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Project Name

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Generated JavaScript using JAX-WS APIs and JSR-181


Sample shows the generation of JavaScript client code from a JAX-WS server.

JavaScript Client


sample Sample using Document/Literal Style sample illustrates the use of the JavaScript client generator. This sample deploys the service based on the wsdl_first demo, and then provides a browser-compatible client that communicates with it.

Hello World Client sample using JavaScript client


sample Sample demonstrates the use of (non-browser) JavaScript to call a CXF server.

Hello World sample using JavaScript and E4X Implementations


sample Sample demonstrates the use of the JavaScript and E4X dynamic languages to implement JAX-WS Providers.


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sample Sample shows how WS-Addressing support in Apache CXF may be enabled.



sample Sample shows how the CXF WS-Policy framework in Apache CXF uses WSDL 1.1 Policy attachments to enable the use of WS-Addressing.



sample Sample shows how WS-ReliableMessaging support in Apache CXF may be enabled.



This sample Sample is being used to help implement WS-SecurityPolicy, WS-SecureConversation, and WS-Trust within CXF.

WS-Security (Signature and Encryption)


sample Sample shows how WS-Security support in Apache CXF may be enabled. WS-Security can be configured to the Client and Server endpoints by adding WSS4JInterceptors. Both Server and Client can be configured for outgoing and incoming interceptors. Various Actions like, Timestamp, UsernameToken, Signature, Encryption, etc., can be applied to the interceptors by passing appropriate configuration properties.

WS-Security (UsernameToken and Timestamp)


sample Sample shows how WS-Security support in Apache CXF may be enabled. WS-Security can be configured to the Client and Server endpoints by adding WSS4JInterceptors. Both Server and Client can be configured for outgoing and incoming interceptors. Various Actions like, Timestamp, UsernameToken, Signature, Encryption, etc., can be applied to the interceptors by passing appropriate configuration properties.

WS-Security (UsernameToken and Timestamp)


sample Sample shows how WS-Security support in Apache CXF may be enabled. WS-Security can be configured to the Client and Server endpoints by adding WS-SecurityPolicies into the WSDL.

WS-Security (Signature and UsernameToken)


sample Sample shows how WS-Security support in Apache CXF may be enabled. WS-Security can be configured to the Client and Server endpoints by adding WSS4JInterceptors. Both Server and Client can be configured for outgoing and incoming interceptors. Various Actions like, Timestamp, UsernameToken, Signature, Encryption, etc., can be applied to the interceptors by passing appropriate configuration properties.


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sample Sample illustrates how to develop a service that is "code first", POJO-based. This sample uses the Aegis data binding.

Aegis Standalone


sample Sample shows you how you can use Aegis with no web service at all as a mapping between XML and Java.

Hello World using Document/Literal Style and XMLBeans|xmlbeans| sample Sample illustrates the use of the JAX-WS APIs and with the XMLBeans data binding to run a simple client against a standalone server using SOAP 1.1 over HTTP.|


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sample Sample illustrates how external CXF client using SOAP/HTTP can communicate with external CXF server using SOAP/JMS through JBI SOAP and JMS binding component (as a transformer).



sample Sample illustrates how internal CXF client that is deployed into CXF service engine can communicate with external CXF server through a generic JBI JMS binding component (as a router).

JBI and Handlers


sample Sample shows how JAX-WS handlers can be used in CXF service engine. The sample consists of a CXF Service Engine and a test service assembly. The service assembly contains two service units: a service provider (server) and a service consumer (client).



sample Sample illustrates how external CXF client can communicate with internal CXF server which is deployed into CXF service engine through a generic JBI binding component (as a router).



sample Sample shows how CXF can be used to implement service implementations for a Java Business Integration (JBI) container. The sample consists of a CXF Service Engine and a test service assembly. The service assembly contains two service units: a service provider (server) and a service consumer (client).


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Inbound Connection CXF J2EE


sample Sample shows how to expose an Enterprise Java Bean over SOAP/HTTP using CXF.

CXF Inbound Resource Adapter Message Driven Bean


Three samples; three ... new inbound resource adapter samples (inbound-mdb, inbound-mdb-dispatch, and inbound-mdb-dispatch-wsdl). This series of inbound adapter samples leverages the JCA Specification Version 1.5 and Message Driven Bean in EJB 2.1 to activate CXF service endpoint facade inside the application server. For more information about the JCA message inflow model, please refer to chapter 12 (Message Inflow) of the JCA Specification 1.5.

Outbound Connection CXF J2EE


sample shows how to connect with an Apache CXF Web service using a Servlet deployed in an application server; Hello World (SOAP over HTTP)

CXF Outbound Resource Adapter IBM WebSphere 6.1


sample demonstrates the new CXF outbound resource adapter.


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sample Sample shows a client creating a callback object by passing an EndpointReferenceType to the server. The EndpointReferenceType is then used by the server to call back on the callback object.

Stream GZIP Interceptor


Example shows how to develop an interceptor and add the interceptor into the interceptor chain through configuration.

Groovy with Spring Support


sample Sample shows how to create groovy web service implemented with Spring. You'll learn how to write a simple groovy script web service.

Co-located using Document/Literal Style


sample. Note: Project’s README.txt does not provide a sample description.

JMS Transport


sample Sample using Document-Literal Style sample demonstrates use of the Document-Literal style binding over JMS transport using the pub/sub mechanism.

JMS Transport


sample Sample using Document-Literal Style sample demonstrates use of the Document-Literal style binding over JMS Transport using the queue mechanism.



sample Sample illustrates the use of a SOAP message with an attachment and XML-binary Optimized Packaging.

MTOSI Alarm Retrieval (SOAP OVER HTTP)


sample Sample demonstrates a simple CXF based client/server Web service implementing the MTOSI alarm retrieval service.

Ruby Script


sample Sample shows how to create ruby web service implemented with Spring. You'll learn how to write a simple ruby script web service.

SOAP Headers


sample Sample illustrates Apache CXF's support for SOAP headers.


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sample Sample illustrates the use of JAX-WS API's for creating a service that uses the CORBA/IIOP protocol for communication. It also shows throwing exceptions across that connection.

CORBA Bank with WS-Addressing


sample Sample illustrates the use of the JAX-WS APIs to run a simple "Bank" application using CORBA/IIOP instead of SOAP/XML. It also contains standard CORBA client/server applications using pure CORBA code so you can see the JAX-WS client hit a pure CORBA server and a pure CORBA client hit the JAX-WS server.

CORBA Hello World


sample Sample illustrates the use of the JAX-WS APIs to run a simple "hello world" application using CORBA/IIOP instead of SOAP/XML. It also contains standard CORBA client/server applications using pure CORBA code so you can see the JAX-WS client hit a pure CORBA server and a pure CORBA client hit the JAX-WS server.