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We propose the following interfaces:

  • Parser
  • ExtendedOperationExecutor
  • ParserFactoryDialectFactory
  • CatalogRegistry
  • OperationContextOperationTreeBuilder


Code Block
/** Provides methods for parsing SQL objects from a SQL string. */
public interface Parser {
	// the interface has existed in current codebase, here we just expose it.



Code Block
 * An extended operation executor which provides method for executing operation. External pluggable
 * dialect can implement this interface to execute operation in its own way instead of using Flink's
 * own implementation for operation execution.
public interface ExtendedOperationExecutor {

     * Execute the given operation and return the execution result. This method will delegate
     * Flink's own operation execution.
     * <p>If return Optional.empty(), the operation will then fall to Flink's operation execution.
    Optional<TableResult> executeOperation(Operation operation);


Code Block
 * Factory that creates {@link Parser} and {@link ExtendedOperationExecutor}.
 * <p>The {@link #factoryIdentifier()} is identified by matching it against {@link
 * TableConfigOptions#TABLE_SQL_DIALECT}.
public interface ParserFactoryDialectFactory extends Factory {

    /** Creates a new parser. */
    Parser create(Context context);

    /** Context provided when a parser is created. */
    interface Context {
        CatalogRegistry getCatalogRegistry(); // interfaces provided dealing with get catalog, qulify identifier, etc.

        OperationTreeBuilder getOperationTreeBuilder(); // interfaces provided to build Operation.


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 * A catalog registry for dealing with catalogs
public interface CatalogRegistry {
    String getCurrentDatabase();

    String getCurrentCatalog();

    ObjectIdentifier qualifyIdentifier(UnresolvedIdentifier identifier);

    Optional<Catalog> getCatalog(String catalogName);

    Optional<CatalogBaseTable> getCatalogBaseTable(ObjectIdentifier objectIdentifier);

    boolean isTemporaryTable(ObjectIdentifier objectIdentifier); 

    Optional<CatalogPartition> getPartition(
            ObjectIdentifier tableIdentifier, CatalogPartitionSpec partitionSpec);


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 * A builder for building {@link org.apache.flink.table.operations.Operation}
public interface OperationTreeBuilder {
    public QueryOperation scan(String path);

    public QueryOperation project(List<Expression> projectList, QueryOperation child);

    public QueryOperation project(
            List<Expression> projectList, QueryOperation child, boolean explicitAlias);

    public QueryOperation project(
            List<Expression> projectList, QueryOperation child, List<OverWindow> overWindows)

    // omit other public interaces has implemented in OperationTreeBuilder


These public interfaces refered above will be added to module flink-table-api-java. And then when we want to support other dialects,  we need to include this module and implement ParserFactory DalectFactory to create a Parser and ExtendedOperationExecutor(optional) for the specific dialect.


Code Block
public interfaceMySQLDialectFactory MySQLParserFactory extends ParserFactoryDialectFactory {
    public String factoryIdentifier() {
        return "mysql";
    Parser create(Context context) {
       return new MySqlParser(context);


Code Block
public class MySQLParser implements Parser {
    private OperationTreeBuilder operationTreeBuilder;

    public MySQLParser(Context context) {
        this.operationTreeBuilder = context.getOperationTreeBuilder;
    List<Operation> parse(String statement) {
      // parse it to AST(Abstract Semantic Tree)
      MySQLAST mysqlAST = parseStament(statement);
      // convert the AST to Flink OperationTree
      List<Operation> operations = convertToOperation(mysqlAST);
   private List<Operation> convertToOperation(MySQLAST mysqlAST) {
      // may look like
      Operation operation = operationTreeBuilder.project(Arrays.asList(Expressions.$("f0"), operationContext.scan("t1"
        new SourceQueryOperation(xx));
      return Collections.singletonList(operation)
   UnresolvedIdentifier parseIdentifier(String identifier) {
    // may need to identifier `db.t` to array of [db, t]
    string[] names = parseMySQLIdentifier(identifier);
    return UnresolvedIdentifier.of(names);

  ResolvedExpression parseSqlExpression(
            String sqlExpression, RowType inputRowType, @Nullable LogicalType outputType) {
   // parse sqlExpression to ResolvedExpression

  String[] getCompletionHints(String statement, int position) {
   // just for example, return empty string array directly
   return new String[0];

Then,  specific the class path of MySQLParserFactory MySQLDialectFactory in the reosurce file org.apache.flink.table.factories.Factory to make it can be discovered by Java SPI mechanism. 
