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How to enable SSH on the VM host:

VMware Server 2.x

: Enable the SSH daemon and configure identity key authentication according to the underlying VM host OS

ESX/ESXi 3.5 & 4.0


  • Connect to the console of the ESX/ESXi host
  • Press ALT-F1 - you should see a black screen with the VMware product name at the top
  • Type the word unsupported and press Enter (you won't see the letters appear as you type them)
  • You should see a password prompt, type in the root password and press Enter
  • Edit the file: vi /etc/inetd.conf
  • Uncomment the first line beginning with #ssh by deleting the # character
  • Save the file - press Esc and then :wq
  • Kill the inetd process
    • Determine the PID of the inetd process: ps | grep inetd
      You should see a line that looks like: 5065 5065 busybox inetd
    • Kill the process (enter the PID from the output of the previous command): kill -HUP 5065
ESXi 4.1

Beginning with ESXi 4.1, SSH can be enabled using the vSphere Client:

  • Select the ESXi host
  • Select the Configuration tab
  • Select Security Profile under Software
  • Click Properties
  • Select Remote Tech Support (SSH)
  • Click Options
  • Select Start automatically
  • Click Start
  • Click OK
ESX 4.1

In the case of ESX 4.1, SSH  is enabled as the default. Using the vSphere Client, you can confirm it:

  • Select the ESXi host
  • Select the Configuration tab
  • Select Security Profile under Software
  • Click Properties
  • Select SSH Server
  • Click Options
  • Confirm that Start automatically is selected
  • Click OK

IMPORTANT: You need to log in as root and to enable PermitRootLogin by editing /etc/ssh/sshd_config:


PermitRootLogin yes

Then, you should restart sshd:


$ /etc/init.d/sshd restart

How to configure ESX/ESXi to use SSH identity key authentication:
