNode> getOperandList() {
   return Collections.emptyList();


// ShowCatalogsOperation 
public class ShowCatalogsOperationpublic implementsvoid ShowOperation {
    private final boolean withLike;unparse(SqlWriter writer, int leftPrec, int rightPrec) {
    private final boolean notLike;
   writer.keyword("SHOW CATALOGS");
  private final String likePattern;

   if public ShowCatalogsOperation(boolean notLike, String likePattern(isWithLike()) {
        this.withLike = likePattern != null;
  if (isNotLike()) {
      this.notLike = notLike;
        this.likePattern = likePattern;
writer.keyword(String.format("NOT %s '%s'",, getLikeSqlPattern()));

    public boolean} isWithLike()else {
        return withLike;

    public boolean isNotLike() {writer.keyword(String.format("%s '%s'",, getLikeSqlPattern()));
        return notLike;

     public String getLikePattern() {}

// ShowCatalogsOperation  public class returnShowCatalogsOperation likePattern;
implements ShowOperation   }{

private final OperationLikeType likeType;
 public String asSummaryString() {
private final boolean notLike;
    private StringBuilderfinal builder = new StringBuilder().append("SHOW CATALOGS");
String likePattern;

    /** Use when there if (withLike) {is no sub-clause. */
            if (notLikepublic ShowCatalogsOperation() {
        this.likeType = null;
      builder.append(String.format(" %s LIKE %s", "NOT", likePattern))this.notLike = false;
        this.likePattern = null;
  } else {}

     /** Use when there is like. */
    public builder.appendShowCatalogsOperation(String.format(" LIKE %s", likePattern)); likeType, boolean notLike, String likePattern) {
        this.likeType = OperationLikeType.of(checkNotNull(likeType, "Like }
type must not be null"));
    this.likePattern = checkNotNull(likePattern, "Like return builder.toString(pattern must not be null");

// SqlShowDatabases
public class SqlShowDatabases extends SqlCall {     this.notLike = notLike;

    public staticboolean final SqlSpecialOperator OPERATOR =isLike() {
        return likeType == OperationLikeType.LIKE;
 new SqlSpecialOperator("SHOW DATABASES", SqlKind.OTHER);

    //public Add IN/FROM and LIKE support
    protected final SqlIdentifier catalogName;
boolean isIlike() {
        protectedreturn finallikeType String preposition== OperationLikeType.ILIKE;
    protected final boolean notLike;
    protected final SqlCharStringLiteral likeLiteral;


    public SqlShowDatabases(SqlParserPos posboolean isWithLike() {
        return superisLike(pos);
 || isIlike();

   this.catalogName = null; public boolean isNotLike() {
        this.preposition = nullreturn notLike;

    this.notLike = false;public String getLikePattern() {
        this.likeLiteral = nullreturn likePattern;

    public SqlShowDatabases(@Override
    public String asSummaryString() {
     SqlParserPos pos,
  StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder().append("SHOW CATALOGS");
     SqlIdentifier catalogName,
  if (isWithLike()) {
        String preposition,
   if (notLike) {
       boolean notLike,
        builder.append(String.format(" NOT %s  SqlCharStringLiteral likeLiteral) {%s",, likePattern));
    } else {
  this.preposition  = preposition;
        this.catalogName =
  builder.append(String.format(" %s %s",, likePattern));
          preposition != null}
        return builder.toString();

// SqlShowDatabases public ? requireNonNull(catalogName, "Catalog name must not be null.")
      class SqlShowDatabases extends SqlCall {

    public static final SqlSpecialOperator OPERATOR =
            new SqlSpecialOperator("SHOW DATABASES", SqlKind.OTHER);

   : null;
protected final String preposition;
    protected this.notLikefinal =SqlIdentifier notLikecatalogName;
    protected final SqlLikeType likeType;
 this.likeLiteral = likeLiteral;
 protected final boolean }notLike;

    publicprotected SqlIdentifierfinal getCatalogName() {SqlCharStringLiteral likeLiteral;

    public SqlShowDatabases(SqlParserPos   return catalogName;pos) {

    public String catalogNamesuper(pos) {;
        return catalogName !this.preposition = null ? catalogName.getSimple() : null;

    publicthis.catalogName String getPreposition() {
= null;
        this.likeType return= prepositionnull;

    publicthis.notLike boolean isWithLike() {= false;
        return Objectsthis.nonNull(likeLiteral)likeLiteral = null;

    public boolean isNotLike() {SqlShowDatabases(
        return notLike;
   SqlParserPos }pos,

     public SqlCharStringLiteral getLikeLiteral() {
    String preposition,
   return likeLiteral;

    publicSqlIdentifier String getLikeSqlPattern() {
          return Objects.isNull(this.likeLiteral) ? null : likeLiteral.getValueAs(String.class);
  String likeType,

 boolean notLike,
  public SqlOperator getOperator() {
       SqlCharStringLiteral returnlikeLiteral) OPERATOR;{

    public  List<SqlNode> getOperandList() {
   this.preposition = preposition;
      return Objects.isNull( this.catalogName) =
                ? Collections.emptyList()preposition != null
                : Collections.singletonList(catalogName);

    public void unparse(SqlWriter writer, int leftPrec, int rightPrec) {? requireNonNull(catalogName, "Catalog name must not be null.")
        if (this.preposition == null) {
            writer.keyword("SHOW DATABASES"): null;
        } else if (catalogNamelikeType != null) {
            writer.keyword("SHOW DATABASES " + this.prepositionthis.likeType = SqlLikeType.of(likeType);
            catalogName.unparse(writer, leftPrec, rightPrec);
        }this.likeLiteral = requireNonNull(likeLiteral, "Like pattern must not be null");
        if (isWithLike())} else {
            if (isNotLike()) {this.likeType = null;
            this.likeLiteral = null;
     writer.keyword(String.format("NOT LIKE '%s'", getLikeSqlPattern())); }
        this.notLike = notLike;
    } else

    public String getPreposition() {
        return preposition;

   writer.keyword(String.format("LIKE '%s'", getLikeSqlPattern())) public SqlIdentifier getCatalogName() {
        return catalogName;

    public String catalogName() {
        return catalogName != null ? catalogName.getSimple() : null;

    public SqlLikeType getLikeType() {
        return likeType;

    public boolean isLike() {
        return likeType == SqlLikeType.LIKE;

    public boolean isILike() {
        return likeType == SqlLikeType.ILIKE;

    public boolean isNotLike() {
        return notLike;

    public boolean isWithLike() {
        return isLike() || isILike();

    public SqlCharStringLiteral getLikeLiteral() {
        return likeLiteral;

    public String getLikeSqlPattern() {
        return Objects.isNull(likeLiteral) ? null : likeLiteral.getValueAs(String.class);

    public SqlOperator getOperator() {
        return OPERATOR;

    public List<SqlNode> getOperandList() {
        return Objects.isNull(this.catalogName)
                ? Collections.emptyList()
                : Collections.singletonList(catalogName);

    public void unparse(SqlWriter writer, int leftPrec, int rightPrec) {
        if (this.preposition == null) {
            writer.keyword("SHOW DATABASES");
        } else if (catalogName != null) {
            writer.keyword("SHOW DATABASES " + this.preposition);
            catalogName.unparse(writer, leftPrec, rightPrec);
        if (isWithLike()) {
            if (isNotLike()) {
                writer.keyword(String.format("NOT %s '%s'",, getLikeSqlPattern()));
            } else {
                writer.keyword(String.format("%s '%s'",, getLikeSqlPattern()));
// ShowDatabasesOperation
public class ShowDatabasesOperation implements ShowOperation {

    private final String preposition;
    private final String catalogName;
    private final boolean withLike;
    private final boolean notLike;
    private final String likePattern;

    public ShowDatabasesOperation() {
        this.preposition = null;
        this.catalogName = null;
        this.withLike = false;
        this.notLike = false;
        this.likePattern = null;

    public ShowDatabasesOperation(boolean notLike, String likePattern) {
        this.preposition = null;
        this.catalogName = null;
        this.withLike = likePattern != null;
        this.notLike = notLike;
        this.likePattern = likePattern;

    public ShowDatabasesOperation(
            String preposition, String catalogName, boolean notLike, String likePattern) {
        this.preposition = checkNotNull(preposition, "Preposition must not be null");
        this.catalogName = checkNotNull(catalogName, "Catalog name must not be null");
        this.withLike = likePattern != null;
        this.notLike = notLike;
        this.likePattern = likePattern;

    public String getPreposition() {
        return preposition;

    public String getCatalogName() {
        return catalogName;

    public boolean isWithLike() {
        return withLike;

    public boolean isNotLike() {
        return notLike;

    public String getLikePattern() {
        return likePattern;

    public String asSummaryString() {
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder().append("SHOW DATABASES");
        if (preposition != null) {
            builder.append(String.format(" %s %s", preposition, catalogName));
        if (withLike) {
            if (notLike) {
                builder.append(String.format(" %s LIKE %s", "NOT", likePattern));
            } else {
                builder.append(String.format(" LIKE %s", likePattern));
        return builder.toString();

public class ShowDatabasesOperation implements ShowOperation {

    private final String preposition;
    private final String catalogName;
    private final OperationLikeType likeType;
    private final boolean notLike;
    private final String likePattern;

    /** Use when there is no sub-clause. */
    public ShowDatabasesOperation() {
        this.preposition = null;
        this.catalogName = null;
        this.likeType = null;
        this.notLike = false;
        this.likePattern = null;

    /** Use when there is only like. */
    public ShowDatabasesOperation(String likeType, boolean notLike, String likePattern) {
        this.preposition = null;
        this.catalogName = null;
      this.likeType  }

// ShowDatabasesOperation
public class ShowDatabasesOperation implements ShowOperation {

    private final String preposition;
    private final String catalogName;
    private final boolean withLike;
    private final boolean notLike;
    private final String likePattern;

= OperationLikeType.of(checkNotNull(likeType, "Like type must not be null"));
        this.likePattern = checkNotNull(likePattern, "Like pattern must not be null");
        this.notLike = notLike;

    /** Use when there is preposition and like. */
    public ShowDatabasesOperation() {
        this.preposition = null;
  String preposition,
     this.catalogName = null;
      String catalogName,
 this.withLike = false;
        this.notLike =String false;likeType,
        this.likePattern = null;    boolean notLike,

     public ShowDatabasesOperation(boolean notLike, String likePattern) {
        this.preposition = checkNotNull(preposition, "Preposition must not be null");
        this.catalogName = checkNotNull(catalogName, "Catalog name must not be null");
        this.withLike = likePatternif (likeType != null;) {
            this.notLikelikeType = notLikeOperationLikeType.of(likeType);
            this.likePattern = checkNotNull(likePattern, "Like pattern must not be null");

   } publicelse ShowDatabasesOperation({
            String preposition, String catalogName, boolean notLike, String likePattern) {
this.likeType = null;
            this.prepositionlikePattern = checkNotNull(preposition, "Preposition must not be null"); null;
        this.catalogNamenotLike = checkNotNull(catalogName, "Catalog name must not be null");

    public String getPreposition() {
     this.withLike = likePattern !=return nullpreposition;

    public this.notLike = notLike;String getCatalogName() {
        this.likePattern = likePatternreturn catalogName;

    public Stringboolean getPrepositionisLike() {
        return preposition likeType == OperationLikeType.LIKE;

    public Stringboolean getCatalogNameisIlike() {
        return catalogNamelikeType == OperationLikeType.ILIKE;

    public boolean isWithLike() {
        return withLike isLike() || isIlike();

    public boolean isNotLike() {
        return notLike;

    public String getLikePattern() {
        return likePattern;

    public String asSummaryString() {
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder().append("SHOW DATABASES");
        if (preposition != null) {
            builder.append(String.format(" %s %s", preposition, catalogName));
        if (withLikeisWithLike()) {
            if (notLike) {
                builder.append(String.format(" NOT %s LIKE %s", "NOT", likePattern));
            } else {
                builder.append(String.format(" LIKE%s %s",, likePattern));
        return builder.toString();

// omit here. basically same as ShowCatalogs/ShowDatabases above.
// SqlShowFunctions & ShowFunctionsOperation
// SqlShowViews & ShowViewsOperation
// SqlShowModules & ShowModulesOperation
// SqlShowJars & ShowJarsOperation
// SqlShowJobs & ShowJobsOperation
