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Wiki Markup
h2. Context Component


*Available as of Camel 2.7



The *context* component allows you to create a CamelContext with a number of routes inside then treat it as a black box and refer to the local endpoints within the black box from other CamelContexts.


It is similar to the [Routebox] component, though the Context component tries to be really simple for end users; just a simple convention over configuration approach to refer to local endpoints inside a black box (CamelContext).


Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their {{pom.xml}} for this component:


    <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version -->

URI format

Code Block

h3. URI format


Or you can omit the "context:" prefix.


  • camelContextId is the ID you used to register the CamelContext into the Registry.
  • localEndpointName can be a valid Camel URI evaluated within the black box CamelContext. Or it can be a logical name which is mapped to any local endpoints. For example if you locally have endpoints like direct:invoices and seda:purchaseOrders inside a CamelContext of id supplyChain, then you can just use the URIs supplyChain:invoices or supplyChain:purchaseOrders to omit the physical endpoint kind and use pure logical URIs.



* *camelContextId* is the ID you used to register the CamelContext into the [Registry].
* *localEndpointName* can be a valid Camel URI evaluated within the black box CamelContext. Or it can be a logical name which is mapped to any local endpoints. For example if you locally have endpoints like *direct:invoices* and *seda:purchaseOrders* inside a CamelContext of id *supplyChain*, then you can just use the URIs *supplyChain:invoices* or *supplyChain:purchaseOrders* to omit the physical endpoint kind and use pure logical URIs.

You can append query options to the URI in the following format, {{?option=value&option=value&...}}





First you need to create a CamelContext, add some routes in it, start it and then register the CamelContext into the [Registry] (JNDI, Spring, Guice or OSGi etc).


This can be done in the usual Camel way from this [test case|] (see the createRegistry() method); this example shows Java and JNDI being used...


// lets create our black box as a camel context and a set of routes
DefaultCamelContext blackBox = new DefaultCamelContext(registry);
blackBox.addRoutes(new RouteBuilder() {
    public void configure() throws Exception {
        // receive purchase orders, lets process it in some way then send an invoice
        // to our invoice endpoint

registry.bind("accounts", blackBox);

Notice in the above route we are using pure local endpoints (*direct* and *seda*). Also note we expose this CamelContext using the *accounts* ID. We can do the same thing in Spring via


Code Block

<camelContext id="accounts" xmlns="">
    <from uri="direct:purchaseOrder"/>
    <to uri="direct:invoice"/>

Then in another CamelContext we can then refer to this "accounts black box" by just sending to *accounts:purchaseOrder* and consuming from *accounts:invoice*.


If you prefer to be more verbose and explicit you could use *context:accounts:purchaseOrder* or even *context:accounts:direct://purchaseOrder* if you prefer. But using logical endpoint URIs is preferred as it hides the implementation detail and provides a simple logical naming scheme.