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titleView controller example without @PageBean

public final class UseCase1 implements ViewConfig

public class Bean1 implements ViewConfig
    protected void preRenderView()

public class Bean2 implements ViewConfig
    protected void preRenderView()

Inline-View-Configs (since v0.9.3)

Esp. at the beginning the full blown approach which is available with type-safe View-Configs might look a bit heavy. Several users see the need for the approach later on as soon as their applications become larger.
That was the reason for providing an approach which is easier to use at the beginning. It allows to provide the View-Config at the page-bean implementations. So it's called Inline-View-Config.

However, there are clear restrictions e.g. for using it in combination with type-safe navigation, one page-bean per page is required. That means if you are using a page-bean e.g. per wizard, you have to switch to the full View-Config approach or you will need really one bean per page.

This approach uses the package structure for creating the View-IDs.
Due to this approach a marker is needed which marks the root path. Since there are quite different approaches to structure the folders for your pages, there are several styles for using this marker.

If you have a dedicated root-folder for all your pages (and sub-folders) you can reflect it in your package structure. The following example shows a class marked with @InlineViewConfigRoot in the package *.pages. So the root folder has to have the name 'pages'. Every sub-package will be mapped to a sub-folder. In case of Inline-View-Configs the page-bean has to implement the ViewConfig in-/directly and has to be annotated with @Page. You can use the same features of the normal View-Config including type-safe navigation, lifecycle callback annotations,...

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titleInline-View-Config example 1

package my.pkg.pages;

public final class RootMarker

package my.pkg.pages.registration;

public class RegistrationStep1 implements ViewConfig
  public Class<? extends ViewConfig> confirm()
    return RegistrationStep2Page.class;

//will be interpreted as /pages/registration/registrationStep1.xhtml 

Esp. at the beginning you maybe don't have a folder for your pages. That means if you start with /page1.xhtml instead of /pages/page1.xhtml, you have to specify it explicitely with /*.

Furthermore, it's possible to specify a so called pageBeanPostfix for allowing to use a name convention for your pages beans which won't be reflected by the xhtml file name.

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titleInline-View-Config example 2

package my.pkg.pages;

@InlineViewConfigRoot(basePath = "/*", pageBeanPostfix = "Controller")
public final class RootMarker

package my.pkg.pages.registration;

public class RegistrationStep3Controller implements ViewConfig

//will be interpreted as /registration/registrationStep3.xhtml

If you have a fine grained package structure which isn't reflected in the folder-structure of your pages (or a different name has to be used), it's possible to specify a basePath. Without a * at the end, all sub-packages are ignored.

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titleInline-View-Config example 3

package my.pkg.pages;

@InlineViewConfigRoot(basePath = "/pages/", pageBeanPostfix = "Page")
public final class RootMarker

package my.pkg.pages.registration;

public class RegistrationStep2Page implements ViewConfig

//will be interpreted as /pages/registrationStep2.xhtml

Compared to the previous example the next example shows a custom basePath and all sub-packages will be mapped to sub-folders.

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titleInline-View-Config example 4

package my.pkg.pages;

@InlineViewConfigRoot(basePath = "/views/*")
public final class RootMarker

package my.pkg.pages.registration;

public class RegistrationStep4 implements ViewConfig

//will be interpreted as /views/registration/registrationStep4.xhtml