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h2. Kestrel Component

The Kestrel component allows messages to be sent to a [Kestrel|] queue, or messages to be consumed from a Kestrel queue.  This component uses the [spymemcached|] client for memcached protocol communication with Kestrel servers.

h3. URI format


Where *queuename* is the name of the queue on Kestrel.  The *addresslist* part of the URI may include one or more {{host:port}} pairs.  For example, to connect to the queue {{foo}} on {{kserver01:22133}}, use:


If the addresslist is omitted, {{localhost:22133}} is assumed, i.e.:


Likewise, if a port is omitted from a {{host:port}} pair in addresslist, the default port 22133 is assumed, i.e.:


Here is an example of a Kestrel endpoint URI used for producing to a clustered queue:


Here is an example of a Kestrel endpoint URI used for consuming concurrently from a queue:


h3. Options

You can configure properties on each Kestrel endpoint individually by specifying them in the {{?parameters}} portion of the endpoint URI.  Any {{?parameters}} that are omitted will default to what is configured on the KestrelComponent's base KestrelConfiguration.  The following properties may be set on KestrelConfiguration and/or each individual endpoint:

|| Option || Default Value || Description ||
| {{concurrentConsumers}} | {{1}} | Specifies the number of concurrent consumer threads. |
| {{waitTimeMs}} | {{100}} | Specifies the {{/t=...}} wait time passed to Kestrel on GET requests. |

*NOTE:* If *waitTimeMs* is set to zero (or negative), the {{/t=...}} specifier does *not* get passed to the server on GET requests.  When a queue is empty, the GET call returns immediately with no value.  In order to prevent "tight looping" in the polling phase, this component will do a {{Thread.sleep(100)}} whenever nothing is returned from the GET request (only when nothing is returned).  You are *highly encouraged* to configure a positive non-zero value for waitTimeMs.

h3. Configuring the Kestrel component using Spring XML

The simplest form of explicit configuration is as follows:

<beans xmlns=""

  <bean id="kestrel" class="org.apache.camel.component.kestrel.KestrelComponent"/>

  <camelContext xmlns="">


That will enable the Kestrel component with all default settings, i.e. it will use {{localhost:22133}}, 100ms wait time, and a single non-concurrent consumer by default.

To use specific options in the base configuration (which supplies configuration to endpoints whose {{?properties}} are not specified), you can set up a KestrelConfiguration POJO as follows:

<beans xmlns=""

  <bean id="kestrelConfiguration" class="org.apache.camel.component.kestrel.KestrelConfiguration">
    <property name="addresses" value="kestrel01:22133"/>
    <property name="waitTimeMs" value="100"/>
    <property name="concurrentConsumers" value="1"/>

  <bean id="kestrel" class="org.apache.camel.component.kestrel.KestrelComponent">
    <property name="configuration" ref="kestrelConfiguration"/>

  <camelContext xmlns="">


h3. Usage Examples

h4. Example 1: Consuming

  .bean("myConsumer", "onMessage");

public class MyConsumer {
    public void onMessage(String message) {

h4. Example 2: Producing

public class MyProducer {
    @EndpointInject(uri = "kestrel://kserver01:22133,kserver02:22133/myqueue")
    ProducerTemplate producerTemplate;

    public void produceSomething() {
        producerTemplate.sendBody("Hello, world.");

h4. Example 3: Spring XML Configuration

  <camelContext xmlns="">
      <from uri="kestrel://ks01:22133/sequential?concurrentConsumers=1&waitTimeMs=500"/>
      <to uri="log:something<bean ref="myBean" method="onMessage"/>
      <from uri="direct:start"/>
      <to uri="kestrel://ks02:22133/stuff"/>

public class MyBean {
    public void onMessage(String message) {

h3. Dependencies

The Kestrel component has the following dependencies:
- {{spymemcached}} 2.5 (or greater)

h4. spymemcached
You *must* have the {{spymemcached}} jar on your classpath.  Here is a snippet you can use in your pom.xml:
Alternatively, you can [download the jar|] directly.

*NOTE:* The spymemcached client library does *not* work properly with kestrel when JVM assertions are enabled.  There is a known issue with spymemcached when assertions are enabled and a requested key contains the {{/t=...}} extension (i.e. if you're using the {{waitTimeMs}} option on an endpoint URI, which is highly encouraged).

Fortunately, JVM assertions are *disabled by default*, unless you [explicitly enable them|], so this should not present a problem under normal circumstances.

Something to note is that Maven's Surefire test plugin *enables* assertions.  If you're using this component in a Maven test environment, you may need to set {{enableAssertions}} to {{false}}.  Please refer to the [surefire:test reference|] for details.

{include:Endpoint See Also}