Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • added: The callback method to be invoked when the service is available. This attribute is only meaningful when the annotation is applied on a class field.
  • changed: The callback method to be invoked when the service properties have changed.
  • removed: The callback method to invoke when the service is lost.
  • timeout: The max time in millis to wait for when the dependency is temporarily unavailable. Specifying a positive number allow to block the caller thread between service updates. Only useful for required stateless dependencies that can be replaced transparently. A Dynamic Proxy is used to wrap the actual service dependency (which must be an interface). When the dependency goes away, an attempt is made to replace it with another one which satisfies the service dependency criteria. If no service replacement is available, then any method invocation (through the dynamic proxy) will block during a configurable timeout. On timeout, an unchecked IllegalStateException exception is raised (but the service is not deactivated).
    Notice that the changed/removed callbacks are not used when the timeout parameter is > -1.
    -1 means no timeout at all (default). 0 means that invocation on a missing service will fail immediately. A positive number represents the max timeout in millis to wait for the service availability.
  • name: The name used when dynamically configuring this dependency from the init method. Specifying this attribute allows to dynamically configure the dependency filter and required flag from the Service's init method. All unnamed dependencies will be injected before the init() method; so from the init() method, you can then pick up whatever information needed from already injected (unnamed) dependencies, and configure dynamically your named dependencies, which will then be calculated once the init() method returns. Please refer to Lifecycle Apache Felix Dependency Manager - Using Annotations - Lifecycle#Dynamic Dependency Configuration.
  • propagate: Returns true if the dependency service properties must be published along with the service. Any additional service properties specified directly are merged with these.


  • changed: Returns the callback method to be invoked when the service have changed.
  • removed: Returns the callback method to invoke when the service is lost.
  • required: Returns whether the dependency is required or not.
  • filter: Returns the filter dependency
  • stateMask: Returns the bundle state mask (Bundle.INSTALLED | Bundle.ACTIVE etc ...).
  • propagate: Specifies if the manifest headers from the bundle should be propagated to the service properties.
  • name: The name used when dynamically configuring this dependency from the init method. Specifying this attribute allows to dynamically configure the dependency filter and required flag from the Service's init method. All unnamed dependencies will be injected before the init() method; so from the init() method, you can then pick up whatever information needed from already injected (unnamed) dependencies, and configure dynamically your named dependencies, which will then be calculated once the init() method returns.
    Please refer to Lifecycle Apache Felix Dependency Manager - Using Annotations - Lifecycle#Dynamic Dependency Configuration.

Usage Examples

In the following example, the "SCR" Component allows to track all bundles containing a specific "Service-Component" OSGi header, in order to load and manage all Declarative Service components specified in the SCR xml documents referenced by the header:


  • added: Returns the callback method to be invoked when the service is available. This attribute is only meaningful when the annotation is applied on a class field.
  • changed: Returns the callback method to be invoked when the service properties have changed.
  • removed: Returns the callback method to invoke when the service is lost.
  • required: Returns whether the Service dependency is required or not.
  • filter: Returns the Service dependency OSGi filter.
  • propagate: Specifies if the resource URL properties must be propagated. If set to true, then the URL properties ("protocol"/"host"/"port"/"path") will be propagated to the service properties of the component which is using this dependency.
  • name: The name used when dynamically configuring this dependency from the init method. Specifying this attribute allows to dynamically configure the dependency filter and required flag from the Service's init method. All unnamed dependencies will be injected before the init() method; so from the init() method, you can then pick up whatever information needed from already injected (unnamed) dependencies, and configure dynamically your named dependencies, which will then be calculated once the init() method returns. Please refer to Lifecycle Apache Felix Dependency Manager - Using Annotations - Lifecycle#Dynamic Dependency Configuration.

Usage Examples
Here, the "VideoPlayer" component plays any provided MKV video resources
