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Wiki Markup
{include:Key Features}

*We think you will love Tapestry\!* Give us 20 minutes and *[follow our quickstart guide|Getting Started]*.


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h2. What is Apache Tapestry?

| h4. Pure Java and polyglot
Written in Java, suitable for Java applications, you can use Groovy or Scala instead too \! | h3h4. Convention over configuration
Say goodbye to endless XML configuration files. |

| h4. Highly productive
Live class reloading means that the time between seeing an error and providing the fix is seconds, not minutes. | h3h4. Advanced Exception reporting
It gives you all the tools you need to fix your problem: not just a  stack trace, but every bit of information you need to know about what  was doing, why it was doing it, what went wrong, and how to fix it. |

h3| h4. Fast

Without Java reflection use is built to cleanly support large numbers of  concurrent threads. Includes GZip content compression, JavaScript  aggregation, and far future expires headers.

h3. | h4. Testable
\\  \\
Built for testability provides nice testing functionalities enchanting TDD techniques. [See Tapestry covertura reportrepo|]

h3 |
| h4. Scalable

 Scales up big on a single server, and offers great options into a   cluster. Ready for REST, it is suitable for the most staless or stateful   applications.

h3. Component based

Easy to write, easy to hook together and very reusable. Code and templates are lean and mean

h3. Adaptable

 | | | |
h4. Scalable Scales up big on a single server, and offers great options into a   cluster. Ready for REST, it is suitable for the most staless or stateful   applications. |
| h4. Adaptable
Architecture is open and extensible. There's a clean way to add your   own logic, or substitute some logic with your own. Provides integration   with [Hibernate|] and [Spring|]. Third-party integrations with other tools, such as [Quartz|]. | |

| h4. | |

More on [Tapestry philosophy|TAPESTRY:Principles]

h2. Who is using Tapestry?

- !wooki.png!
[Wooki|] : Opensource collaboration app
- !seesaw.png!
[Seesaw|] : Video streaming
- !oed.png!
The definitive [Oxford English Dictionary|]
- !recurtrack.png!
[RecurTrack|] : Personal Budgetting
- !yanomo.png!
[Yanomo|] : Calendar-based time & task tracking
- !cubiculus.png!
[Cubiculus|] : Lego Building Instructions
- !mybet.png!
[myBet|] : Sports Bets Casino Poker
